The International Internet Conference and Exhibition for Librarians & Information Managers
29-31 March 1999 • Olympia 2 • London, UK

PreConference • Sunday, 28 March

All workshops take place at the Novotel Hammersmith

Workshop 1
10:00  - 17:00
Knowledge Management: Cases, Complexities & Competencies
Stephen Abram, Senior Director, Product Management, IHS Micromedia Limited, Canada
Nigel Oxbrow, Managing Director, TFPL Ltd., England

This full-day workshop focuses on the foundations of knowledge management (KM) and describes what involvement in KM can mean for an information professionals career.  It looks at how information professionals can add value by partnering with the knowledge-hungry in their organization, and what can happen when those opportunities are missed. After sharing the results of case studies, workshop leaders will facilitate an interactive session examining KM projects and ideas.  Areas discussed will include: KM technology infrastructure, organizational positioning, complexities and competencies.

Workshop 2
10:00 - 13:00
Digital Library Issues and Techniques
Roy Tennant, Digital Library Project Manager, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Digital libraries are the latest hot trend in librarianship, but exactly what are they? This half-day workshop will begin by defining some key terms and quickly move on to specific examples that illustrate the basic perspectives on digital libraries. From there, it explores the various processes required to build, organize, and preserve digital collections.  Additional issues such as copyright and techniques for integrating digital collections with print will be explored. Specific projects, collections, and services will be demonstrated along the way to illustrate the essential points. The workshop also points to places to go for additional information and assistance as well as techniques for staying current in the field.

Workshop 3
10:00 - 13:00
Teaching the Internet in 50 Minutes
D. Scott Brandt,  Technology Training Librarian, Purdue University, USA

This animated half day workshop is aimed at instructors and trainers who have a short amount of time in which to teach users how to find, use, and evaluate information on the Internet.  It focuses on how to identify the most important objectives: distinguishing between soft and hard objectives, integrating training objectives and conceptual understanding, appreciating the users mental model of information seeking, building a base model of instruction which targets the learner, and determining how to incorporate experiential learning exercises.  With many years of experience teaching, training, and presenting workshops on using and training-the-trainer on the Internet, Brandt allows participants to work through the steps to build a working model which they can apply in their own organization.

Workshop 5
14:00 - 17:00
Advanced Web Searching
Greg Notess, Reference Librarian, Montana State University Bozeman Library & author of Government Information on the Internet, USA

Explore advanced searching techniques for getting the most out of Web search engines. Beginning with search strategies for the Web, this half-day workshop provides an in-depth overview of these popular databases. It includes details about Boolean, adjacency, and field searching, limits, sorts, and other special features. It discusses how the databases differ in size and overlap, and how that affects search strategies. The workshop offers a detailed look at the search capabilities of Northern Light, AltaVista, HotBot, and other Inktomi variations. Discover the newest search enhancements from the search engines and what new search engines or techniques are on the horizon. In addition, the workshop investigates the constraints of the search engines: inconsistent results, lack of overlap, and the significant hidden Web that they fail to uncover.

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