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Magazines > Information Today > July/August 2013

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Information Today

Vol. 30 No. 7 — Jul/Aug 2013

Fond Farewell
by Barbara Brynko

It’s not every day that I/we have to say goodbye to one of Information Today ’s columnists, especially someone who has delivered countless articles that tracked the latest breaking news and spotted trends long before they were a glimmer in any reader’s eyes.

So when Paula J. Hane submitted her final NewsWatch column for this issue, it was a bittersweet moment for me. That’s why I took the time to interview Paula about her years with Information Today, Inc.; her take on the big changes in the industry from her perspective; and where she’ll be going from here. I thought you’d all want to know too. Be sure to check it out on p. 9.

And check out our top headlines for this double July/August issue: There’s a full report on the merger of EBSCO Publishing and EBSCO Information Services and what it will mean for the information industry. Tim Collins, president of the new and improved EBSCO Information Services, weighs in on some of the details about restructuring the company moving forward, beginning on p. 1. And on the mobile app front, there are two related features to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening. In “Licensing Agreements: Reading the Fine Print,” David Mirchin and Miriam Zemelman point to the pressing new concerns in the legal arena (as in make sure you craft a user statement that protects your interests, if you are an app developer). And then, Paula Hane has compiled a list of “don’t-miss” apps in her story “Have Apps, Will Travel,” to keep your workflows running smoothly, along with some fine tools you’ll want to have on hand.

Enjoy the issue and have a safe summer! And I know I speak for everyone in wishing Paula much success in the next chapter of her career.

— Barbara Brynko

Barbara Brynko is Editor-in-Chief of Information Today. Send your comments about this article to
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