W28 – Best Practices in Mobile DevelopmentThursday, April 10, 2014 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM Jason A. Clark,
Digital Initiatives Librarian, Head of Digital Access and Web Services, Montana State University Libraries With the incredible rise of the mobile and handheld platform, library users assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this workshop, you learn the differences between native and web apps, understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile web apps, and gain hands-on experience using jQuery Mobile to develop a fully functional mobile-optimized web app. You also have access to a free web server so you can continue to work/test your project live on the web and work directly with speakers so you can have a mentor during and after your project. Come and learn how to move your library content into the mobile setting. Note: Familiarity with HTML and CSS is required, as well as access to a text editor. Participants need to bring a laptop or tablet with access to these tools.
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