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Magazines > Searcher > May 2003
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 11 • NUMBER 5 • May 2003 
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Reference Gymnastics: A Sampler of Creative Search Methods for Librarians on a Tight Deadline
Newslibrarian Nisa Asokan offers some unconventional ways to use commonly accessed Web sites when time and money are both at a minimum.

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End Users on the Web: Why Won't They Listen?
If you're a corporate librarian, you will no doubt share in Tara Breton's frustrations over brilliant associates who insist on clicking half their lives away looking for all the wrong places for the information they need.
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Government Doublethink: Protection or Suppression in InformationClick for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
Miriam Drake's first of two articles on government information access post-9/11 looks at a very difficult balancing act being faced by government agencies: how to keep the citizentry informed on matters of health, science, and technology without adversely affecting national security.
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Grant Money on the Web: A Research Primer
If you've never done funding research before and need to find sources of grants and the requirements for them, learn the four basic questions a researcher asks in this article by Bill Becker.
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(More) Tales of a Searcher's Life
Sheri Lanza and Marsha Fulton each have a woeful tale to tell: Sheri's deals with her trouble holding onto hard drives; Marsha's trials are centered around a malfunctioning software operation.
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Searcher's VoiceClick for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
bq reflects on how information professionals can help archive what is happening in the conflict with Iraq when media coverage is coming in waves like the blowing sands of Baghdad.

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Internet Express
Parlez-vous français — or any other language? If not, Irene McDermott has identified a host of sites where you can go for language instruction, translation or "un peu" of both.
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The SidebarClick for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
In the ongoing battle between the recording industry and those wishing to "liberate" music and other forms of entertainment, Carol Ebbinghouse makes note of the questionable tactics being employed by the recording industry honchos.
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The Better MousetrapClick for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
Joining Nancy Lambert, who will continue to focus on patent information, Matthew McBride begins to share "Mousetrap" columnist duties, addressing other areas of science and technology. For his debut, Matthew looks at the latest Dialog pricing scheme, from both the user's and the company's
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Tools of the Trade
Need some options to the major software packages? Dave Rensberg reviews OpenOffice 1.0, an open source package that works very similarly to Microsoft Word but is easier on the wallet.
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Web Wise Ways
Marsha Fulton reviews Internet Database Service (IDS), version 6.0, the new release from CSA, designed to broaden access to the latest research material in the sciences and social sciences.
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Find the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
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Index to Advertisers

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