htmlGEAR debuts with five initial Gears, all of which can be added for free to any Web site, regardless of the hosting service. The Gears, which deliver link tracking, site recommendations, and rotating text capabilities as well as polling and a guest book, can be used “as is” by novices or customized by experts who may wish to fine-tune each Gear to accommodate the look and feel of the page on which the Gear is placed. In addition, through htmlGEAR’s unique “at a glance” management page, Gears can be managed, monitored, and changed at any time—regardless of how many sites users have or how many Gears they have selected. Information on Gears can be presented in any number of ways to make it easier for users to manage the Gears.
GuestGEAR, formerly the GuestWorld guest book, lets visitors leave comments on sites. This service is already found on more than 2.5 million sites, and 70,000 users a month sign up for the product. As part of htmlGEAR, guestGEAR features a screening manager for entries and automatic e-mail replies.
PollGEAR offers quick creation of polls on any topic and gives polltakers instant access to the results in the format selected by the builder. The poll question, design of the poll, and how the results are presented can be changed at any time.
LinkGEAR helps users organize and check the status of links on a page, including tracking the popularity of links. Link information can be sorted by the number of times people hit the link or by the date the link was added. The builder controls the look of the list of links. With the builder’s approval, visitors can add sites to the list of links.
Pass-it-onGEAR lets visitors recommend the user’s home page to friends in seconds via an easy-to-use e-mail form. This Gear offers users a choice of several buttons or plain text, and users can select the color and font on the button.
TextGEAR lets users add rotating words of wisdom, tips, factoids, or quotes to their page. One of the easiest Gears to incorporate into a site, this feature even allows visitors to add their own quotes or comments to the litany of rotating text. The lines of text are unobtrusive, which means they can be placed almost anywhere on a page and the user can edit the list of entries at any time.
Founded in 1995, Lycos, Inc. is owner of the Lycos Network, a unified set of Web sites comprising Lycos.com, Tripod, WhoWhere, Angelfire, MailCity, HotBot, HotWired, Wired News, Webmonkey, Suck.com, Sonique, Quote, Gamesville, and Lycos Zone.
Source: Lycos, Inc., Waltham, MA, 781/370-2700; http://www.lycos.com.
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