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Streaming Media East Conference and Exhibition Attracts Over 2,400 Attendees

May 20, 2004, Medford, NJ—More than 2,400 business executives and streaming media professionals gathered in New York City May 11–12 to learn how to increase the efficiency, profitability, and productivity of their businesses with rich-media applications and solutions.

The 2-day conference was filled with numerous interactive sessions and featured three tracks with more than 125 speakers and presenters from various companies in the technology, enterprise and media and entertainment industries.

Many leading implementers were represented at Streaming Media East 2004 with speakers from companies such as Goldman, Sachs & Co., A& E Television Networks, University of Cincinnati, The World Bank, University of Central Florida, Chicago Police Department, Bumble and bumble,, BBDO North America, Shell IT International, Comedy Central, The Weather Channel Interactive, US Tennis Association, Reuters, Bloomberg LP, Citigroup, KPMG LLP,, and more. Conference sessions will be archived and for on-demand viewing starting May 24th at

The exhibit hall at Streaming Media East showcased the latest in streaming and digital media technologies. Companies offered visitors a look into live Webcasting applications, MPEG-4 appliances, content management systems, IPTV, video-on-demand delivery services, enterprise software applications, and more. A steady stream of traffic filled the exhibit hall throughout the 2-day event as attendees inquired about the latest products and services available.

The next Streaming Media conference, Streaming Media West 2004, will be held October 26–28, 2004, in Santa Clara, California. For more information, please contact ITI at (800) 300-9868 [outside the U.S. call (609) 654-6266], e-mail, or visit us on the Web at For exhibition or sponsorship information, please contact Michael Putnam (203) 761-1466, x529,, or Joel Unickow (604) 886-9378,

About Streaming Media, Inc.
Streaming Media, Inc. is a diversified media company serving and educating the streaming media industry and community. Owned by Information Today, Inc., the business consists of three core areas:, exhibitions and conferences, and research and publications. Led by a team of recognized industry experts, Streaming Media, Inc. is dedicated to providing industry professionals and corporations utilizing digital media technology with global real-time news, resources, and services through editorial, discussion lists, feature articles, conferences, and much more.

About Information Today, Inc.
Information Today, Inc. is a leading publisher and conference organizer in the information and knowledge management industries. The company publishes premier information and knowledge management titles such as Information Today, Searcher, ONLINE, Computers in Libraries, EContent, EMedia, CRM, and KMWorld, among others, and organizes conferences and exhibitions such as KMWorld & Intranets, Internet Librarian, and Computers in Libraries.

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