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Magazines > Information Today > May 2004
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Information Today

Vol. 21 No. 5 — May 2004


Context, The Lawyer Join Forces

Context, Ltd., an electronic legal publisher, and The Lawyer Group announced that they have partnered to provide The community with access to Context's legal research tool, JustCite.

JustCite ( provides a fully cross-referenced index to a comprehensive collection of authoritative U.K. and European legal information. It is the only provider-neutral legal research service and combines, for the first time, searchable content from different publishers within a single interface.

Under the new collaboration, visitors to The can now search JustCite directly from within LawZone, a collection of news, features, and articles on the latest legal developments, simply by typing a reference or case name into an embedded search box.

Users are then presented with a comprehensive overview of information relating to the reference and have the option of linking seamlessly to the full-text of cited documents on leading online services, including Justis, Butterworths, and Westlaw.

Source: Context, Ltd., London, 011-44-20-7267-8989;

ebrary Announces New Partnerships

ebrary announced that it has partnered with seven new international distributors to sell its online book databases and other products to libraries around the world. To date, ebrary and its growing roster of international partners have signed library customers in 41 different countries.

With these new partnerships, ebrary is expanding its presence for the first time into several markets, including Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Southern Asia, and South Africa, and is solidifying its presence in others, including Western Europe and the Middle East.

For more information on the partnerships, see the press release at

Source: ebrary, Palo Alto, CA, 650/475-8700;

EBSCO's MetaPress Now Hosts UK Serials Group Title

EBSCO announced that the UK Serials Group has selected EBSCO's MetaPress to host its title, Serials. EBSCO also announced that its EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service (EJS) now includes more than 1 million pay-per-view articles.


Hazel Woodward, Serials co-editor, said: "We selected MetaPress as the hosting and delivery service for Serials because of its superior user services and client administration functions. In particular, the user is allowed to control his or her own environment through alerting and other services."

One Million Articles

EBSCO says that reaching the 1 million pay-per-view-article milestone is largely attributable to the continually growing portfolio of Taylor & Francis titles and the recent addition of Springer-Verlag journals.

"Springer is very pleased to be able to offer our valuable content to many different sectors utilizing EJS pay-per-view," said Syed Hasan, director of business development for Springer-Verlag New York. "It allows many researchers and consumers worldwide to have immediate access to the data and research material they need without any waiting period."

Source: EBSCO, Birmingham, AL, 205/991-6600;

NewsStand Announces New Agreement

NewsStand, Inc. announced that USA TODAY Sports Weekly has selected NewsStand to provide digital production and delivery of its publication.

According to the announcement, by selecting NewsStand's software technology, Sports Weekly can leverage its existing print layout to create an easy-to-navigate electronic edition with keyword search, direct jumps to sections, article continuations, and zoom-in capability to quickly highlight sports statistics and action photos. E-commerce and database marketing services provided by NewsStand will allow Sports Weekly to efficiently broaden its audited circulation.

NewsStand, Inc. is now also offering digital delivery of exact replicas of Dow Jones & Co. titles, The Asian Wall Street Journal, and the Far Eastern Economic Review (The Review). NewsStand started marketing the titles in late February.

Source: NewsStand, Inc., Austin, TX, 512/334-5106;

IEEE Scores First Amendment Victory

IEEE announced that it has scored a victory for freedom of the press and the scholarly publishing community with a recent ruling from the U.S. Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The ruling exempts peer review, editing, and publication of scholarly manuscripts submitted to IEEE by authors living in countries that are under U.S. trade embargoes, such as Iran and Cuba. OFAC determined that IEEE's publications process is "not constrained by OFAC's regulatory programs."

The government's decision confirms the position that IEEE has argued for more than a year: Its entire publishing process falls outside the scope of OFAC's regulations because of the Berman Amendment to the trade sanctions law that excludes the free exchange of information from OFAC's economic embargoes.

IEEE had earlier obtained a Sept. 30, 2003, ruling from OFAC that exempted a large part of its editorial process but left uncertain whether it had to publish such papers "as is" or could edit such papers prior to final publication. The latest April 2 ruling clarifies IEEE's full freedom to engage in scholarly peer review and style- and copy-editing of papers, all without OFAC regulation or licensing. The earlier Sept. 30 ruling had also been limited to Iran, while the new ruling additionally covers authors in Cuba, Libya, and Sudan.

Source: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 732/981-0060;

Google Teams Up with 17 Colleges

Google, Inc. announced that it has teamed up with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 16 other universities around the world to provide a way to search the institutions' collections of scholarly papers.

A pilot test of the project got underway in early April. If all goes as planned, the search feature could appear on Google in a few months, said MacKenzie Smith, associate director of technology for MIT's libraries. She said the search would probably be an option on Google's advanced-search page.

Google has long indexed university Web pages, but the new project will allow users to direct their searches to on-campus repositories of scholarly materials, sometimes known as superarchives. Those archives contain copies of academic papers, technical reports, drafts of articles, and other work by a university's professors. Scholars can choose whether their works will be available to all Internet users or only to those on their own campus.

Source: Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA, 650/623-4000;

Innodata Isogen to Digitize Cases

Innodata Isogen, Inc., a provider of content supply chain solutions, announced that it is working with Harvard Business School Publishing, the not-for-profit subsidiary of Harvard University, to digitize more than 1,000 case studies in the Harvard Business School Publishing Case Collection.

Innodata Isogen will provide digitization, imaging, and other data-conversion services to Harvard Business School Publishing, facilitating online access to the case study teaching materials that are used in leading universities and executive education programs around the world. The terms of the project were not disclosed.

Source: Innodata Isogen, Inc., Hackensack, NJ, 201/488-1200;

UPI, LexisNexis Expand Relationship

United Press International and LexisNexis U.S. announced a multiyear contract that expands the quantity of content that UPI will deliver. This summer, LexisNexis news-content subscribers will have access to more global coverage of Middle Eastern and South American news events via the and services.

LexisNexis will receive from UPI the English-language content from Arabia 2000, which includes regional perspectives from the Iranian News Agency, Saudi Press Agency, and Yemen News Agency. Spanish-language content additions will include the UPI-LatAm News Service and the UPI-Chile News Service.

UPI-LatAm covers major stories surrounding international news, business and economics, politics, human rights, justice, armed forces issues, culture and education, and sports. The UPI-Chile News Service covers the domestic affairs of Chile, where UPI has had a bureau for more than 40 years.

Source: United Press International, Washington, DC, 202/898-8000;

Nstein Technologies Signs Agreement with Alis Technologies

Nstein Technologies, Inc. announced that it has signed a contract with Alis Technologies on a project with France's General Delegation for Armaments (DGA). The DGA is developing a project for an information portal for which Alis, through Nstein, will provide expertise in the organization of unstructured information and automatic multilingual categorization. Per the agreement, the financial details regarding the sale have not been disclosed.

According to the announcement, the DGA will be able to offer its users access to a multilingual information platform with advanced document search and classification features. It will also have a notification feature whereby individual users will be able to access the most recent information available in their selected areas of interest.

Source: Nstein Technologies, Inc., Montreal, 514/908-5406;

MicroPatent Adds German Marks, French Patent Data

MicroPatent, LLC, a subsidiary of Information Holdings, Inc. and a full-service intellectual property information provider, announced the addition of German marks and designs to its trademark service, Schutz Marken Dienst GmbH, a trademark information provider located in Ahrensburg, Germany, delivers these marks to each week. MicroPatent also announced the addition of published French applications (FR-A documents) to its PatSearch Full Text database.

German Marks's German collection includes more than 800,000 records dating to the late 1800s. With this new file, the total number of searchable records on is more than 70 million.

French Applications

The number of records in the FR-A documents has increased by nearly 400,000. The new records comprise A1 and A3 applications, for published patents and published utility models, respectively.

MicroPatent's French collection currently covers from 1981 to the present and will date to 1920 by the end of this year, at which time it will also include front-page drawings from 1992. According to the announcement, MicroPatent will then be the only commercial provider in the world to have such an extensive collection of FR-A data.

Source: MicroPatent, LLC, East Haven, CT, 203/466-5055;

SLA Launches Interactive Job Board

SLA has announced the relaunch of Career Center, a resource that offers enhanced services and an interactive job board. It is available at

According to the announcement, employers and recruiters utilizing the SLA Career Center can now reach the largest number of experienced information professionals in one Web-based location. Advantages for employers and prospective job candidates include the following:

• Targeted advertising exposure

• Online management of positions offered

• Resume posting and search access

• Automatic position-posting notification

• Hiring-company information

• Competitive pricing

Source: SLA, Washington, DC, 202/234-4700;

ProQuest, Extenza to Offer E-Journal Services

ProQuest Information and Learning and Extenza e-Publishing Services announced an alliance to offer a broad portfolio of e-journal and database services for publishers and libraries. The agreement delivers a complete distribution and hosting solution for publishers, simplifies access for end users, and streamlines e-journal management for libraries.

ProQuest Information and Learning creates and publishes databases for libraries and educational institutions worldwide. Extenza, based in Abingdon, U.K., provides conversion and hosting of journals for publishers as well as subscription and usage statistics management for libraries.

Together, ProQuest and Extenza will offer traditional subscriber access to publishers, along with reach into the broad end-user space and associated pay-per-view traffic.

Source: ProQuest Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI, 734/761-4700;

The British Library to Help Save Endangered Archives

The British Library announced that the Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund is joining it to fund an $18.2 million program to preserve the world's endangered archives.

According to the announcement, the Endangered Archives Programme is the largest of its kind ever undertaken in the world and will be administered by The British Library's archives team in conjunction with a panel of international experts. The program will be formally launched in the fall, and the first grants are expected to be made next year. Initial funding will enable the program to run for about 8 years, but it is hoped that this can be extended with the help of other beneficiaries.

According to the announcement, the program is a response to worldwide threats to historical and cultural records from wars, natural disasters, ignorance, and neglect. Its aim is to preserve forever our knowledge of vital aspects of human society and activity. Grants will be used to help identify endangered records and relocate them in institutional archives in the region to which they relate. The original material will therefore not be removed from its cultural home.

Source: The British Library, London, 011-44-870-444-1500;

EBSCO Teams with Al Sharaka

EBSCO Publishing announced that as part of the Al Sharaka Program for Higher Education in Iraq, an initiative undertaken by USAID and universities comprising the Oklahoma Higher Education partners, all noncommercial institutions in Iraq have instant access to information through participation by EBSCO.

Al Sharaka has partnered with EBSCO so that Iraqi universities, schools, and public libraries can gain unlimited online access to complete articles from thousands of journals, magazines, reference books, country reports, and other information sources covering virtually every subject area. This information is available in specific databases through EBSCOhost, the company's Web-based research system.

The Al Sharaka Program has been designed to meet the needs of Iraqi higher education. The approach of the program is to apply a focused set of activities that have been vetted with the Iraqis to meet higher education needs at national, campus, and program levels.

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 978/356-6500;



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