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Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age
New Book Explains How Information is Made Accessible in Online and Internet Retrieval System
September 22, 2003, Medford, New Jersey—Information Today, Inc. (ITI) announces the publication of Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age, by Heting Chu, Ph.D. This is the latest release in the ASIST Monograph Series, which is published by ITI on behalf of the American Society of Information Science & Technology (ASIST).

The book offers a comprehensive and current view of Information Representation and Retrieval (IRR), a key topic for developers and users of online and Internet data retrieval systems. With an emphasis on principles and fundamentals, author Heting Chu first reviews key concepts and major developmental stages of the IRR field, then systematically examines retrieval techniques, models, and Internet systems. Chu explains the retrieval of multilingual, multimedia, and hyperstructured information; explores the user dimension and evaluation issues; and analyzes the role and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in IRR. Meticulously researched and organized, the book is designed as a guide for developers and users of information retrieval systems and as a textbook for scholars and students in library and information science.

“Professor Chu has done an outstanding job dealing with virtually all facets of the field, intellectual and automated, covering both input and output activities, and not neglecting the historical context,” said F. W. Lancaster, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science. “It’s an impressive achievement.”

The book’s chapters include:

• Information Representation and Retrieval:An Overview
• Information Retrieval Models
• Information Retrieval Systems
• Information Representation I: Basic Approaches
• Retrieval of Information Unique inContent or Format
• Information Representation II: OtherRelated Topics
• The User Dimension in Information Representation and Retrieval
• Language in Information Representationand Retrieval
• Evaluation of Information Representationand Retrieval
• Retrieval Techniques and Query Representation
• Artificial Intelligence in Information Representation and Retrieval

The Author
Heting Chu, Ph.D., is associate professor at the Palmer School of Library and Information Science at Long Island University, New York. Her master’s degree is from McGill University, Montreal, and her Ph.D. is from Drexel University, Philadelphia. She has published numerous articles and two previous monographs (both in Chinese) on information representation and retrieval. She conducts research on e-books, e-journals, and scholarly communication and scientometric analysis of hyperlinks and Web sites.

Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age (250 pp/hardbound/$35.60 ASIST Member/$44.50 Nonmember/ISBN: 1-57387-172-9) is published by Information Today, Inc. on behalf of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST). For more information or to place an order, contact the publisher directly at (800) 300-9868 (outside the U.S. call (609) 654-6266); fax (609) 654-4309; e-mail; or log on to the ITI Web site at

Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age
Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age
By Heting Chu

This is the first book to offer a clear, comprehensive view of Information Representation and Retrieval (IRR). With an emphasis on principles and fundamentals, author Heting Chu, Ph.D. (College of Information and Computer Science at Long Island University) first reviews key concepts and major developmental stages of the field, then systematically examines information representation methods, IRR languages, retrieval techniques and models, and Internet retrieval systems. Chu discusses the retrieval of multilingual, multimedia, and hyper-structured information, explores the user dimension and evaluation issues, and analyzes the role and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in IRR. Chu’s thoroughly researched monograph is an indispensable guide for the individual who needs broad and current knowledge of this rapidly growing field.

2003/250 pp/hardbound
Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age
1-57387-172-9 $44.50

ASIST Member Price $35.60

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