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New Book Provides Guidance for Library Managers
The Accidental Library Manager offers thorough coverage of the skills and background new and potential library managers need to succeed in their positions

The Accidental Systems Librarian
January 3, 2005, Medford, NJ—Information Today, Inc. announced the publication of the latest title in the “Accidental” series of books, The Accidental Library Manager by Rachel Singer Gordon. The new book addresses the needs of librarians faced with unexpected management roles, including those who never realized they would be going into management, and those whose education has not fully prepared them for the challenges of management.

Most librarians enter the field intending to focus on a particular specialty, but they eventually need to take on certain supervisory or managerial responsibilities in order to move forward. The Accidental Library Manager provides support and background, showing library managers how to be more effective in their positions and how to think about their work in terms of the goals of their larger institution. The book includes insights from library managers working at different levels and in various types of libraries, addressing a wide range of management issues and situations, as well as comments from library staff who talk about the qualities they appreciate—and the styles and attitudes they find counterproductive—in their own bosses.

The Accidental Library Manager also gives suggestions on where library managers can go from their current positions, urging them to view their current jobs in the context of an entire career, and, although they might currently be “accidental” managers, to think about how they can plan their next steps. The book’s supporting Web page is being periodically updated by the author.

Rachel Singer Gordon is the former head of computer services and current part-time librarian at the Franklin Park (Ill.) Public Library. She is the founder and Webmaster of the library careers site, from which she also publishes Info Career Trends, a free, bimonthly electronic newsletter on career-development issues for librarians. With Sarah Johnson, Gordon maintains Beyond the Job, a professional development Web log for information professionals. She also writes both the monthly Computer Media and NextGen columns for Library Journal. Her published work includes The Information Professional’s Guide to Career Development Online (with Sarah Nesbeitt, ITI, 2002), The Accidental Systems Librarian (ITI, 2003), and The Librarian’s Guide to Writing for Publication (Scarecrow, 2004). She holds an M.L.I.S. from Dominican University and an M.A. from Northwestern University.

The Accidental Library Manager (384 pp/softbound/$29.50/ISBN: 1-57387-210-5) is published by Information Today, Inc. and is available in print or electronically (available through netLibrary, $29.50, ISBN: 1-57387-962-2). For more information or to order, contact the publisher directly at (800) 300-9868 [outside the U.S. call (609) 654-6266], fax (609) 654-4309, e-mail, or log on to the ITI Web site at Advance praise for The Accidental Library Manager:

“This in-depth look at library management includes sound, practical advice from the author and from a variety of experts in diverse settings. One of the great strengths of the book is the broad coverage of the management of people, facilities, and budgets. Highly recommended for the first time or veteran manager.”

—Dr. Julie Todaro, management consultant,
author of The Truth is Out There, and dean, library services, Austin Community College

“A comprehensive, practical guide to the mysteries of management in the library workplace. Vital
for both new and experienced library managers.”

—Pat Wagner, principal
Pattern Research, Inc.

“Informative, thorough, and well-documented. The text covers many of the situations you hope
never to encounter (but inevitably do!) in a practical manner and with a nice touch of humor.”

—Gail Sweet, director
Burlington County (N.J.) Library System

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