Try Today's Hip
Portable Flash Drives 
If you're searching for flashy new technology, look no further than today's
hot key chain drives. Able to hold incredible amounts of information in a small,
extremely portable format, these devices could be the drives of the future. Don't
be a flop; learn about these flashes right away!
by Daniel Fidel Ferrer |
Page 10 |
The Librarians'
Quest: Transforming the Printed Word So That
All May Read
In the past, brave souls would go on quests, trying to win assistance and
equality for people who deserved it. It's good
to know that's still happening today. Bands of librarians are toiling to make
printed works more accessible for the impaired by seeking better formats for
audiobooks. Here, they share their tales of success as well as word of what they
haven't yet been able to overcome.
by Lori Bell, Sharon Ruda, and Tom Peters |
Page 14 |
Building a Home for
Library News with a Blog 
Have you decided to join the blogging craze?
You can buy software packages to start Web logs,
or rent server space, but you can also build
your own if you want something customized. Like
choosing a new house, you'll want to explore
all your optionsrenting, buying, or buildingbefore
you decide. If you prefer the latter, as these
authors did, use their experience to guide your
building plan.
by Doug Goans and Teri M. Vogel |
Page 20 |
The View from
the Top Left Corner
May We Have
the Envelope, Please?
by Michael Schuyler |
Page 34 |
The Systems Librarian
Instant Messaging: It's Not Just for Kids
by Marshall Breeding |
Page 38 |
Online Treasures
Here a Blog, There a Blog, Even the Library
Has a Web Log
by Janet L. Balas |
Page 41 |
Building Digital
Born to Blog
by Terence K. Huwe |
Page 44 |
Techman's TechPage
Memory, Access, and Portability
by D. Scott Brandt |
Page 46 |
Tragically Hip? 
by Kathy Dempsey |
Page 6 |
Page 8 |
People & Places |
Page 50 |
ILS Marketplace: CIL's
Quarterly Series on Library Automation Markets
November/December 2003: Academic Libraries
by Pamela Cibbarelli
Page 25 |
How to Write for CIL:
2004 Themes |
Page 49 |
Library Tech Connection |
Page 62 |
to Advertisers |
Page 63 |