Linking Services Unleashed
By Jill E. Grogg • Instruction Services, Librarian
Mississippi State University
we talk about the past, present, and future of digital linking
among scholarly materials, time
periods are very short indeed.
In the
past, linking among scholarly materials, specifically among and
between bibliographic records
and their corresponding full
was exclusively internal or external to a particular system. For
example, large, aggregated, full-text
databases, such as those offered
by ProQuest, OCLC, or EBSCO,
linked internally between bibliographic
records and full text housed
within the same service. On the
hand, some bibliographic databases, such as those offered by SilverPlatter,
might link from bibliographic
records to full text housed elsewhere,
either at an aggregated service
or at a publisher's Web site.
an effort to increase access, content providers soon moved beyond
just internal or external linking
and began offering both options,
linking to material housed internally
and externally.
By no means does this end
the story,however. Linking
options and alternatives morphed
again into context-sensitive
linking or reference linking.
No longer is it sufficient
to offer a one-to-one link
from a bibliographic record
or a reference in a bibliography
to the corresponding full text
housed either internally or
externally. Depending on the
affiliation of the user clicking
on such a one-to-one link,
he or she may or may not have
rights of access. For example,
a link in an EBSCOhost database
may be able to take a user
from the EBSCOhost database
to a publisher's Web site,
but unless that user has an
institutional or personal subscription,
he or she may be denied access.
Hence, librarians encounter
the "appropriate copy" problem,
the challenge of providing
a legitimate copy of any given
material to users, whether
digital or print.
In addition to reaching full
text through reference linking,
librarians want users to be
aware of local print holdings,
interlibrary loan, and document
delivery options. How can libraries
and information centers offer
one link, from any source (database,
OPAC, e-journal subscription
at publisher's Web site), to
any appropriate other source
(full text, print holdings,
other e-journal subscriptions,
ILL, document delivery)? Libraries
and information centers can
offer such dynamic linking
through context-sensitive linking
by the rather elegant inclusion
of a linking technology known
as the OpenURL.
The OpenURL framework was
developed by Herbert Van de
Sompel and a team at Ghent
University and by Oren Beit-Arie
at Ex Libris. In a nutshell,
the OpenURL framework standardizes
the transportation of metadata
as a syntax for transporting
metadata and identifiers. Currently,
the standard is undergoing
review through a standards
committee, the National Information
Standards Organization (NISO)
Committee AX [http://library.caltech.edu/openurl/].
One of the remarkable aspects
of the OpenURL technology is
its ability to take "into account
the user and the context in
which the user is attempting
to gain access" to a particular
a fuller explanation of the
OpenURL written in accessible
language, see Priscilla Caplan's "A
Lesson in Linking."2 For
a technical discussion of the
OpenURL, see Mark Needleman's "The
OpenURL: An Emerging Standard
for Linking."]
Since its development, several
services have evolved which
use the OpenURL framework to
offer seamless, context-sensitive
linking. Overall, these services
have evolved in an academic
environment, attracting academic
libraries as their initial
customers. However, with the
dynamic flexibility of the
OpenURL framework, the sky
is the limit for all types
of information centers. This
article will profile four services:
Ex Libris' SFX, Endeavor's
LinkFinderPlus, Openly
Informatic's 1Cate, and the
University of North Carolina
at Greensboro's Journal Finder.
Using the OpenURL framework,
all four services introduce
a rather simple feature into
the world of traditional linking:
a middleman. Instead of a one-to-one
traditional link from one source
(e.g., abstracting and indexing
service) to only one target
(e.g., full text housed at
an aggregator or publisher's
Web site), the link now travels
through a linking service,
which takes the user to one
screen containing any number
of appropriate copy options.
Ex Libris and SFX
Ex Libris, and more specifically
the product SFX [http://www.sfxit.com],
pioneered this linking service
game, first throwing its hat
into the ring about 5 years
ago. According to Jenny Walker,
director of Sales and Marketing,
Information Services Division, "Ex
Libris and SilverPlatter were
technology partners in the
initial SFX research work undertaken
at Ghent University in Belgium
by Herbert Van de Sompel and
his team." In February 2000,
Ex Libris acquired the full
rights to SFX (short for special
effects, named by Van de Sompel)
from Ghent University. Walker
states that in early 2000 at
approximately the same time,
Oren Beit-Arie at Ex Libris,
together with Van de Sompel, "further
developed the concept of the
SFX URL and created OpenURL." Both
Beit-Arie and Van de Sompel
have written several articles
about the OpenURL and open
linking in general for libraries3.
The SFX linking service allows
a library or information center
to define its local resources.
This sort of localized control
translates into context-sensitive
reference linking for the user.
In order to implement SFX,
an information center can purchase
a server on which the linking
server application or linking
resolver runs. Such a server
could be used by one library
or housed centrally for a consortium.
SFX works either as a stand-alone
product or with an integrated
library system (ILS), such
as an ILS sold by Ex Libris
or other companies. If an information
center chooses not to purchase
its own server, it can pay
Ex Libris to host the linking
resolver on a remote server.
Most libraries and information
centers, by far, choose the
former option to purchase their
own servers and host the linking
resolver locally.
The localized control for
SFX resides in the KnowledgeBase.
TheKnowledgeBase is generally
a global linking "database
containing rules for OpenURL
linking, including which journals
are available from each publisher/aggregator,
coverage dates, and the required
linking syntax."4 Libraries
then upload local subscription
and holdings data into the
KnowledgeBase (manually or
batch), thus customizing the
KnowledgeBase to reflect the
range of the local collection:
digital and print. If a library
already uses a service such
as SerialsSolutions, then the
information provided by SerialsSolutions
can be used for a batch upload
into the KnowledgeBase. Beyond
the local collection, the KnowledgeBase
can also be modified to include "extended" services,
such as links to interlibrary
loan, local FAQs, or preferred
document delivery services.
The addition of the link
server or link resolver, the
middleman, allows libraries
and information centers to
take users accessing their
system from any source an
abstract database search, the
OPAC, or others to appropriate
targets full text, abstract
databases, etc. The OpenURL
framework supports this dynamic
linking. The OpenURL contains
the standardized metadata about
the material to be retrieved,
as well as the affiliation
of the user. Harry E. Samuels,
Digital Project coordinator
for Endeavor Information Systems,
provides us with an example
of an OpenURL using LinkFinderPlus:
An OpenURL using SFX might
look like the following: http://sfx.aaa.edu/menu?genre=article&issn=12345678&volume=
The University of Tennessee,
Knoxville (UTK) Libraries implemented
SFX in 2001 and released it
to users in August 2001. Maribeth
Manoff, Systems librarian at
UTK, notes, "We have run into
glitches here and there, but
overall it's been a great service." When
asked why UTK chose SFX over
other possible linking services,
Manoff states, "From the research
we did, SFX was the most well-known
service and it was the one
that was ready to go." Manoff
went on to comment, "We considered
LinkFinderPlus," but
at the time when UTK was considering
the purchase of a linking service,
LinkFinderPlus had
not yet been fully released.
SFX has been involved in
several key partnerships, particularly
with CrossRef from the Publishers
International Linking Association
(PILA). The OpenURL framework
complements CrossRef and makes
SFX compatible with CrossRef.
CrossRef uses Digital Object
Identifiers, or DOIs, and DOIs
work as metadata within the
OpenURL framework. SFX provides
an example of an OpenURL containing
a DOI: http://sfxserver.uni.edu/sfxmenu?
In addition to current projects
and enhancements, Walker described
the following new development:
A recent development includes
the ability for two SFX servers or
two SFX "instances" on a
shared server to communicate
server-to-server through
use of an API. This is being
used in consortial environments
where shared or core "just-in-time" basis
with the individual member
institutions. This work has
been undertaken initially
in conjunction with the California
Digital Library, which hosts
an SFX server for all CDL
shared resources, and one
of their member institutions,
University of California
Davis (UCD), who hosts their
own SFX server and configures
this only for resources and
services that are unique
to UCD.
Walker mentioned several
other new partnerships and
developments for SFX, including
early trials with the new OpenURL
v. 1.0, once NISO releases
it (probably in early 2003)
and further SFX development
with the Internet2 Shibboleth
group related to attribute-based
authentication. In terms of
cost, SFX pricing is based
on a full-time enrollment (FTE)
count for academic sites and
a population served or registered
patron count for public libraries.
In general, Ex Libris charges
a one-time license fee plus
an annual maintenance charge.
Endeavor Information
Systems and LinkFinderPlus
Endeavor Information Systems
sold its first Voyager system,
an integrated library management
system, to Michigan Technological
University in 1994. Since that
time Endeavor has expanded
its services to include a variety
of products available for separate
purchase or as add-ons to the
Voyager system, including an
interlibrary loan module, a
citation server, and more.
The latest service to join
the Endeavor family of products
is LinkFinderPlus [http://www.endinfosys.com/prods/linkfinderplus.htm],
Endeavor's link server application.
According to Penny Emke, Marketing
Communication manager of Endeavor
Information Systems, Endeavor
recognized that "users were
frustrated with the multi-step
process of looking up a citation
in an A&I database, determining
if the journal is in the OPAC
or going to a separate Web
page list of e-journals to
discover if the library has
access to the journal." LinkFinderPlus was
designed to meet the changing
needs of library users. "LinkFinderPlus bridges
the gap between citations and
the online full-text of the
article, providing maximum
usage of the library's electronic
journal subscriptions," states
Released in June 2002, LinkFinderPlus is
available as a stand-alone
product or as part of EnCompass,
Endeavor's digital library
system. As of November 2002,
when Endeavor introduced LinkFinderPlus 3.0,
Endeavor had 41 EnCompass installations
and 52 LinkFinderPlus installations
worldwide [http://www.endinfosys.com/news/lfp3fin.htm].
Typically, libraries or information
centers using LinkFinderPlus purchase
a server and house the server
themselves. For these customers
Endeavor usually installs the
linkingserver software remotely.
However, a customer may send
its server to Endeavor to have
the LinkFinderPlus software
installed. Upon completion
of the installation, Endeavor
returns the server to the customer.
Endeavor also offers a remote
hosted option, wherein the
company will house the server6.
LinkFinderPlus comes
with a pre-configured knowledge
database of over 13,000 journals.
To indicate which particular
full-text resources it subscribes
to, a library or information
center need only check or un-check
boxes within the knowledge
database. Rachel Frick, head
of Bibliographic Access Services
at the University of Richmond,
notes, "Once I walked through
the steps of setting up the
knowledge base I was able to
just roll with it and activate
all of our available resources.
Very easy to learn." Using
the administrative client,
LinkFinderPlus customers
can further customize the services
provided to library users.
The library may rank the resources
that it would like to provide
to its users, e.g., to present
the most appropriate copy first,
and add extended services beyond
electronic full text, e.g.,
links to interlibrary loan
services, search engines, and
online booksellers.
To enhance the services provided
to libraries using both SerialsSolutions
and LinkFinderPlus,
Endeavor recently established
a partnership with SerialsSolutions "that
will allow mutual clients to
easily transfer and integrate
data between their respective
content management systems." According
to Emke, "Libraries can use
information from services like
SerialsSolutions to activate
targets from within the LinkFinderPlus Knowledge
Base...which saves the library
time in implementing and maintaining
their linking system."
Like SFX, LinkFinderPlus relies
upon and complements industry
standards and initiatives,
such as the OpenURL and CrossRef.
Adds Emke, "By employing the
OpenURL protocol, LinkFinderPlus offers
intuitive linking from citations
to full-text, additional resources,
and 'more like this' extended
services." When asked about
the current pricing structure
for LinkFinderPlus,Emke
states that "agreements with
our customers restrict Endeavor
from releasing pricing information." However,
Emke notes that LinkFinderPlus is
a competitively priced system.
Openly Informatics
and 1Cate
Openly Informatics has also
developed a linking service,
1Cate [http://www.openly.com/1cate/].
Eric Hellman, president of
Openly Informatics, founded
the company in the late 1990s.
Formerly a research scientist
at Bell Labs, Hellman became
involved in linking technology
while building an automated
e-journal publishing system
for the MRS Internet Journal
of Nitride Semiconductor Research.
Openly Informatics first entered
the linking service arena through
involvement in jake (the jointly
administered knowledge environment),
a free software initiative
maintaining information about
databases and aggregated collections.
1Cate, which stands for 1-click-access-to-everything,
grew out of Openly Jake, a
framework for customizing data
from jake. However, Openly
has moved away from jake and
expanded its link server products
to interact with other data
Openly hosts the 1Cate linking
server or linking resolver,
also called Hosted 1Cate, remotely.
The subscribing institution
provides Openly with information
about the library's configurations
and data sources, as well as
Web page design. Using its
link server, Openly creates
a link server Web site based
upon the institution's specifications.
Under this arrangement, the
library does not purchase any
hardware or software.
Hosted 1Cate offers a number
of features, one of them the
automatic creation of Alphabetical
Journal Lists. Using the list
of data sources that the library
or information center provides,
1Cate will automatically provide
alphabetical title lists with
a word search capability. The
Hosted 1Cate package also includes
the JournalSeek Linking Database.
This database, created through
a partnership between Openly
and Genamics.com, provides
journal descriptions and linking
information for over 9,000
e-journals. Another useful
module, the Link.Openly Server, "uses
open XML standards to make
'deep' links to e-journals
at the volume, issue, and article
level." According to the Openly
Informatics Web site, 1Cate
offers UltraCustomization,
making 1Cate look and feel
like it is part of the library's
Web site. If using the standard
link server does not meet a
library's needs, Openly Informatics
offers Custom 1Cate, a service
in which Openly will customize
a link server based upon a
library's unique requirements.
Instead of paying a purchase
price and a monthly maintenance
fee, 1Cate is a leased service.
Marketing 1Cate primarily to
academic libraries, Openly
Informatics bases its pricing
upon the full-time enrollment
(FTE) of the academic institutions,
as well as the number of products
and features the library wishes
to include. There are three
pricing tiers: basic, middle,
and research. According to
Hellman, Openly Informatics
shortly expects to announce
sales of 1Cate through an independent
While Openly Informatics
does not offer an ILS in conjunction
with 1Cate and is not affiliated
with any particular ILS vendor,
it has several ILS vendors
as customers. According to
Hellman, Openly Informatics
has concentrated its efforts
on developing the technology
behind its client software,
and ILS vendors have purchased
these pieces of software to
use inside their products.
For example, Endeavor Information
Systems entered into partnership
with Openly to provide extended
access to resources through
its own link server system,
LinkFinderPlus. Endeavor
integrated the JournalSeek
database, as well as the Link.Openly
service, into LinkFinderPlus.
University of North
Carolina at Greensboro and
Journal Finder
Unlike the previous three
commercial linking services,
an academic institution, the
Walter Clinton Jackson Library
at the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG),
created Journal Finder and
released it to the public in
August 2001. As described by
its creators, "Journal Finder
is a locally developed software
product that lets patrons search
for a journal title and receive
several options for that title."8 Much
like SFX, LinkFinderPlus,
and 1Cate, Journal Finder works
as a behind-the-scenes linking
service application that allows
the library to offer one-stop
shopping for all its digital
and print collections, as well
as document delivery, ILL,
and remote library catalog
When asked what prompted
UNCG to create its own linking
service, Tim Bucknall, Assistant
director of Information Technologies
and Electronic Resources, replied, "At
the time we built Journal Finder,
SFX was in beta and was not
commercially available. LinkFinderPlus wasn't
even in development, as far
as I know.... We had already
been doing the content portion
(i.e., the e-journal holdings)
for some time. ... We also
thought SFX was quite expensive
for what it did."
Journal Finder functions
both as a linking resolver
and an A through Z listing
of electronic serials (very
similar to a product like SerialsSolutions).
The linking resolver works
based on the OpenURL framework,
and the A through Z listing
contains dates of coverage
for serials from different
providers, thus allowing users
to access full text. Bucknall
notes, "The main disadvantage
to Journal Finder is that we
make no attempt to provide
global content for as many
full-text e-resources as possible.
Our content is limited to the
100+ full text products to
which UNCG has access."
Journal Finder also has some
unique features, such as the
ability to "correct" user typing
mistakes. Bucknall explains:
Journal Finder doesn't
just search on the journal
title string that the user
enters. We run it through
a filter that removes "the," "and," "&," and
most punctuation, and chops
off journal subtitles. The "improved" search
string is then searched against
a field that contains titles,
title abbreviations, and
title variants. If the user
makes a typing mistake and
we find similar (but not
exact) matches in our database,
then the user is alerted
to that fact and redirected
to those similar titles.
Users can access Journal
Finder and its linking capabilities
from other databases, the UNCG
OPAC, or can search it directly
by visiting http://journalfinder.uncg.edu/uncg.
According to Bucknall, future
plans for Journal Finder include
expanding and refining OpenURL
linking capability as well
as adding corporate authors
and more periodical title abbreviations
along with added titles.
Because Journal Finder was
developed specifically for
UNCG and the university uses
the DRA system, it is compatible
with the DRA Web 2 system.
However, Bucknall states that
Journal Finder should work
fine with Ex Libris, Endeavor,
or most anything else. The
caveat is that there are some
different options for integrating
Journal Finder with different
ILSs and different technical
services workflows, and some
options consume more time than
UNCG does want to collaborate
on its product with other institutions.
Currently, Journal Finder is
in use at six DRA sites and
four Innovative Interfaces
Incorporated sites. In terms
of pricing for collaboration,
there are two options: 1) consulting,
at $5,000 plus expenses, and
2) hosting, at $1 per FTE per
year, with a minimum of $1,000
per year.
We've Come a Long
The four services profiled
above are not the only linking
services in town. According
to Albert Simmonds, Business
manager, Registry & Metadata
Services at OCLC, OCLC has
also developed its own OpenURL-compliant
linking service, OCLC Cooperative
Rights & Resolution Service
(R & R). OCLC's R & R
is a cooperatively developed
central repository for rights
information. A library registers
holdings for its print and
electronic serials, as well
as its aggregator databases.
The R & R service compares
the rights metadata for those
sources to user requests and
delivers the appropriate copies
to users. Pending approval
by the OCLC management team,
the R & R service is tentatively
scheduled for release in April
Regardless of vendor, the
main goal of all linking services
is never to leave the user
at a dead end, to provide users
with access to their appropriate
copies. If digital or print
subscriptions are not an option,
then the service should offer
the user ILL or document delivery,
or even access via another
library's catalog. When we
consider the sophistication
of these systems and their
capability to link seamlessly
among differing resources,
we also need to think about
how far we've come in a relatively
short period of time. As a
gauge, the number of publications
listed in Fulltext Sources
Online (FSO) has
grown from approximately 4,400
in 1993, to 13,084 in July
2000, and as of July 2002,
the main section of FSO contains
entries for 17,467 publications.
In 1993, less than 10 years
ago, services such as SFX were
not even a gleam in their creators'
eyes. We've certainly come
a long way, and we have linking
advances and services not yet
Brandsma, Terry W.,
Elizabeth R. Bernhardt,
and Dana M. Sally, "Journal
Finder: A Solution
for Comprehensive and
Unmediated Access to
Journal Articles," Serials
Review, vol.28,
no.1, 2002, pp. 13-20.
Caplan, Priscilla, "A
Lesson in Linking," Library
Journal NetConnect:
Supplement to Library
Journal and School
Library Journal,
vol.126, no. 17, Fall
2001, pp. 16-18.
Collins, Maria and
Christine L. Ferguson, "Context-Sensitive
Linking: It's a Small
World After All," Serials
Review, vol. 28,
no. 4, 2002, forthcoming.
Needleman, Mark, "The
OpenURL: An Emerging
Standard for Linking," Serials
Review, vol. 28,
no. 1, 2002, pp. 76+.
Samuels, Harry E., "What
Is an OpenURL?," Available
at http://www.endinfosys.com/pdf/openurl4_02.pdf.
Van de Sompel, Herbert
and Oren Beit-Arie, "Generalizing
the OpenURL Framework
Beyond References to
Scholarly Works," D-Lib
Magazine, vol.
7, no. 7/8, July/August
2001; available at
Van de Sompel, Herbert
and Oren Beit-Arie, "Open
Linking in the Scholarly
Information Environment
Using the OpenURL Framework," D-Lib
Magazine, vol.
7, no. 3, March 2001;
available at
vandesompel/03vandesompel.html. |
1 Mark
Needleman, "The OpenURL:
An Emerging Standard for
Linking," Serials
Review, vol. 28, no. 1,
2002, pp. 76+.
2 Priscilla
Caplan, "A Lesson in Linking," Library
Journal NetConnect: Supplement
to Library Journal and School
Library Journal, vol.126,
no. 17, Fall 2001, pp. 16-18.
3 Herbert
Van de Sompel and Oren Beit-Arie, "Generalizing
the OpenURL Framework Beyond
References to Scholarly Works," D-Lib
Magazine, vol. 7, no. 7/8,
July/Aug. 2001. Available at
Herbert Van de Sompel and
Oren Beit-Arie, "Open Linking
in the Scholarly Information
Using the OpenURL Framework," D-Lib
Magazine, vol. 7, no. 3,
March 2001. Available at
4 Maria
Collins and Christine L. Ferguson, "Context-Sensitive
Linking: It's a Small World
After All," Serials Review,
vol. 28, no. 4 , 2002, forthcoming.
5 Harry
E. Samuels, "What Is an OpenURL?" Available
6 Collins
and Ferguson, Serials Review.
7 Collins
and Ferguson, Serials Review.
8 Terry
W. Brandsma, Elizabeth R. Bernhardt,
and Dana M. Sally, "Journal
Finder: A Solution for Comprehensive
and Unmediated Access to
Journal Articles," Serials Review vol.28,
no. 1, 2002, pp. 14+.
Jill E. Grogg's email
address is: [jgrogg@library.msstate.edu].
Christine L. Ferguson's email address is: [cferguson@library.msstate.edu]