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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2004 > Conference Program
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The Technology Conference for Information Age Librarians
Computers in Libraries 2004 March 10-12, 2004

Hilton Washington
1919 Connecticut Ave. NWWashington, DC 20009


General Conference — Thursday, March 11
Track A:
Information & Knowledge Exchange
Track B:
Optimizing Technology
Track C:
Content Management
Track D:
Working & Learning Electronically

Opening Keynote

Ten Years into the Web: The Search Problem is Nowhere Near Solved
International Ballroom Center
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

David Seuss, CEO, Northern Light Group, LLC

As an Internet pioneer and the guiding force behind Northern Light, David Seuss has found himself back in the fray and owning Northern Light again. With his unique perspective of Web history and navigation, David Seuss shares his vision of the "Web of the future" and suggests some areas that information professionals should watch carefully as they develop their plans and strategies for the future.

Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


Track A — Information & Knowlege Exchange
International Ballroom Center
Facilitating the exchange of information and knowledge is another core capability of information professionals and these sessions focus on innovative new ways of meeting the challenge.

Moderated by Pat Ayers, Congressional Research Service

Session A201: Intelligent Systems: The World of AI for Libraries
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Roy Balleste,
Head of Public Services, St. Thomas University Law Library

Communication and information delivery are always concerns for librarians, and the concept of artificial Intelligence ((AI) presents us with a valuable avenue. Intelligent systems represent the next technological frontier within libraries, presenting the potential to change how we offer our information and ourselves to the communities that we serve. This case study illustrates how an AI librarian agent named AKI supplements reference services, explains the main concepts, and demonstrates how librarians can set up the service.

Session A202: Supporting KM with Weblogs
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Michael Angeles, Information Specialist, Lucent Technologies

Weblogging software has received plenty of attention as a quick and easy way to post content to a Web site. Weblogging can also be used to support knowledge management, called knowledge logging, or k-logging, and is emerging as an inexpensive alternative to large-scale KM solutions. The blogs may support research development, share industry information, capture and disperse project information among a team, or just annotate relevant literature for colleagues. This session uses real-world examples to illustrate how libraries can support k-loggers in their organizations and discusses what systems the library can create to make Weblog content findable and accessible.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session A203: Beyond Blogging 101
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Terence Huwe, Director of Library and Information Resources, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley

Weblogs, or blogs, are everywhere these days, and potential library applications have gained a lot of interest and momentum in the past year. This presentation goes beyond "how to get started" and focuses on how blogs influence work styles and organizations. Huwe demonstrates how his organization created a subject-specific blog to meet its user communities and concludes with some strategic recommendations for building a high-value blog along subject lines.
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session A204: Unleashing the Power of RSS
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Steven Cohen, Assistant Librarian, Rivkin Radler, LLP
Jenny Levine, Internet Development Specialist, Suburban Library System & The Shifted Librarian

RSS feeds can easily help you keep up-to-date with the latest news, but there is more to RSS than just collecting content from numerous Web sites. It is a critical accessory to the librarian's virtual toolbelt. This session discusses new tools, strategies, and methods to personalize the content coming into your news aggregator. The first speaker focuses on utilizing RSS feeds to deliver customized content, saving time by making the most out of the aggregator, and ensuring prompt delivery to clients. The second speaker illustrates with a case study of how blogging software is not only great for keeping your library's Web site dynamic and current, but can help improve communication in-house. Combined with RSS news aggregators, this powerful combination makes it easy to post (information and knowledge) and keep up with that flow.
Session A205: Sharing Content: Video on Demand
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Alexander Eykelhof, Director, IT and Colleges Digital Library, The Bibliocentre, a Division of Centennial College

The Bibliocentre, five colleges and a school board have launched a Video-on-demand (VOD) pilot project to deliver streaming video on demand to the business and health sciences curricula in each of the schools, providing them with detailed drill-down access to the contents of the video. This session provides an overview of the planning process, the technical considerations, and the delivery system for the project as well as some of the hurdles in launching the project, lessons learned and the future of sharing VOD.

Track B — Optimizing Technology
International Ballroom East
This track profiles technologies that are worth the hype in today's increasingly Webbed world. It focuses on how to harness these technologies, what to watch out for, and highlights working examples of Web operations and systems in different types of libraries.

Moderated by Andrew Pace, North Carolina State University


Session B201: Federated Searching & OpenURL
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Frank Cervone,
Assistant University Librarian, Northwestern University

Federated searching is the next generation in library services on the Web. This session describes how federated searching provides a single, unified interface to multiple products resulting in better use of resources. It talks about what is available today, what's involved in implementing a federated search service, its impact on the library, and how the Open URL standard and other linking initiatives relate to these new services.

Session B202: Electronic Routing & Personalized Content Distribution: Case Study
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Eric Gross, Executive Vice President, Ozmosys, Inc., &
Ronda Fisch, Director of Library Services, Reed Smith

Subscription management is an administrative nightmare. Delivering the right information to the right people at the right time is vital to a large organization with too many information requirements and disparate content providers. This case study demonstrates how a global top 20 law firm makes managing all of the firm's subscriptions simple and shares their strategy for organizing and controlling information overload and overlook.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session B203: Top Five Prerequisites for Building Successful Library Information Portals
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Eric Graham, System Administrator, GMILCS Consortium, &
Mark Calkins, Senior Vice President, Dynix

One of the most hotly debated issues in the library industry today concerns the shape and form of patron-facing library portals. Portals have the potential to deliver a number of services in a variety of shapes. This session explores five key considerations every library should consider before moving ahead with a portal strategy, illustrating with real-world examples such as consortia, academic, public, and special libraries. Discussions include "out-of-the-box" vs. customized solutions; consolidated searching capabilities; the importance of search functionality that extends beyond Z39 catalogs and includes Web and external databases; and the value of single vs. multiple user interfaces.
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session B204: Next-Generation Library Web Sites
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Andrew White, Associate Director, & Joseph Balsamo, Systems Administrator Health Sciences Center Library, Stony Brook University

Library Web sites are evolving rapidly to keep pace with new user demands. White and Balsamo look at the tools that libraries use to maintain Web site content and discuss how the centralized Web site maintenance model often collapses under its own weight. The presenters describe how their library tackled the problem by switching to using Plone, an open source content management system requiring little knowledge of HTML codes.
Session B205: JerseyCat: New Jersey's Statewide Virtual Catalog & Interlibrary Loan System
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Scherelene Schatz, Consultant, NJ State Library

JerseyCat is New Jersey's Statewide Virtual Catalog and Interlibrary Loan system used by academic, public, school, and special libraries. It is a hybrid system using Auto-Graphics AGent software that has built a union catalog of small library collections across the state. If a patron finds a needed item, it can be requested via interlibrary loan. This session discusses the migration process from one virtual catalog to another, the technical capabilities of the system, and training a field of over 1,500 interlibrary loan personnel in hands-on sessions.

Track C — Content Management Systems & Strategies
International Ballroom West
Delivering content electronically to patrons is foremost in the minds of many library administrators and highlighted on their budgets. This track enables you to learn from those who have been pioneers in digitizing content or in leveraging Web resources and tools to ensure their clients and patrons have the content they want - when and where they want it.

Organized and moderated by Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates


Session C201: Digital Repositories: Now that They Are Up & Running
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Terence Huwe,
Director of Library and Information Services, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California (UC), Berkeley

UC's eScholarship program hosts a large-scale repository of academic working papers, covering the entire UC system. It's been open for business for over a year, enabling information professionals to learn from its experience. Huwe explores the production and dissemination sides of managing collections within the digital repository, as well as the administrative issues facing librarians who manage large-scale digital repositories. He also addresses the longer-term intellectual property issues raised by the digital publication of articles intended to be peer-reviewed in print.

Session C202: Developing Digital Collections: Case Studies
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Nancy Allmang, Reference Librarian, & Paula Deutsch, Technical Information Specialist, Information Services Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

This case study of a digital collection illustrates how the Information Services Division of Technology Services NIST formulated a requirements analysis and development plan for a model system that integrates an all-electronic manuscript submission and approval system for authors with a bibliographic database of agency publications and a digital library, touching on specifications to streamline workflow and digitize publications.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session C203: How to Survive Your Digitization Project
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Bill Helling, Systems Librarian, Crawfordsville District Public Library

Many libraries have undertaken digitization projects without realizing the full scope of the effort required until mistakes are compounded, money is gone, and patience is exhausted. Beyond the costs of hardware and software tools, a digitization project is also a burden on overworked and undertrained staff. This session demonstrates how digitizing a collection can be a success for your library, its local patrons, and even a worldwide community of users through proper organization and adherence to certain sound principles. By emphasizing that a well-designed process is much more important than a large budget, Helling shows that even the smallest library can digitally preserve and share local resources.
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session C204: Using Consortia & Collaborative Ventures to Expand E-Content
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Daniel Mack & Roberta Astroff, Humanities Librarians, Penn State University Libraries
Patricia Wilson, Associate Director, Himmelfarb Library, George Washington University

Electronic formats and 24/7 service anywhere, anytime is the expectation on all academic campuses. This presentation looks at how these librarians have built a series of strategic alliances to ensure these expectations could be met. Wilson talks about the negotiation process used at Himmelfarb Library for creating alliances, the real benefits of such arrangements, and the factors that have led to successes. Mack and Astroff illustrate how Penn State has carved out an original model for the library in publishing in which librarians collaborate with faculty in academic departments and with the Penn State Press on projects incorporating traditional publishing with technological enhancements delivered via the Web.
Session C205: Specialized Content: Web and Software Resources to Support the CI Function
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Margaret Carr, Principal, Carr Research Group

The business intelligence or competitive intelligence (CI) function of organizations is increasingly important, and one in which libraries can play a vital role. There are CI Web-monitoring and software tools to fit most library budgets. Based on 15 interviews with key CI practitioners, attendees get an inside view of what has worked, what has not, and considerations and limitations when selecting services and resources to support different areas of the CI function. Carr shares successes, failures, benefits and pitfalls as well as a matrix and question tip sheet to use for your own institution.

Track D — Working & Learning Electronically
Jefferson Room

In our outcomes-based, learning-objectives-oriented libraries, technology is no longer the driver of innovation and planning, education is. We have staff, patrons, students, and customers to instruct and teach. The environment in which this happens certainly utilizes technology for creation and delivery, but more and more relies first on determining strategic goals, building teams, scanning the culture, and identifying specific needs. This track gives perspective from the learning angle - what are the learning needs of our constituents and what can we do to meet them successfully.

Organized and moderated by D. Scott Brandt, Technology Training Librarian, Purdue University Libraries


Session D201: Collaborations
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Julia Schult,
Reference Librarian/Coordinator of Reference
Jesse Thomas,
Multimedia Specialist &
Krista Siniscarco,
Multimedia Assistant, Hamilton College
Bor-sheng Tsai, Associate Professor, School of Information and Library Science, Pratt Institute

Learning projects and programs rarely happen in isolation. Nowadays, working in liaison with diverse teams and multiple groups is the norm. This session's speakers share insights into and tips for such collaborations, which support learning at an in-depth level. We'll see team-building initiatives between the library and an IT department which provide critical support for instructional initiatives. A multi-library assessment to develop and manage a subject-focused information "learning ground" is also examined.

Session D202: Web-Based Learning Resources
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Barbara Martin, Professor, University of North Texas, &
Yunfei Du, Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
Frank Vuotto, Business/Agribusiness Librarian, California Polytechnic State University

Instruction increasingly lives on the Web, whether as synchronous distance education, asynchronous learning modules, or resources that support various
instructional outcomes. Our first speaker focuses on online delivery of projects using specialized technical solutions, such as ColdFusion-driven Web content. Then we look closely at how subject-specialized resources can function as tutorials to help support learning environments.
Lunch Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Session D203: Organization Perspectives
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Angela Ballard, Information Technology Training Librarian, North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries
Michael Stephens, Networked Resources Development & Training Librarian, St. Joseph County (IN) Public Library

Robert Lewandowski, Trainer, St. Joseph County (IN) Public Library

Well-coordinated efforts to initiate, learn, or celebrate technology require tuning into the organizational culture for perspective, buy-in and systemwide understanding. Trainers play key roles in creating and assessing environments, as well as in motivating people and keeping them charged. This session looks at efforts at different ends of the spectrum - beginning a training program and celebrating successes after technology deluges. Our presentation on building a training program identifies components of the organizational culture that can affect success. Our presentation on celebration highlights dynamic ways to senliven and invigorate a staff.
Coffee Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session D204: Information Skills I: Literacy, Tutorials, Course Management
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Gary O. Roberts, Information Systems Librarian, Alfred University

As learning continues to get more and more comfortable online, needs for tracking and demonstrating progress and success continue to cause a stir. Many are turning to course management (CM) software for help, since these programs offer a suite of tools for large online courses. In particular, the registration and testing features found in CM systems can be integrated with the engaging content of online information-literacy tutorials to support comprehensive information literacy programs. This presentation demonstrates how a tutorial can be enhanced by integrating it into CM.
Session D205: Information Skills II: Higher-Order Critical Thinking
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Gwendolyn Reece, Reference/Instruction/Web Librarian, American University

It is easier to teach and assess simple information-seeking skills than higher-order critical thinking skills, which results in a tendency to emphasize one over the other. However, information literacy requires critical thought, and librarians are finding ways to efficiently and effectively help students and patrons learn these skills. An online information literacy tutorial is used to demonstrate the process and challenges of using technology to design outcomes, providing learning situations that integrate abstract concepts of information literacy and the practical mechanics of information-seeking skills.

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