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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2004 > Conference Program
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The Technology Conference for Information Age Librarians
Computers in Libraries 2004 March 10-12, 2004

Hilton Washington
1919 Connecticut Ave. NWWashington, DC 20009


General Conference — Wednesday, March 10
Track A:
Navigating & Searching
Track B:
Web Design & Development
Track C:
Content Management
Track D:
Working & Learning Electronically

Opening Keynote

Expectations for Our Digital Future
International Ballroom Center
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)

Never one to shy away from making predictions or sharing his views of the future, Clifford Lynch talks about: the next generation of the Net; the role of content, knowledge, and information professionals in digital libraries and the digital world; some technologies and developments to monitor as we move to our digital future. As one of the leading visionaries in the information industry and executive director of a 200-member consortium of leadership organizations who are exploring digital content and technologies, his views are not to be missed!

Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


Track A — Navigating & Searching
International Ballroom Center
Navigating and searching, core capabilities of information professionals, are constantly being challenged by new technologies and new techniques. Join our expert navigators and speakers as they share their tips, tricks, and strategies.

Moderated by Randolph Hock, Principal, Online Strategies

Session A101: Searching for Audio & Video Resources
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Gary Price,, & Co-Author,
The Invisible Web

This session focuses on searching and accessing streaming media for research
and library use. Price shares lots of tips, tricks, and resources that you can
put to use immediately.

Session A102: Federated Searching: A Primer & Strategies
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Jeff Wisniewski, Web Services Librarian, University of Pittsburgh

This session provides a brief overview of federated searching: the concept, the technologies employed, and implementation questions and concerns, with special emphasis on the implications of federated searching on the way libraries organize, describe, and provide access to electronic resources in their Web environments.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session A103: Thirty Search Tips in 40 Minutes
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services

Want to turbo charge your Web research? This session is jam packed with valuable tips about how to search the Web more effectively. You don’t need to be an expert to use these techniques, but even long-time researchers will learn some new tricks!
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session A104: Browsing off the Beaten Path
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Karen Ventura, Head of Systems & Technology, &
Andrew Mutch, Library Systems Technician, Novi Public Library

Web browsers are difficult to use in a library setting with multiple users. Browsers have many security holes, include functionality beyond browsing, and are difficult to lock down. Instead of using expensive third party security software or hoping users will behave, try alternative Web browsers. These alternative browsers are easier to configure and secure, include less features for patrons to abuse, support all the current Web standards and plug-ins, and can save staff from needless aggravations.
Session A105: Tips for Keeping Up: Expert Panel
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Gary Price,
Rita Vine, &
Steven Cohen, Assistant Librarian, Rivkin Radler, LLP, & Author,
Keeping Current — Advanced Internet Strategies to Meet Librarian and Patron Needs

Keeping up with all the changes in our industry is one of the biggest challenges for info pros. This expert panel shares tips and techniques for improving your chances of staying in step with our fast-changing online information world.

Wednesday Evening Session — TechForum 2004
[Click here for details]


Track B — Web Design & Development
International Ballroom East
Great library Web sites don’t happen by accident. The speakers in this track talk about what it takes to design, manage, assess, and evaluate library Web sites. Hear from library Webmasters who are people- and technology-savvy to find out how to keep pace with new user demands and opportunities for improvement.

Moderated and organized by Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan Library


Session B101: Library Web Site Meets
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

David King,
IT/Web Project Manager, Kansas City Public Library

Kansas City Public Library recently started tracking Web links, our Internet “list of links” pages. We discovered that local links, like our subscription databases, links to sports teams, and area job sites, were heavily used, and hundreds of other links were not used at all. Rather than continuing to gather thousands of links that won’t be used, the library Web team changed to an “” strategy: We are building daily-updated topic guides with a localized focus. These guides feature local content, area news and events relating to the topic, as well as library resources relating to the topic.

Session B102: Cool Tools Update for Library Web Sites
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan
Frank Cervone, Assistant University Librarian, Northwestern University

Hop on board and look at some great client and server side tools to make a Webmaster’s life simpler. What new open-source or low-cost tools could be used on your library Web site? Come to this action-packed session and learn what’s new, useful, and critical for having an outstanding Web site.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session B103: E-Resources Usage — What Can Logs Tell Us?
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Andrew Ashton, Systems Librarian, Scribner Library, Skidmore College
Joanna Duy, Chemistry and Physics Librarian, Concordia University
Eric Pauley, Computing Consultant, North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries

Libraries with fixed budgets need to identify what resources are in demand and find ways to promote their usage. Andrew describes how the proliferation of proxy servers for managing access to electronic resources presents both solutions and a host of new problems to the task of identifying which resources are being used. He provides strategies for addressing the electronic resource usage along with some specific examples of techniques that may be used to collect, disseminate, and analyze usage information. Duy and Pauley tackle the problem of connecting users to the right e-resource, examining the impact of E-journal Finder at NCSU Libraries, a tool that has more than doubled the use of full-text databases. Learn about the most common searches and failed searches and how to use log analysis to gauge the effectiveness of new e-resources discovery tools.
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session B104: Not Done with Usability Testing Yet!
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Lesley Moyo, Head, Gateway Libraries, Penn State University Libraries

Librarians are known to be excellent organizers, so why are students having difficulty finding information on library Web pages? Moyo takes a close look at 20 academic library Web sites to answer this question. This study follows earlier research into jargon on library sites and navigation elements. Moyo zooms in on site organization and looks at how it affects the user’s search experience. Find out how information classification and clusters and organization structure affect navigation on your site.
Session B105: Why Web Forms Stink and What You Can Do About It
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan

Talking to Web site users reveals that everyone has a horror story about a Web survey, request form, or online purchase gone awry. How well do Web forms on your library Web site work? Webmasters complain that visitors don’t read the form directions, but is poor form design at fault? Learn about the 10 do’s and don’ts of form design and take home practical tips to make your site better.

Wednesday Evening Session — TechForum 2004
[Click here for details]


Track C — Content Management Systems & Strategies
Jefferson Room
This track defines content management systems (CMS) and explores the strides libraries have taken in managing content, from creation through to impacting clients.

Moderated by Stephen Abram, President-elect, Canadian Library Association


Session C101: A CMS Approach at NCSU Libraries
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

May Chang, Web Development Librarian & Steve McCann, Libraries Fellow, North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries

The session describes Web content management systems (CMS), both commercial and open source. A CMS supports the creation, management, distribution, publishing, and discovery of information. By separating content from presentation, content can be reused and transformed into different formats, e.g., HTML, PDF, and PDA. The presentation draws on the experience at NCSU Libraries, where such a system is being implemented to manage a growing quantity and variety of information and resources, providing tips for those involved in such an implementation in their library or organization.

Session C102: New Mexico Digital Documents
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Patricia Hewitt, Director/Tech Services, &
Marcia Smith, State Documents Librarian, New Mexico State Library

More and more state documents are being published only on the Web. State documents librarians charged with the management of state depository programs are facing a dilemma: how to preserve important local materials. The New Mexico State Depository Program began to add URLs to cataloging records, but soon realized this approach was too limited. In addition to providing URLs in cataloging records, it now uses OCLC's Digital Archive Service to preserve certain Web documents. Hear about this library's challenges, strategies, and learnings.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session C103: Making a University's History Accessible
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Austin McLean, Director, Dissertation Publishing, ProQuest
Gary Ives, Assistant Director of Acquisitions & Coordinator of Electronic Resources, Texas A&M University Libraries

By being kept in paper format only, dissertations at many universities are difficult to access and vulnerable to theft, fire, and decay. As a way to
showcase research and academic history, provide access for students and researchers from a single entry point, and enhance the institution's standing
in the international academic arena, digitization and microfilming of retrospective dissertations and master's theses are being implemented by many institutions. Librarian Gary Ives and publisher Austin McLean will discuss a case study for a retrospective dissertation publishing program.
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session C104: The Digital Library from Information Superhighway to Semiotic Web
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Martin Kalfatovic, Head of the New Media Office, &
Suzanne Pilsk, Cataloger, Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Today's information centers have traveled a long way down that Information
Superhighway, going from gophers and telnet beginnings to complex interconnected Web portals. Dead ends are often inevitable and always learning experiences in the fast-paced world of digital library development. As part of the Smithsonian's mission, its libraries have taken the "increase and diffusion of knowledge" into an age of new media technology. From the development of the Web page, to the production of online publications and exhibitions, the Smithsonian libraries have attempted to stay current with the newest developments. This session illustrates, sometimes humorously, how the Smithsonian's digital library was developed.
Session C105: Using Open Source Software to Create a Digital Library
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Pam Osborne, Digital Librarian, Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps is an international relief and development organization based in Portland that reaches 5 million people in over thirty countries. Their librarian
used Greenstone, a suite of open-source software, to create a digital library containing important internal documents and web resources and made it accessible to the worldwide staff via a Web browser and CD-ROM. Information can be found in the collection by keyword searching or by looking in any of the specialized browsing indexes-donor, geography, sector, and subject. Come and hear tips, experiences and lessons learned in creating a digital library.

Wednesday Evening Session — TechForum 2004
[Click here for details]


Track D — Working & Learning Electronically
International Ballroom West
This track showcases the incredible innovation shown by libraries in all sectors - corporate, academic and public. Far from dead, libraries are seizing technology and wielding it to pave new paths, new services, and new success stories.

Organized and moderated by Richard Hulser, Senior Manager, Digital Initiatives, Amgen Libraries


Session D101: State of Library Automation
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University

This session is an overview of the state of the library automation marketplace by an expert who has been covering the automated systems marketplace for Library Journal for the last few years. Marshall shares some recent trends and developments in the field.

Session D102: Building & Managing Digital Collections: A Consortium Approach
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Allison Zhang, Manager, Digital Collections Production Center (DCPC), Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC)

Building and managing digital collections can be very challenging and expensive for libraries. A collaborative facility can provide technical support, tools, and staff to cost-effectively develop digital collections from multiple independent libraries. The DCPC was built through a National Leadership Grant to provide digitization services for WRLC member libraries. This session demonstrates the consortium approach for developing digital collections, including the services that DCPC provides, the process to digitize and build digital collections, the set of tools developed by DCPC, and sample digital collections.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session D103: Building a Library Knowledge Base
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Peter Armenti, Digital Reference Specialist, Library of Congress

Library knowledge bases can facilitate the reference function by allowing librarians to use past answers to respond to new questions, but does this benefit outweigh the cost of building and maintaining them? Using QuestionPoint, a tool for providing and managing reference services, the Library of Congress and other libraries have begun building knowledge bases at local levels. This session explores the issues and challenges encountered in building local knowledge bases, looks how effectively the QuestionPoint knowledge bases meet libraries’ needs, and what steps libraries can take to make knowledge bases relevant, practical reference tools.
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session D104: Transitioning to a Virtual Information Center
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Debbie Wise, Senior Project Manager &
Jennifer Margiotta, Project Manager, ASTD

Associations today are struggling with the decision to maintain or suspend information center activities. Limited resources have inspired creative solutions to meet the demands of a growing public accustomed to the Web-based model of 24/7 information access. ASTD, the leading professional association in the workplace learning and performance field, made the decision to scale back its information center, while maintaining their same degree of high-level customer service. After a 50 percent staff reduction, ASTD had to quickly alter the way it handled Information Center requests. This session details how ASTD went from a custom research service to a virtual information center and discusses the importance of content partnerships, outsourcing, enhancements and upgrades to online research tools, and leveraging Web resources to provide more value to your customers.
Session D105: Uncommon Commons: Beyond the Public Cluster
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Keith Morgan, Client Services Librarian for Digital Resources, North Carolina State University (NCSU)

One way in which the research library can be redefined in the 21st century is by reinforcing the centrality of the idea of library as place, as the central physical presence in campus-wide teaching and learning. One method to accomplish this is by creating collaborative facilities. In its 2002-2003 Program Plan, the Coalition of Networked Information recognizes the importance of collaborative ventures such as "information commons," centers for teaching and learning, and multimedia production and service facilities. The new Digital Media Lab (DML) at the NCSU Libraries is both an example of such a facility and an attempt to expand the boundaries of definition, to create the "uncommon commons." This presentation discusses the questions that arose during the planning process for the DML: Who would staff such a lab and what sort of expertise was needed? What was the best mix of equipment for such a lab? What was the service model for this lab? How do we keep up with the pace of technology advancements in a 5-year plan? What does it mean for librarians when computers in libraries become digital video workstations?

Wednesday Evening Session — TechForum 2004
[Click here for details]

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