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Magazines > Information Today > May 2024

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Information Today
Vol. 41 No. 4 — May 2024
Marking Mental Health Awareness Month
by Brandi Scardilli

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Information Today often features articles about self-care, and this issue is no exception. Check out We the People on page 6 for a look at the current research. In addition, you can visit throughout the month for NewsBreaks from a variety of perspectives on mental health. Subscribe to ITI NewsLink at to get the articles delivered to your inbox.

We know how important it is for library workers to focus on their well-being so they can be effective at their job. This issue dives into some of the myriad services libraries offer their communities. In A Day in the Life, Justin Hoenke talks to a children’s librarian about the various aspects of her job (page 4). In EDI Perspectives, Marci Wicker profiles an interim executive director whose library hosts a participatory defense hub so patrons can get help navigating the legal system (page 8). In The Help Desk, Sophia Guevara interviews the lead of a bustling digital scholar lab (page 12). And on page 14, Amber Boedigheimer looks at resources library workers can use to help patrons feel empowered about their own healthcare.

Happy reading, Brandi Scardilli

Brandi Scardilli is Editor of Information Today and Newsbreaks. Send your comments about this article to
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