Volume 8, Number 5 May 2000
The birth of a book: an end-user searcher research project
by Barbara J. Peppriell
Discusses how a letter to the editor ended in the birth of a book. Relates that a headline reading "Callers: Job candidates are plentiful" in "The Arizona Republic" caused the author to vent her discontent in a letter to the editor after a fruitless, 6-month job search. States that this caused the paper to run another article titled "Workforce Dispute: Older people say firms ignore them" and contains excerpts of the letter. Says that led to meeting Barbara Morris of Escondido, CA, and editing her book "Put Old on Hold." Adds that they became business associates and "WhataBabe" co-conspirators ever since. Explains that WhataBabes are those in the 50s, 60s, and 70s who have expanded their options and accept more alternatives to life than retirement. Details the search effort required to publish the book and concludes with the lessons learned along the way.
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