Stephanie Gerding is a library consultant, author, and trainer. She presents library workshops around the country and online on grants, training, leadership, and technology topics. Having done a variety of training during her library career for all types of libraries' school, public, academic, and special, Stephanie has presented at national conferences and conducted training across the U.S., from Alaska to Florida, Maine to Hawaii, and many places in between. She has been involved in technology training throughout her library career. Formerly a trainer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's U.S. Library Program, Stephanie worked with many public libraries, either traveling to their site or conducting week-long train-the-trainer programs in Seattle. She has also managed statewide library training programs at New Mexico and Arizona State Libraries, including administration of four Technology Institutes and customized on-site technology training programs for public libraries. She managed a corporate library as a systems administrator; worked for SIRSI as a traveling trainer; and taught web-based distance education technology courses on information literacy and online learning for NorthCentral University. Stephanie has a Master of Science degree in Library and Information Science. She loves to travel and experience different cuisines. |