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Magazines > Computers in Libraries > September 2024

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Computers in Libraries
VOLUME 44, NUMBER 7 — September 2024
Computers in Libraries
Complete Coverage of Library Information Technology

This Month: Rolling with the Punches


Strategic Takeaways From CIL 2024: Librarians Confronting Uncertainties Pick the Top 10Click here for FREE full-text version.
By Daniel W. Rasmus

Page 3

Pulling Up Stakes: Migrating Digital Collections From CONTENTdm to Digital Commons
By Adam Northam

Page 8

The Story Behind Spanish-Language Computer Classes at LPL
By Erik Rock and Teddy Rosario

Page 22
Adventures With AI in the School Library
By Delandrus L.I. Seales
Page 30
Editor’s Notes
Turning on a DimeClick here for FREE full-text version.
By Dick Kaser
Page 2
Noted & Quoted
By Alison A. Trotta
Page 26
News Desk
By Alison A. Trotta
Page 28
From the Innovation Lab
Transforming Teaching and Learning With AI Literacy
By Chad Mairn
Page 14
Building Digital Libraries
Trainers Build a Campuswide Community of Practice
By Terence K. Huwe
Page 17
Publishing Tech Trends and LibrariesClick here for FREE full-text version.
By Suzanne S. LaPierre
Page 20
Online Searcher
Embracing Conversational AI Agents: The Agentic Future of LibrariesClick here for FREE full-text version.
By Yrjo Lappalainen and Nikesh Narayanan
Page 36
Voices of the Searchers
Predatory Is as Predatory Does
By Marydee Ojala
Page 35
AI Corner
What’s in the Springer Nature AI Toolbox
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 41
InfoLit Land
Explaining the Intricacies of Scholarly Publications in a Digital WorldClick here for FREE full-text version.
By William Badke
Page 43

Write for CIL in 2024!

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