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Magazines > Information Today > April 2003
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Information Today
Vol. 20 No. 4 — April 2003

Emerald Acquires ECAM Journal

Emerald, a management information publisher, announced the acquisition of the Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management (ECAM) journal from Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. According to the announcement, the move will strengthen the Emerald publishing portfolio in the construction and property management market. It will also include a number of new benefits for subscribers.

A new online delivery feature will offer an alert service that outlines the content of a journal. There will be a reference-linking system, where every article will have been analyzed to guide users to the most significant supporting literature. Subscribers will be able to move seamlessly from article to article.

ECAM will also offer Key Readings, which features abstracts from other journals in the same field relating to the keywords chosen by journal editors. An Internet Research Register will be available, providing a highly visible platform for promoting upcoming research projects and for identifying research in the pipeline.

Source: Emerald, Bradford, U.K., 011-44-274-777700;

FindLaw to Provide Content to

FindLaw, a legal Web site, announced an agreement to provide a comprehensive collection of legal content and resources to, the Web site of the Los Angeles Times.

Under the agreement, FindLaw will supply with resources that include the following:

• FindLaw Breaking Documents—Full text of original legal and government documents, such as court opinions and government reports, that are available in connection with breaking-news stories

• FindLaw Legal Research Centers—Comprehensive information resources for researching common personal and business legal matters, such as employment law, estate planning, family law, intellectual property, and real estate law

• U.S. Supreme Court Resources— An extensive collection of materials pertaining to the 2002­2003 term of the U.S. Supreme Court, including a co-branded Supreme Court Center that features a docket, topical case index, and court calendar

FindLaw is the most-visited legal Web site, according to netScore, an independent online traffic-measurement service from comScore Networks.

Source: FindLaw, Mountain View, CA, 650/210-1900;

Innodata, ProQuest Agree on Outsourcing Deal

Innodata Corp., a provider of digital content services, announced that it has been selected by ProQuest Information and Learning to provide ongoing content product manufacturing services on an extensive portfolio of periodical titles.

In principle, under the agreement, Innodata will deliver a full range of product manufacturing services to ProQuest, including XML conversion and transformation, digitization and imaging, professional services, and outsourced editorial services such as indexing and abstracting.

Innodata estimates that a finalized agreement should generate approximately $2 million in ongoing revenues annually based on ProQuest's present requirements. The company expects the agreement to be finalized shortly.

Source: Innodata Corp., Hackensack, NJ, 201/488-1200;

LC Introduces Digital Preservation Plan

The Library of Congress (LC) announced that it has received approval from the U.S. Congress for its "Plan for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program" (NDIIPP), which will enable the LC to launch the initial phase of building a national infrastructure for the collection and long-term preservation of digital content.

Congressional approval of the "Plan for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program" means the LC can move forward with developing the details of the project and Congress will release funds for the next phase of NDIIPP. The NDIIPP legislation asks the LC to raise up to $75 million in private funds and in-kind contributions, which Congress will match dollar for dollar.

Source: Library of Congress, Public Affairs Office, Washington, DC, 202/707-2905;

Publishers Announce Copyright Settlement

Copyright Clearance Center announced that Elsevier, Inc., The MIT Press, Sage Publications, Inc., and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. have settled their pending copyright infringement litigation against Los Angeles-based Westwood Copies and its owner, Elias Negash. The defendants haveagreed to pay an undisclosed amount in damages for past unauthorized copying of publications from the plaintiffs. In addition, they have agreed that in the future they will honor and comply with all copyrights owned by the plaintiffs and will promptly pay associated royalties.

The original claim filed by the publishers was coordinated by Copyright Clearance Center, a licenser of text-reproduction rights. It charged that the defendants produced unauthorized coursepacksfor classes taught at the University of Los Angeles. Westwood Copies will now use Copyright Clearance Center's Transactional Reporting Service to meet the obligations of copyright compliance and pay all required royalty fees.

[Editor's Note: See p. 3 of the March issue for the original story.]

Source: Copyright Clearance Center, Danvers, MA, 978/750-8400;

Site Licensing Project to Offer ScienceDirect

Elsevier announced that the Canadian National Site Licensing Project (CNSLP) has acquired a license agreement to provide online access to STM full-text articles and content through its ScienceDirect platform.

Deb deBruijn, executive director of CNSLP, announced news of the agreement, which will open access to more than 1,500 Elsevier STM journals. Previously, 11 of the CNSLP member institutions had access to ScienceDirect, some dating back as early as 1997. This agreement expands access to 61 institutions.

The agreement, which went into effect in January, is a fulfillment of the CNSLP's mission to expand the amount of digital research available to Canada's academic research community through the coordinated services and expertise of academic libraries.

Source: Elsevier, New York, 212/633-3730;

knovel Adds Content, Partners with OCLC

knovel Corp., a Web-based reference publisher that delivers scientific and technical books and databases to engineers, scientists, and students, has released six new chemistry references from major publishers. knovel also announced that it has partnered with OCLC to provide MARC records for titles on knovel to libraries throughout the world. MARC records are supplied by knovel and loaded by OCLC into WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog).

Chemistry References

The six titles added to knovel are International Critical Tables of Numeric Data, Physics, Chemistry and Technology; knovel Critical Tables; knovel Solvents—A Properties Database; Thermochemistry of the Chemical Substances; Smithsonian Physical Tables (ninth revised edition); and Yaws' Handbook of Thermodynamic and Physical Properties of Chemical Compounds.

OCLC Partnership

The MARC records are accessible via WorldCat and are also available through OCLC's WorldCat Collection Sets for libraries that are interested in loading the records into their local online catalogs. For more information about Collection Sets, see

Source: knovel Corp., Norwich, NY, 607/648-4770;

TDNet to Take Over JournalWebCite Service

TDNet, Inc., a supplier of electronic journals and electronic content management solutions, announced that it has reached an agreement with JournalWebCite to take over service for all JournalWebCite subscriber libraries.

According to the agreement, TDNet will continue service to all libraries until the end of their current subscriptions at no additional charge. Payments made to JournalWebCite will not be lost and service will continue under similar terms. Furthermore, JournalWebCite customers will be offered a variety of upgraded renewal options and the opportunity to maintain their current service levels.

"JournalWebCite has recently decided to pursue other business opportunities apart from the library marketplace," said Michael Markwith, president of TDNet, Inc. "Both companies believe libraries that have signed service contracts with the JournalWebCite system will be pleased to know their patrons will continue to receive uninterrupted quality service. TDNet, with its management of over 50,000 electronic journals and 400 aggregated databases, also provides an advanced service with enhanced application features, such as subject and keyword searching, automatic TOC alerts, usage statistics, document delivery, and article-level searching and linking."

Source: TDNet, Inc., West Chester, PA, 610/738-0280;

EBSCO Makes 100 Million Records Available

EBSCO Publishing has announced that, through EBSCO SmartLinks, it has made available to EBSCOhost database subscribers more than 100 million records with access to full text.

EBSCO SmartLinks allows users to gain seamless access from a citation in anEBSCOhost proprietary or secondary database result list to the corresponding full text located in a variety of electronic resources. In addition to linking to the full text available within EBSCOhost databases, users may also link to their library's collection of electronic journals available through EBSCOhost Electronic Journals service and publishers that contribute to CrossRef.

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 800/653-2726;

FluentMedia Partners with Financial Times

FluentMedia, a content-licensing agency of Tribune Co., has broadened its supply of international news and commentary with the addition of the Financial Times to its list of information providers. Effective immediately, FluentMedia customers will receive articles from the Financial Times as part of their premium daily filtered-news feeds.

FluentMedia licenses editorial content to corporate clients for use on their intranets, extranets, and public marketing sites. Its daily premium feeds will now feature custom-filtered full-text articles from all worldwide editions of the Financial Times. This represents more than 300 articles a day from the newspaper's London, U.S., European, and Asian-based editions.

As an added value, FluentMedia customers will receive content posted throughout the day on the Web site, including Web-only features and articles published between editions of the newspaper. This online feed includes more than 100 stories, bringing the daily collection of FT articles to approximately 400.

Source: FluentMedia, Chicago, 312/527-8170;

NHS Research Now Accessible to All for Free

BioMed Central announced that it has signed an Institutional Membership contract with the U.K.'s National Health Service (NHS) for the whole of NHS England. The membership will start this month and is a first step in NHS's commitment to ensure the widest possible dissemination of the research that it funds.

Founded in 1948, the National Health Service is the largest health organization in Europe. Along with providing free healthcare for everyone who needs it in the U.K., the NHS also has a commitment to investing in future treatments and expanding medical knowledge. Between 2002 and 2003, the Department of Health will spend approximately $867 million on its Policy Research Programme and Research and Development in the NHS.

Source: BioMed Central, London, 011-44-20-7631-9131;

Open Text Corp. Acquires Corechange

Open Text Corp., the provider of Livelink collaboration and knowledge management software for the global enterprise, announced that its acquisition of Corechange is a major step in the company's end-to-end integration strategy for Livelink. The acquisition allows Open Text to offer a complete array of integration options with Livelink. According to the announcement, this comes at a critical time when customers are focused on gaining greater ROI from existing systems through improved integration.

Corechange allows Open Text to offer a portal solution that will enhance both front-end and back-end integration for Livelink. At the front end, Corechange's portal will provide end users with a role-based interface to access the content that each user needs. At the back end, the portal solution will bring together content and information from Livelink and other repositories, such as Microsoft, and a wide range of other systems, including SAP, Siebel, and Peoplesoft.

Source: Open Text Corp., Chicago, 847/267-9330;

WilsonWeb Allows Free OpenURL Linking

H.W. Wilson announced that sharing resources is now simple and cost-effective with WilsonLink SFX technology. Easy to use and free with a subscription to the new WilsonWeb database service, WilsonLink provides extensive linking features with other online database vendors.

Powered by Ex Libris'SFX technology, WilsonLink enables researchers to click from citations on WilsonWeb databases to the full text of articles and related material from many sources. Besides making research easier with access to a wider range of data, WilsonLink can save libraries money by linking to other OpenURL sources without the need for the library to invest in its own link server, according to the announcement.

The new WilsonWeb (a complete redesign of the database service that was first introduced in 1997) debuted in November 2002, with more intuitive navigation, detailed user statistics, natural language searching, full-text searching, relevancy-ranked results (based on Wilson's indexing metadata), more administrative control, customization options, and other advancements. It hosts more than 50 H.W. Wilson reference databases.

Source: H.W. Wilson, New York, 718/588-8400;

IFLA Renames Library Conference

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)announced that the biggest annual international gathering of librarians, the IFLA Conference, is to be known in the future as the "World Library and Information Congress."

IFLA's governing board decided on the new title last year. It was expected to take effect with the 2004 event, which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. However, IFLA decided that the new name will be adopted this year for the meeting that will take place in Berlin from Aug. 1 to 9, 2003.

The new title is designed to ensure that the event has a greater impact outside the profession and in the city in which it is held.

"Although IFLA is very well-known within the profession, the people in the street and the media have no idea who we are," said Ross Shimmon, IFLA's secretary general. "But everyone will understand what is going on when they see a banner proclaiming the World Library and Information Congress."

Source: IFLA, The Hague, Netherlands, 011-31-70-3140884;

BioMed Central, ISI ResearchSoft Offer Way to Speed Author Submissions

BioMed Central and ISI ResearchSoft announced a new way for authors to speed submissions and increase accuracy. Authors who submit articles to BioMed Central's online publishing system using ISI ResearchSoft's Reference Manager 10 will automatically be entitled to a discounted article-processing charge.

Manuscripts formatted with Reference Manager 10 will be processed automatically into BioMed Central's online full-text format. This speeds the processing time for the author's manuscript and reduces the amount of proofreading required to deliver the final published article. Details about BioMed Central's discounted processing charge for Reference Manager 10 users are available at

Source: ISI ResearchSoft, Carlsbad, CA, 760/438-5526;

askSam Systems Releases askSam 5.1

askSam Systems announced the release of askSam 5.1. This resource allows users to turn different types of information into searchable full-text databases. It can create databases from unstructured information such as e-mail, resumes, legal texts, government regulations, research notes, and correspondence, as well as from structured information such as spreadsheets and databases.

According to the announcement, askSam 5.1 improves upon the product's ability to create searchable archives of e-mail messages. In addition, it searches the text of e-mail messages and attachments (including files from Word, WordPerfect, HTML, and Adobe Acrobat).

askSam 5.1 also has improved import features that integrate with TextPipe. This utility lets users process and structure texts and HTML files that are imported into askSam. For example, users can bring in files from LexisNexis, Dialog, or Web pages and turn them into searchable databases. TextPipe is an add-on to askSam.

Source: askSam Systems, Perry, FL, 850/584-6590;

Context Launches Online Construction-Law Service

Electronic publisher Context, Ltd. has launched the Building Law Information Subscriber Service (BLISS), an online tool that provides building-law information for the construction industry.

BLISS is a fully searchable information resource that offers case summaries, legislation, standards, contracts, and books. The service reports relevant cases concisely, summarizing judgments and extracting the main legal points. Cases relating to environmental pollution, health and safety, and the environment are also covered. In addition, the service reviews the contents of more than 100 international journals.

BLISS is published by construction consultancy James R. Knowles and is now available exclusively on, Context's online legal research service. It can be searched in conjunction with other Justis databases to link to related U.K. and European Union case law and legislation. Subscribers can also choose to receive the BLISS weekly update service, which contains links to all material added to BLISS over the previous 7 days, at no extra charge.

Source: Context, Ltd., London, 011-44-20-7267-8989;


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