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Software for Indexing
New Book Features Timely, Expert Coverage of Technology Tools and Techniques Used by Professional Indexers

May 15, 2003, Medford, New Jersey—Information Today Inc., (ITI) is pleased to announce the publication of Software for Indexing, edited by Sandi Schroeder. In this thorough and objective review of the software products used in indexing, expert indexers share their favorite features, tips, and techniques.

Starting with coverage of dedicated indexing programs in Part 1, a unique series of 17 tables compares the features of CINDEX, MACREX, SKY Index, Authex Plus, and wINDEX, followed by hand-on reviews of all of the programs. In Part 2, coverage of embedded indexing software includes FrameMaker, Microsoft Word, PageMaker, Quark Xpress, IndeXTension, IXgen, and Index Tool Professional. For those interested in online and Web indexing, Part 3 covers HTML/Prep, HTML Indexer, and RoboHELP. Elsewhere in the book, experienced indexers address database and image indexing software, customized software that works with dedicated programs, and automatic and machine-aided indexing.

Sandi Schroeder started freelance indexing in 1972 and provides indexing services for books, periodicals, and so on. In addition, she has served as president, vice president, and a member of the board of directors of the American Society of Indexers (ASI). She lives in Rolling Meadows, Illinois.

Software for Indexing (296 pp/softbound /ISBN 1-57387-162-1/$35.00) is published by Information Today, Inc. on behalf of the American Society of Indexers (ASI). It is available by calling the publisher at (800) 300-9868 (outside the U.S. call (609) 654-6266); faxing 609-654-4309; e-mailing; or logging on to the ITI Web site at

The Accidental Webmaster

Software for Indexing
Edited by Sandi Schroeder

In this thorough and objective review of the software products used in indexing, professional indexers share their favorite features, tips, and techniques. Starting with a chapter on dedicated indexing programs, CINDEX, MACREX, SKY Index, and wINDEX are compared. Coverage of embedding software includes Framemaker, Microsoft Word, PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Ixgen, Index Tool Professional, and IndeXTension. For those interested in online and Web indexing, HTML/Prep, HTML Indexer, and RoboHelp are all covered. Other chapters discuss database software, customized software that works with dedicated programs, and automatic and machine-aided indexing.

2003/296 pp/softbound

Software for Indexing
1-57387-162-1 $35.00

Software for Indexing-ASI MEMBER PRICE
1-57387-162-1 ASI $28.00

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