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Magazines > Information Today > April 2003
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Information Today
Vol. 20 No. 4 — April 2003
Product News and Reviews

Google Introduces Content-Targeted Advertising Service

Google announced a new content-targeted advertising service that extends advertiser reach and makes Web pages more useful by replacing untargeted ads with relevant, sponsored links. According to the company, this results in an improved user experience and increased revenue for Web site publishers.

Content-targeting technology applies the precision of search advertising to the rest of the Web. Google identifies the meaning of a Web page and then automatically serves relevant ads. This extends advertiser reach, provides users with highly relevant ads, and enables Web site publishers to monetize content pages. Charter participants include Knight Ridder Digital properties (San Jose Mercury News, Detroit Free Press, The Miami Herald, and The Philadelphia Inquirer) and HowStuffWorks. Content-targeted ads also appear on Google Groups, Google's search site for online newsgroups.

Source: Google, Mountain View, CA, 650/623-4096;

ChemVillage Enhanced with New Databases

Elsevier Engineering Information, Inc. announced that it will add new databases to ChemVillage, its online information delivery product. ChemVillage will now provide access to Bretherick's Reactive Chemical Hazards Database, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts (CEABA), Advanced Chemistry Development Labs Databases (ACD/Labs), and OHS Material Safety Data Sheets Database.

In addition, the service now includes a chemical industry news link from LexisNexis. With this new feature, ChemVillage subscribers will have access to the latest national and international news that's directly affecting the chemical industry.

ChemVillage now offers 19 databases, including Chimica, a bibliographic archive that covers more than 600 of the most important and most-cited journals for chemistry and chemical engineering; Chemical Business NewsBase, a provider of worldwide chemical business news and information; and Beilstein Abstracts, which delivers access to more than 800,000 abstracts and citations from organic chemistry journals.

Source: Elsevier Engineering Information, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 800/221-1044;

ITI Releases New Super Searchers Book

Information Today, Inc. (ITI) announced the publication of Super Searchers on Madison Avenue: Top Advertising and Marketing Professionals Share Their Online Research Strategies, a new book by Grace Avellana Villamora.

According to the announcement, professional researchers in the advertising and marketing field find and analyze the information that fuels new product launches and advertising campaigns. In the book, Villamora interviews 13 research pros from such firms as Leo Burnett, Euro RSCG MVBMS, Interpublic, GSD&M, and TBWA/Chiat/Day. They share their tips, techniques, and resources.

Super Searchers on Madison Avenue is the 11th title in the Reva Basch-edited Super Searchers series. As with all series titles, it's supported by the Super Searchers Web page (, which provides readers with hyperlinked access to the Internet sources recommended in the book.

Source: Information Today, Inc., Medford, NJ, 609/654-6266;

Questel•Orbit Unveils New QPAT Enhancements

Questel•Orbit, Inc. announced the addition of new features to QPAT, its online patent search tool. According to the company, these upgrades give users easier access to the latest, broadest range of patent information and offer the market's best data-scanning capability.

With QPAT's new enhancements, users can do the following:

• Create alerts that run on QPAT's collection of full-text applications as well as on PlusPat, the company's proprietary patent file

• Access PCT full-text patent applications that date to the World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) founding in 1978

• Display results in a format that provides each with a toolbar. Users can expand or contract record details and order patent documents.

• Display a comprehensive patent family with the new View Family link, which includes legal-status information for all records

"We pride ourselves on our commitment to our growing array of customers," said Charles Besson, Questel•Orbit, Inc.'s CEO. "QPAT is designed for our growing market segment of end users who need powerful yet simple-to-use decision-support tools. Two factors make this tool hard to beat in the market: the flat-rate subscription and the alerts' extensive worldwide coverage."

Source: Questel•Orbit, McLean, VA, 703/556-7493;

Gale to Link InfoTrac, WorldCat on FirstSearch

Gale announced the launch of linking technology that allows library patrons to search WorldCat holdings on the OCLC FirstSearch service through Gale's InfoTrac search interface.

"Gale is actively pursuing the creation of a search environment that's barrier-free," said Gale president Allen Paschal. "Linking to WorldCat library holdings and fulfillment options in FirstSearch removes a step in the search process and allows information to flow more freely."

The link from InfoTrac to WorldCat can be activated at no charge by any library that subscribes to both services. When InfoTrac users receive search results, a link-to-holdings button will appear. Clicking that button allows them to view holdings without having to switch services. Libraries can enable the link by entering their FirstSearch authorization number and completing a short linking profile within the InfoTrac administrative module.

Source: Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, 800/877-4253;

Factiva Upgrades Factiva Publisher, Teams with Reuters

Factiva announced the launch ofFactiva Publisher 3.8, the latest version of its news and decision portal software. The company also announced an expanded relationship with Reuters that will increase customer access to Factiva's content through Reuters products.

Factiva Publisher 3.8

According to the announcement, Factiva Publisher 3.8 saves employees time by consolidating critical information into a single place. From their corporate portal, users can manage their e-mail and calendars as well as track news and internal information.

The enhanced software, built on an XML architecture, allows customers to integrate business news and information into the portal interface along with Microsoft Outlook and Web components. Building on Factiva Select, customers can also publish news to their corporate portals and intranets using the software's content management tools.

Reuters Partnership

Under a 3-year agreement, selected Factiva content will be embedded in Reuters financial products, including Reuters 3000Xtra and Reuters BridgeStation.

The partnership covers two types of Factiva services. Global Press Watch, a collection of articles from more than 550 national newspapers and 50 national news wires, will be integrated into Reuters products that are aimed at trading and investment professionals. Knowledge Worker, a 5-year archive of nearly 6,000 periodicals, news weeklies, and specialist publications organized by industry sector, will be a component of Reuters products for research-intensive financial professionals and investment advisors. Both services will be included at no additional charge to Reuters customers. For local-language services, Reuters will integrate Factiva sources, including newspapers and news wires, in the language of the target customer base.

Source: Factiva, Princeton, NJ, 609/627-2342;

STN International Releases New Biosequence Database

FIZ Karlsruhe announced the launch of the PCTGEN database, a new source of nucleotide and amino acid sequence information.

PCTGEN contains sequence and patent-application information that has been electronically submitted to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It also supplies both the nucleotide and peptide sequences themselves, as well as the associated bibliographic data provided by patent applicants. Records include the following fields: accession number, title, document type, molecule type, patent assignee, patent and application information, organism species, sequence, sequence length, and feature table.

Jointly produced by FIZ Karlsruhe and WIPO, PCTGEN currently contains around 1.5 million records dating to August 2001, including 1.2 million nucleic-acid and 0.3 million peptide sequences.

PCTGEN is updated weekly, with new sequence information entering the database shortly after publication by WIPO. Users can also conduct current-awareness and homology alerts on a weekly basis.

Source: FIZ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 011-49-7247-808-555;

Library of Congress Commissions Election Web Site

The Library of Congress announced the launch of the Election 2002 Web Archive(, the world's first fully cataloged and searchable collection of material that originates in digital form.

The collection, commissioned by the Library of Congress, includes more than 1,100 archived Web sites from political candidates who ran for House and Senate seats and governorships in 2002. It contains more than 3,000 unique URLs, 1.3 terabytes of data, and almost 50 million Web objects.

The Election 2002 Web Archive is a joint project of the Library of Congress, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and

Source: Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 202/707-5000;

MicroPatent Launches New Product, Enhances Aureka

MicroPatent announced the release of Saved WorkSheets, an upgrade to its existing PatSearch FullText WorkSheets. The company also announced the launch of ThemeScape with Colorized Content Review, an enhancement to its Aureka IP management platform.

Saved WorkSheets

Saved WorkSheets allows users to save search results as WorkSheets that can be named and/or appended to an existing document set for future reference. New annotation capabilities enable customers to comment on their search results at the WorkSheets level or the individual document level, capturing complex search strategies within the annotation box. Up to 50 personal WorkSheets per log-in can be stored on MicroPatent's secure server. This feature helps researchers manage the work flow of long-term projects. They can trace past activity, identify the point at which they left off, and resume their research and analysis.

Aureka Upgrade

Aureka's new functionality allows users to compare and contrast technology portfolios. According to the company, this provides increased productivity and insight for due-diligence projects, competitive intelligence studies, R&D stage reviews, and IP-related licensing analysis.

Aureka's ThemeScape with Colorized Content Review enables users to visualize company, competitor, and technology trends. In addition, users can shade the analyzed patent sets of different owners in several colors to provide a comparison of patented technology clusters and their relationship to one another. With Colorized Content Review, analysts with differing skill levels can more easily interpret data and make strategic recommendations, according to the announcement.

Source: MicroPatent, East Haven, CT, 203/466-5055;

EBSCO Publishing Debuts LinkSource

EBSCO Publishing announced the release of LinkSource, its new OpenURL-compliant links resolver. From a single link menu, LinkSource is designed specifically to let libraries provide bidirectional, item-level linking to a wide range of online information resources.

LinkSource supplies pre-validated links that match citations with available full text from more than 12,000 journals (approximately 16 million article links). It allows appropriate copy linking for DOI-based links (through CrossRef), links to virtually any Web-based library OPAC, and links to interlibrary loan or document delivery services. In addition, a number of pay-per-view options are available to acquire e-content either directly from the publisher or through the EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service.

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 800/653-2726;

West Introduces Westlaw Litigator

West announced the launch ofWestlaw Litigator, a resource that can help legal professionals determine the value of a case; investigate parties, opposing counsel, and expert witnesses; learn how judges have ruled on similar legal issues; and develop more sophisticated strategies for trial.

With Westlaw Litigator, information such as jury verdicts, local court rules, trial court documents, jury instructions, depositions, trial transcripts, and more is available in one place. In addition, West is integrating jury verdicts, dockets, local court rules, trial court documents, jury instructions, depositions, and trial transcripts with its comprehensive appellate case collection.

Source: West, Eagan, MN, 651/848-8578;

H.W. Wilson Expands Databases

H.W. Wilson announced that its Art Full Text andSocial Sciences Full Text databases are being enhanced with increased journal coverage, new treatment of key specialties, and broader international scope.

Fifty-one periodicals have been added to Art Full Text (starting with January 2003 issues). The database now includes new coverage of crafts, costumes and textiles, non-Western art, contemporary art, and feminist art criticism, plus broader coverage of archaeology, architecture, and art history. There are also new sources from Europe, East and Central Asia, Australia, and Canada.

Social Sciences Full Text will add 32 journals (starting with June 2003 issues). This more than doubles the database's mass media and communications titles and increases coverage of area studies. New area studies periodicals cover Africa and Asia, with a focus on Korea and Japan.

Source: H.W. Wilson, New York, 800/367-6770;

The Orange County Register Rolls Out Electronic Edition

The Orange County Register announced the launch of E-Register, a Web-based edition of the newspaper.

Using digital publishing technology, E-Register displays the entire content and layout of the newspaper on the Web—all headlines, articles, photographs, and advertisements—exactly as they appear in print.

Using arrows or drop-down menus, E-Register is searchable by section, page, or keyword. It offers such features as increasing type size; access to the last seven back issues; and the ability to store, print, or e-mail information. By clicking on a headline, photo, or advertisement, an enlarged window opens up to display images and text. These can be customized for display in the same font style as appears in the newspaper.

E-Register requires no downloads or special software, just Internet access and a Web browser. The paperless edition works best with high-speed Internet connections and can be downloaded for offline viewing.

Source: The Orange County Register, Santa Ana, CA, 877/469-7344;


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