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Magazines > Searcher > September 2003
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 11 • NUMBER 8 • September 2003 
The Magazine for Database Professionals
Criminology Web Sites: An Annotated "Webliography"
Whether you're after information on "prosaic" crimes such as murder, rape, arson, and fraud, or more high-tech ones like chemical and biological warfare and nuclear attacks, Ken Fink's article will tell you where to go on the Web to get the facts, ma'am, from government sites to university holdings and think tank offerings.
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Working the Pharmaceutical Pipeline Databases
Tara Breton presents a hypothetical case of why a diligent info pro can get conflicting drug trial information when doing multiple searches on the major pharmaceutical databases and what to do about such disparate results.
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94th Annual SLA Conference
Well, the name didn't change, but Jill Ann Hurst still has plenty to share about the June Special Libraries Association conference in New York City.
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New Life for GPO: Interview with Bruce R. James, Public Printer of the U.S.
Miriam Drake talks with Bruce James, who came out of retirement to take the helm at the Government Printing Office. Find out what changes he foresees within the GPO in the next few years.
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Searcher's Voice
Harry Potter fan bq urges wizard "wanda"-be's to find ways to perform a bit of magic in their everyday muggle lives by knowing the right tricks of the trade to employ when the opportunity arises.

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The Sidebar
Carol Ebbinghouse provides the warning signs to look for, the questions to ask, and the precautions to take to avoid falling into a less-than-"divine" vendor sink hole.
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Web Wise Ways
Marsha Fulton takes the baton this month from Carol Ebbinghouse's "Sidebar" column and tells how to keep a watchful eye on the vendors that are most critical to the various components of your business.
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Internet Express
Are you unhappy with your local school system or have a special-needs child who's falling through the cracks? Irene McDermott will help you find a great supply of home-schooling sites on the Web.
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Best Buys
Before you make those hardware, software, or Internet-related purchases, check out Best Buys!
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Read the comments, corrections, compliments, and author responses to letters about recent columns and features.
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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
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Index to Advertisers

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