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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2007
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Internet Librarian 2007 Home The Internet Conference and Exhibition for
Librarians and Information Managers

Monterey, CA • October 29-31, 2007
Monterey Conference Center
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The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian/Internet@Schools.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 30th
Track A: Learning: More than Teaching Track B: Enterprise Trends
Track C: 2.0 Organization & Roles Track D: Virtual Worlds & Libraries
Tuesday Evening Session: Gadgets, Gadgets, & Gaming!
Reference 2.0: Ain't What It Used to Be . . . And It Never Will Again

8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. - San Carlos Ballroom
Joe Janes, Associate Dean, iSchool, University of Washington

For the last several years, the conversation about rethinking reference work has been increasingly commonplace, and indeed, much has changed, with the use of networked technologies to take and answer questions and new thinking about what roles reference plays. That first act is now over, and new territory awaits. E-mail and chat and instant messaging are all fine and wonderful, but new technologies, new ideas, new ways of engaging with clients, and new ways of thinking about the role of librarianship in the emerging information environment are coming. Janes shares the trends and his predictions of reference 2.0!
General Conference — Tuesday, October 30th
San Carlos Ballroom

Track A: Learning: More than Teaching
Learning is an interactive, iterative process, engaging both the learner and the teacher. This track explores how libraries in all sectors are using new approaches with well-established pedagogies to engage clients and staff in the learning process. From games to collaborative online tools, these presentations demonstrate practical ways to ensure training in libraries combines learning, laughter, and insight.
Organized and moderated by Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Session A201 — Teach Me More! Fun & Gaming in Libraries
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Chad Boeninger, Reference & Instruction Technology Coordinator, Ohio University Libraries
Randy Christensen, Associate Professor Library Media, Southern Utah University Library

This interactive session demonstrates educational gaming as a way to add interest and excitement to library instruction. The video game industry is a $7 billion/year business; its success depends on producing products that are entertaining, engaging, often quite lengthy, complex, frustrating, and require players to spend large amounts of time exploring, learning, and mastering the games. Christensen uses sample games to explore reasons for using activities, how to create games, and to help the audience learn how to apply educational gaming to their own situations. Boeninger demonstrates how video games attract players, retain their attention, and make them learn, and how librarians can incorporate gaming learning principles into existing library services, resources, and instruction.
Session A202 — Promoting Play Through Online Discovery: Lego Building
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Helene Blowers, Public Services Technology Director for The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC)
Meredith Farkas, Distance Learning Librarian, Norwich University

So, what happens when you provide staff with the building blocks to create their own learning experiences? A whole lot of learning and creative play. Come find out about the outcomes and benefits your library can experience when you invest time in developing staff programs that encourage your staff to play. Farkas and Blowers share their experiences in developing two similar but different, online library learning programs for staff, 5 Weeks to a Social Library and Learning 2.0, that provided the staff with Lego pieces to build new library services.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session A203 — Getting Their Attention! Training Strategies & Social Networking Tools
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Karen Draper, Senior Information Specialist, Adobe Inc.
Caroline Brown, Academic Technology Outreach Librarian, Pratt Institute

Draper discusses how the library and research group at Adobe reaches out to engineers, marketing professionals, sales people, and more through various training tools aimed at helping them use internal and external resources more efficiently and effectively. Examples include online tutorials and a series of training classes available in person, online, and via Web recording. Brown looks at how online collaborative technologies such as blogs, wikis, social networking sites, and Web-based applications provide great opportunities for hands-on lessons in information literacy. She uses practical examples, successes, and challenges from a 5-week, credit-bearing course for undergraduate and graduate level students by the Pratt Institute Libraries. Visit last semester’s course wiki at http://beyondgoogle.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session A204 — Screencasting & E-Learning on a Shoestring
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Karen Coombs, Head of Library Web Services, and Michelle Boule, Social Sciences Librarian, University of Houston Libraries

University of Houston’s libraries have been very inventive in using the latest tools in their e-learning toolbox without breaking the bank. Come hear how they are using social software, content management systems, and screencasts to create a rich experience for learners. This session explains how to create effective screencasts, including how to plan for effective screencasts, tools to use and solutions for making your screencasts available using open source software and free Web applications. This session discusses the latest tools and trends that can help anyone create dynamic and successful online learning experiences.
Session A205 — Extending Your Reach: E-Training for an Entire State!
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Evette Atkin, Network Librarian & Training Consultant, Michigan Library Consortium
Kathy Petlewski, Electronic Resources Librarian, Plymouth District Library

The Michigan Library Consortium (MLC) serves libraries throughout the state, totaling 600 member organizations. It now offers a variety of e-training solutions, including self-paced classes using Moodle; live, Web-based sessions using Centra software and VOIP technology; and Web seminars in the 3-D virtual reality, Second Life, for library staff. Together, this unique package of electronic learning tools enables the trainers of MLC to reach library staff throughout the entire state without them ever leaving their desks.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 30th
Steinbeck Forum
Track B: Enterprise Trends
This track focuses on strategies, tools, and practices by special librarians and information professionals within many different enterprises. It covers working with social software, collaboration spaces, integrating content, and more.

Moderated by Stephen Abram, VP, Innovation, SirsiDynix, & President Elect, SLA
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session B201 — Deploying Enterprise Social Software
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Christian Gray, Safari Books Online

This session examines the many applications of social networking that libraries have deployed within the enterprise. This is includes stories about librarians that are taking a leadership role in their organization and delivering value with Enterprise Social Software. A quick review of some Wiki, Blog, RSS & other social tools, in addition to some stories about how/who has deployed them.

Session B202 — Next-Gen Corporate Library Web Site
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Cindy Sullivan, VP, & Megan Kelley, Library, Fidelity Investments

This session discusses a new Web site and new library experience for internal technologists. It highlights more dynamic content and sets the stage for incorporating user-generated content. After a benchmarking trip of corporate technology libraries to gather ideas and impressions of what to feature and what would be a challenge, the focus of the new site is a federated search tool. Vetted technology sources are accessed via the federated search and will be displaying the results alongside internal tech repositories within a new user interface. Plans are to allow users to comment, generate lists, and rate usefulness of results. Hear about their progress, seamless user experience and reaction, the “search cloud,” self-identifying tags, a knowledge management/expertise location component called Knowledge Pages, and the tools they have used.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session B203 — I’m at Web 2.0, Are You?
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Sarah Palmer, American Bar Association
David Alsmeyer, Information Services Manager, British Telecommunication (BT)

As information professionals, we are very lucky that our jobs encourage us to learn new skills, programs, and techniques. We have an acceptance of Web 2.0 technologies and embrace the concept of Web-based services. However, what do our users think? Are we leaving them behind because they are part of the “I’m too busy to learn anything new” digital divide? To them, Web 2.0 services may sound like time wasters rather than services to help them manage information more efficiently. Palmer takes a step back into the shoes of Web 1.0 users who need a concrete explanation of why to look to Web 2.0 for solutions to challenges in their business and personal lives. Alsmeyer discusses the 2.0 services offered by the BT Library and the user reaction, especially which features they liked, why, and what they want next.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session B204 — Technologies & Information Integration in Hospitals
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sandra Kendall, Director of Library Services, Mount Sinai Hospital

This is a fast-paced, high-tech update on what hospital libraries are doing for patients, doctors, and nurses. It looks at the integration strategies in development or implemented, such as PDA use, library content integrated into the health record, clinical decision support tools that libraries provide access to, or content that is created or purchased for PDA use, as well as integration into the patient chart for point-of-care use. Filled with demos and real-life scenarios, you will pick up many ideas and insights from this session to use in your environment.
Session B205 — Developing a Taxonomy
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Kathryn Breininger & Mary Whittaker, Librarians, The Boeing Company

The ever-increasing amount of information on our intranets has a correlating effect on the increasing frustration our users have with finding information. This session looks at ways to navigate through the uncharted seas of information, discusses how to develop methods to help users find the information they need on enterprisewide as well as local sites. Speakers don’t believe simple search is always the answer, as end users tend to enter concepts that are too broad or are too specific to retrieve key relevant information. Breininger and Whittaker talk about the best practices for developing taxonomies and controlled vocabularies that address the unique needs of users as well as resolving the politics of concept ownership and taxonomy governance, engaging customers in the development
of a taxonomy, getting buy-in and acceptance of the taxonomy, taxonomy maintenance, testing its effectiveness, and promoting the value of a taxonomy in solving an organization’s information overload problems.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 30th
DeAnza III

Track C: 2.0 Organization & Roles
This series of talks looks at new organization strategies and roles for librarians in the Web 2.0 world, recruiting and integrating technology staff, training tech staff, developing knowledge managers and mobile librarians, and more.
Moderated by Mary Auckland, Consultant
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session C201 — Organization 2.0
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates

Social software, digital tools, and new ways of working demand new roles, competencies, and working arrangements. From virtual branch managers to digital coaches to matrixed management, our libraries are responding with innovative people, processes, and solutions. This session starts the day with the most critical component for any digital environment: the people.

Session C202 — Content & Commons: Library 2.0 Organizational Strategies
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Terry Huwe, Director of Library & Information Resources, Institute of Industrial Relations Library

In 2006, the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) Library dedicated a beautiful new library commons, which was designed to be a “collaborative” space. The renovation process ran parallel with ongoing digital library development, mass digitization, enhanced outreach and communications with users, and a substantially increased budget. Huwe describes how “library skill” was employed at IRLE to vastly increase the reach of the library staff into the working lives of its user community. He also identifies the organizational challenges that accompany stepping “outside the box,” and provides three easily transferable strategies for digital librarians who wish to take advantage of Library 2.0 innovations but face leadership that may not “get” the concept.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session C203 — How to Lose Your New Tech Librarian & Tech Training
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Jenny Benevento, Associated Press
Sarah Houghton-Jan, Web Services Manager, San Mateo County Library
Michael Stephens, Instructor, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Dominican University

Today’s new librarians enter the market with tech skills libraries desperately need. However, many tech librarians are abandoning our field quickly after graduation. Find out what your institution can do to recruit and retain valuable technologists (both M.L.S. and nondegreed) who are committed to employment in the information field. Get tips from our first two speakers on avoiding culture clash, integrating new professionals, and more. Then hear from two technology training experts about practical tips and approaches to developing technology training programs for staff, including tips for successful training sessions, the Learning 2.0 phenomenon, e-learning options, implementing technology competencies for staff, getting staff and administrative buy-in, and more.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session C204 — Librarians as Knowledge Managers
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Susan Braun, Manager, Research Services, Library & Information Center, The Aerospace Corporation

With the initiation of a knowledge management (KM) initiative in 2004, the role of the library and the job of the librarian at The Aerospace Corporation have changed significantly. The library director is an active member of the key decision- and policy-making committees that lead KM, and all training of knowledge managers within the corporation is done by librarians who are vendor certified as instructors in the use of the corporation’s document management software. In addition to traditional tasks of providing reference consultancy, Web site management, electronic content selection and management and library outreach and PR with the usual electronic toolkit, librarians provide consultation and guidance in the use of the document management software, manage the archiving of technical reports, manage the corporate taxonomy, provide the legal record of the corporation’s deliverables to its customer, and provide facilitation and content management for the corporation’s communities of practice. Hear about the competencies and roles required as well as the experiences of these librarians.
Session C205 — Mobile Librarians & RSSperts
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Beth Roberts, Research Specialist, Congressional Research Service, Washington, DC
John Meier, Science Librarian, Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library, Penn State University

The first presentation looks at smart phone technology offered in libraries, including reference and outreach, collection management, and systems. It looks at increasing productivity and communication amongst a cross-section of staff, and discusses the possibilities and limitations of smart phone devices and the overall impact of portable Web access. Roberts talks about marketing updated content and using RSS as a marketing tool to increase your library’s visibility and promote its services to your community. Using real-world examples, she also focuses on how RSS can be an effective tool for keeping your own librarians up-to-date, and discusses the challenges in RSS adoption and the skills needed to be an RSS expert, or RSSpert.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 30th
DeAnza I & II

Track D: Virtual Worlds & Libraries
Virtual worlds have been around for some time and have definitely built some strong communities. But what do they have to do with libraries? Well some, including Second Life, have been exploding in the past year in terms of usage and development. Librarians have definitely embraced Second Life, and these sessions focus on building communities, library experiences with this virtual world/interface, as well as some specific services for teens.
Organized and moderated by Jill Hurst Wahl, Hurst Associates, & Lori Bell, Alliance Library System
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Session D201 — Virtual Worlds & Libraries
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Lori Bell, Director of Innovation, Alliance Library System
Shawn McCann, Immersive Librarian, McMaster University

This overview discusses the landscape for virtual worlds as well as their use and impact on community-building and libraries. It sets the context for the day’s discussion about Second Life and how it fits into the landscape and with libraries.

Session D202 — Building Communities in Second Life
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Jill Hurst-Wahl, President, Hurst Associates, Ltd., &
J. J. Jacobson, Independent Consultant

A powerful aspect of Second Life is the ability to build communities, including communities of interest as well as library communities focused on specific topics. Currently there are library communities on “Info Island” focused on special topics (e.g., health information, Law, genre literature), regional spotlights (e.g., Kansas, Australia), and so on. Libraries in Second Life also serve communities with more- or less-specialized interests. Second Life Library 2.0 (SLL2) has a branch library in a Virtual Morocco, and the SLL2 pilot branch is located in a community that draws its themes from the 19th-century imagination. In numerous communities in Second Life, role playing is an important aspect of the residents’ lives. Why do these specialized and “local” libraries matter in a fully networked world? How do patrons and communities of patrons use role playing and other forms of immersion as a vehicle for research and learning? What tools are employed to help these communities continue to learn and grow? What are the plans for expanding focused library communities in Second Life? Get a great overview and lots of insights from this presentation.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Sessions D203 & D204 — The Second Life Smorgasbord: Opportunities for All Types of Libraries in a Virtual Environment
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. & 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Kitty Pope, Executive Director, Allliance Library System &
Barbara Galick,
Executive Director, Bradley Unviersity

Rosemary Arneson, Director of Carmichael Library, University of Montevallo
Kate Fitz, Public Services Librarian, Sacramento County Public Law Library
Michael Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian, Nebraska Library Commission
Elisabeth Marrapodi Jacobsen, Library Director, Trinitas Hospital Library
Micki McIntyre, UMDNJ HealthyNJ Librarian, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

Second Life (SL) is a 3-D virtual environment where libraries of all types (academic, school, special, and public) from all over the world are collaborating to investigate, provide and evaluate library services for residents, educators and students in a virtual environment. From information services to programs, events, and immersive environments, all types of libraries and librarians with different skill sets are needed in the virtual environment. This panel of academic, public, and special librarians discusses their libraries’ involvement in this collaborative project and how libraries and librarians can get involved, contribute to SL, and what they might learn from the experience.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Session D205 — Creating Library Services for Teens in Second Life
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Kelly Czarnecki, Technology Education Librarian, & Matt Gullett, Emerging Technology Manager, ImaginOn, the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County
David Lee King, Digital Branch & Services Manager, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library

Begun in October 2006, the Eye4You Alliance is a partnership between the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County and the Alliance Library System. The Eye4You Alliance is involved in a teen-driven project to create library services and programs for teens within Teen Second Life. The Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library and its partners are also involved with Teen Second Life, having purchased Oz Island. This session explores the services that have been developed in Second Life for teens (ages 13–17). What services do teens want? How do teens think about “libraries” in Second Life? And how are adults interacting with teens in Second Life? What are the roadblocks, benefits, and trends? Listen to this exciting discussion and come away with lots of new ideas!
DeAnza I & II

Gadgets, Gadgets, & Gaming!
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Barbara Fullerton, Manager, Library Relations, 10KWizard;
Sabrina Pacifici,
Editor & Publisher, &
Aaron Schmidt, Director, North Plains Public Library;
Erik Boekesteijn & Jaap van de Geer, Delft Public Library

Join our experienced and entertaining panelists in a fun and fast-paced tour around the changing world of gadgets as they look at the latest products, services, and tools that will influence our digital strategies in a 2.0 world. Then have a look at a documentary created especially for IL07 that showcases gaming best practices in libraries.

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Monterey Web Sites
Official Web Site, City of Monterey
Monterey Peninsula Online Guide
Monterey Co. Convention & Visitors Bureau
Yahoo! Travel Guide to Monterey

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