Internet Librarian '99
The Internet Conference and Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers

Hands-On Cybertours

Join our Web experts for morning Cybertours and evening Cybercruises in the LEXIS-NEXIS CyberCafé located in the exhibit area. You will be met at the exhibit hall entrance and escorted to your personal workstation complete with light snacks appropriate to the time of day. But best of all, you will be led by experts through a hands-on Cybertour or Cybercruise of the subject of your choice. You will receive the URL so that you can study Cybertour locations further following the event. (Cybertours cost $35 each—see registration form) Have a look at our offerings and sign up quickly, space is definitely limited for this exclusive offer!

Cybertour 1
7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m .
Abram’s Kool Sites for Knowledge Management Resources
Stephen Abram, Vice President, IHS Micromedia & author of Post Information Age Positioning for Special Librarians: Is Knowledge Management the Answer?, describes his favorite sites for getting ideas and keeping up with the proliferation of information on knowledge management practices. See if you can keep up with him on this whirlwind tour through KM Land!
Cybertour 2
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Bates’ Best Business Sites
Mary Ellen Bates, author of Super Searchers Do Business, shares her favorite sites for gathering information on companies, their competitors, and industries. Expect to get wired on good coffee and good sites. You’ll see arrows of neon, flashing marquees, and a long, strange trip through the best of business on the Web.
Cybercruise 3
6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Bates’ Best Business Sites
Mary Ellen Bates, author of Super Searchers Do Business, shares her favorite sites for gathering information on companies, their competitors, and industries. Expect to get renewed and refreshed with good spirits and good sites. You’ll see arrows of neon, flashing marquees, and a long, strange trip through the best of business on the Web.
Cybercruise 4
7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Serim’s Special School Sites
Ferdi Serim, Editor, MultiMedia Schools, teacher and musician, leads a cybercruise through his favorite sites for finding educational resources.

Cybertour 5
7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m .
Chick’s Cool Legal Sites
Cindy Chick, librarian at the law firm of Graham & James LLP and co-publisher of, will cruise her favorite sites for legal research. From legislation to case law, public records to legal news, we’ll see all the best ports, not to mention the most important stops for Internet travelers trying to find their way, legal meta-sites.
Cybertour 6
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Abram’s Kool Sites for Knowledge Management Resources
Stephen Abram, Vice President, IHS Micromedia & author of Post Information Age Positioning for Special Librarians: Is Knowledge Management the Answer?, describes his favorite sites for getting ideas and keeping up with the proliferation of information on knowledge management practices. See if you can keep up with him on this whirlwind tour through KM Land!
Cybercruise 7
6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Basch’s Super Secret Sites
Reva Basch, author of Secrets of the Super Net Searchers and many other books and articles, shares her favorite sites – an eclectic mix of neat reference sites, some interesting research tools, and other sites she finds useful. Join our keynote speaker for a personal cybercruise and learn her secrets!
Cybercruise 8
7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Scheeder’s Political Power Sites
Donna Scheeder, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, and former Chair of the D.C. Democratic Party, prepares you for the 2000 election year with a tour of sites that will keep you in the know about the politics, politicians, and oh yes, the issues that inhabit the political landscape in the U.S.

Cybertour 9
7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m .
Helfer’s Scintillating Science Sites
Join Doris Helfer, Science Librarian at California State University Northridge to look at some of the gems of science Web sites. With our Java firmly in hand we’ll explore the wonders of volcanoes in Java or perhaps even see what clever uses have been made of that still other kind of Java. We’ll travel around Web sites in the areas of physics, astronomy, mathematics, engineering, computer science as well as geology. The cyberscience world tour will take you all over the globe without leaving the CyberCafe.
Cybertour 10
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m .
Basch’s Super Secret Sites
Reva Basch, author of Secrets of the Super Net Searchers and many other books and articles, shares her favorite sites – an eclectic mix of neat reference sites, some interesting research tools, and other sites she finds useful. Join our keynote speaker for a personal cybertour and learn her secrets!

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