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PreConference Workshops Sunday, November 16th |
Workshop 1
This workshop takes an in-depth look at the major Internet search engines and finding aids. It
explores the features and limitations of the principal Internet indexes including: Alta Vista,
InfoSeek, Lycos, Yahoo or whatever has replaced these by the time of the conference! Learn
tips and techniques, effective use of these search engines to their maximum potential, and contrast
their limitations with each other.
Workshop 2
9:00am - 12:00pm
Re-Creating Information Services with New Technologies
Stephen Abram, Micromedia Limited
Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones
Why should services be "re-created" and how? What are the new and emerging technologies and
what's their impact on library services? This workshop answers these questions, provides a
framework for viewing the exhibits and sessions, and helps you focus on the technologies you will
want to investigate throughout the conference.
Workshop 3
9:00am - 12:00pm
Web Graphic Design for Librarians
Hope Tillman, Babson College
Walt Howe, Delphi Internet Services Corp.
Web Site:
An entertaining and educational journey to help you make your web sites easier to navigate and
more fun to visit, this workshop is for those who are interested in going beyond the basics of
using HTML to learn how to put graphics on their web pages. Topics will include: the role of
graphics in overall web site planning and design, the selection of appropriate software tools, the
use of different types of art (text art, clip art, original drawings, photographs), the use of digital
cameras and scanners, copyright implications and more.
Workshop 5
9:00am - 12:00pm
Intranet Success Strategies
Mary Corcoran, The Knowledge Forum & author of The Intranet Guidebook
Zona Research estimates that US companies will spend $7.8 billion in 1998 on Intranet technology, the
technology solution that enables organizations to share information across departments and platforms,
saving billions now spent on recreating knowledge that already exists in the organization. In this half day
workshop participants will learn techniques from "best-in-class" organizations; receive an Intranet team
matrix to help identify the people needed to lead, create and maintain an Intranet; focus on key business
strategies and objectives driving Intranet development; and determine winning tactics for locating relevant
content for the organization.
Workshop 6
9:00am - 12:00pm
Teaching the Internet in 50 Minutes
Scott Brandt, Purdue University
For those who have a short amount of time in which to teach beginners how to find, use and
evaluate information on the Internet, this is the workshop for you. It focuses on how to identify
the most important objectives to cover, integrating training objectives and conceptual
understanding; understanding a user's mental model of information seeking; building a base model
of instruction which targets the learner; and determining how to incorporate experiential learning
Workshop 7
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Internet and Upper Management: The Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object
Barbara Spiegelman, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Some days it seems like customers can't get enough of the Net, and upper management can't get
far enough away from it. This half day course will focus on tactics and strategies for initiating or
increasing upper management use of the Internet, as well as their support of your Net initiatives.
Come view the Net from management's frame of reference, discuss ways to deal with their
resistance, establish internet value for upper management, and look at the 10 best sites to seduce
management to the Net. This workshop will help you to enlist support in making the Net an
organizational asset as well as helping management model the behavior you want to spread
through the organization.
Workshop 8
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Writing a Library Technology Plan
Sara Laughlin, Principal, Sara Laughlin & Associates
Web Site:
Dennis Tucker, INCOLSA (Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority)
Bringing new technology into the library changes every aspect of the library's operation, from
acquisitions, cataloging and reference to staffing and building design. Now, more than ever,
libraries need to have a plan, and some funding sources require a written plan. This workshop
presents a community-based technology planning process that can be used in any type or size
library and views model plans that can serve as prototypes. It prepares participants for all the
steps from writing a plan to selling it.
Workshop 9
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Internet Tips & Tricks
Hope Tillman, Director of Libraries, Babson College
Walt Howe, Delphi Internet Services Corp.
Web Site:
While subject guides like Yahoo and Lycos help to make life easier these days, the sophistication of search resources like AltaVista, Excite, InfoSeek, etc. really improves our ability to mine the net. We expect you to have read the instructions and done the surfing. Now what tips and tricks can help you cut your searching time and retrieve what you really want? This half day workshop will explore the best tools and provide tips and techniques for getting the most out of the net.
Workshop 10
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Freedom and Responsibility on the Internet
Laura N. Gasaway, Director of the Law Library & Professor of Law, University of North Carolina
This half day workshop discusses the legal issues and policies which relate to Internet use and
abuse. Topics include censorship/obscenity and the 1st amendment; developing policies for users;
copyright infringement issues; developing WWW sites; electronic publishing; employee/employer
abuse of the Internet issues; and privacy. Taught by a professor of law who is also a librarian, this
workshop delves into specific areas of importance to Internet librarians.
Workshop 11
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Microsoft: A Case Study in Organizational Focus
Nancy Gershenfeld, Business Operations Manager &
Tim Raines, Program Manager, Microsoft Corp.
Learn about the strategies and lessons learned by the Microsoft Library in its effort to be a focal
point for the organization. This half day workshop provides a detailed case study of the MS
library focus, products and services, and delivery tools (desktop, net, MS tools, etc.). The
librarians and techies share both successful and unsuccessful ventures which will give participants
many ideas to apply in their own environments.
Workshop 12 A First!
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Information Industry Executive Briefing
Leaders of Southern California Online Users Group (SCOUG), the nation's longest running &
most effective society of online searchers:
Barbara Quint, Editor of Searcher magazine
Sandra Tung, Boeing North American
Steve Coffman, FYI Service, County of Los Angeles Public Library
Lysbeth Chuck, CQ&A
In the Age of the Internet, information industry executives face a customer community that no longer measures their performance by the standards of yesterday's needs or even of today's operations. Instead the industry must meet the expectations customers have for the emerging Virtual Library, a digitally-based, universal information service to a world of users. For example, acquisition librarians DO want supplier support modelled on leaders such as Amazon.com.
Today's librarians see themselves as representing and articulating the needs of end-user communities. They look for long-term solutions to ongoing information needs that package accurate information from reliable sources into user-friendly, attractively priced services that answer questions the way users ask them. Increasingly, librarians view themselves as supplier partners, but if they can't buy it, they'll build it and the Web has become the platform to support that option.
Fresh from the 11th Annual SCOUG Retreat, a meeting that studies the future of online services by testing alternative scenarios on a mix of leading online consumers and information industry managers, SCOUG's vocal, experienced users of online services will discuss the needs and expectations of librarians for the information industry, as well as the opportunities for supporting virtual libraries of the future. This highly interactive half day workshop is filled with ideas, strategies, and opportunities. It is a must for information industry executives, planners, and researchers.