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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2006
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Internet Librarian 2006 Home The Internet Conference and Exhibition for
Librarians and Information Managers

Monterey, CA • October 23-25, 2006
Monterey Conference Center
Integrated Experiences: Compelling Content Combinations
Conference Overview Final Program Conference at a Glance [PDF]
Exhibitor List ITI Show Daily (InfoToday Blog) Conference Wiki
Internet@Schools West Attendee Survey Exhibitor Survey
Presentation Links
A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian. Orders are shipped approximately 6 weeks after the event.


CLICK HERE to view Floor Plan
Once again, Internet Librarian returns to the popular location of Monterey, California. Attendance is expected to increase, and our format and exhibit hours will help our exhibitors and attendees get the most out of their time in the exhibit hall. The exhibit hall features a grand opening reception on Monday night, bringing all of the conference attendees and exhibitors together to kick off the event.

To find out more about exhibiting at Internet Librarian, as well as sponsorship opportunities, download our Invitation to Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities PDFs using the links above, or contact:
David Panara
Exhibit Sales Manager
609-654-6266, ext. 146
            Mike Zarrello
Exhibit & Advertising Sales Director
609-654-6266, ext. 132
Whatever your products or services, we invite you join us this year, along with the following companies/organizations who have already contracted to exhibit:
Basch Subscriptions/The Reference Shelf Booth #422
Click here to learn more! Basch Subscriptions, Inc. provides serials management services. Steeped in serials tradition, experience, knowledge and integrity, Basch is committed to personalized service that you can depend on.
88 North Main StreetConcord, NH 03301 603-229-0662
BioOne Booth #118
Blackwell Publishing Booth #113
Carroll Publishing Booth #114
Click here to learn more! Carroll Publishing provides the largest and most current database serving as the essential resource for saving people time in accurately finding key decision makers within the U.S. Federal, Sate, Municipal, and County governments, including census expenditure figures and dynamic organizational charts.
4701 Sangamore Rd., Suite S-155 Bethesda, MD 20816 301-263-9800
eBrary Booth #114
Click here to learn more! ebrary provides a growing selection of eBooks from the world's leading publishers under both a subscription and perpetual access model. Our eBooks span all academic subject areas and are available as pre-selected or custom collections. And, we have developed a sophisticated platform that transforms static eBooks (or any PDF documents) into highly interactive databases, where every eBook becomes a patron's own online research portal.
318 Cambridge Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94306 650-475-8700
EBSCO Information Services Booth #305
Click here to learn more! EBSCO is the leading service provider for e-journal, e-package and print subscriptions, a suite of e-resource management tools, full-text and secondary databases and related services for libraries and research organizations. EBSCO maintains a title database of more than 300,000 title listings and upholds relationships with more than 78,000 publishers worldwide.
5724 Highway 280 East Birmingham, AL 35242 205-980-3885
Elsevier Booth #102
EOS International Booth #411
EuroMonitor International Booth #206
evanced Solutions Booth #116
Facts on File Booth #209
Faulkner Booth #TBA
Click here to learn more! Faulkner is a leading provider of online subscription-based IT communications and security management information services. Primary products include the Faulkner Advisory on Computer and Communications Technologies and Faulkner Security Management Practices. Faulkner reports are used worldwide in library, university, research, government, and corporate environments. Preview our services FREE OF CHARGE.
7905 Browning Road, Suite 116 Pennsauken, NJ 08109 856-662-2070
FT - Financial Times Booth #318
Geographic Research, Inc. Booth #324
H.W. Wilson Booth #112
IEEE Booth #316
The IET/Inspec Booth #317
Click here to learn more! The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is a new institution joining the IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) and the IIE (The Institution of Incorporated Engineers). The IET inherits the IEE brand and all its products/services, including Inspec?. Inspec? is the leading English-language bibliographic database covering science and technology.
379 Thornall St. Edison, NJ 08837 732-321-5575
Information School of the University of Washington Booth #410
Information Today, Inc. Booth #TBA
Click here to learn more! Information Today, Inc. (ITI) is a leading publisher and conference organizer in the library, information, content, and knowledge management industries. The company is the conference organizer of Computers in Libraries, as well as WebSearch University, KMWorld & Intranets, Internet Librarian, Internet Librarian International, Enterprise Search Summit, Streaming Media, and Buying & Selling eContent. ITI is also the publisher of Information Today, Computers in Libraries, ONLINE, MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, CRM, Searcher, KMWorld, Speech Technology, and EventDV. In addition to periodicals, ITI publishes many books, directories, and market research pertaining to the information and knowledge management industries. Divisions of Information Today, Inc. include CRM Media, Streaming Media, Inc., Online, and Faulkner Information Services.
143 Old Marlton Pike Medford, NJ 08055 609-654-6266
Inmagic, Inc. Booth #416
John Wiley & Sons Booth #315
Keesing's Worldwide Booth #120
Knovel Corporation Booth #224
Mergent, Inc. Booth #115
Click here to learn more! Mergent, Inc. is the preferred provider of critical business and financial data on global publicly listed companies, indices and exchanges. Its product and service offerings include: Mergent Online; Mergent Manuals, Handbooks and Investment Guides; EventsData, BondSource, Ford Equity Research and Mergent Active. Mergent's databases include information on more than 35,000 global listed companies in more than 100 countries.
5250 77 Center Drive, Suite 150 Charlotte, NC 28217 800-937-1398
Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Booth #111
NewsBank, Inc. Booth #414
NewsGator Technologies Booth #407
Click here to learn more! A secure, scalable, behind-the-firewall solution, NewsGator Enterprise Serveraggregates relevant internal and external premium content and delivers it to Outlook, Web browsers and mobile devices - all synchronized. It allows administrators to manage subscriptions, users and groups, and provides an efficient delivery method for communications, competitive intelligence, research information and company news.
950 17th Street, Suite 2500 • Denver, CO 80202 • 303-552-3900 •
OCLC Booth #108
Offshoot Systems Booth #211
Oxford University Press Booth #217
ProQuest Booth #415
SAGE Publications Booth #418
San José State University - School of Library & Information Science Booth #213
Serials Solutions Booth #417
SirsiDynix Booth #311
SLA (Special Libraries Association) Booth #319
Softlink America, Inc. Booth #212
Click here to learn more! Softlink is a leading provider of library and information management software. Liberty3 is a complete, web-based, integrated, customizable system. Available: SQL; Oracle; or Concordance. e-Reference is Softlink's powerful tool that builds your organization?s knowledgebase of reference requests - stand-alone or integrated with Liberty3. Available ASP or install.
5482 Wilshire Blvd. #1540 Los Angeles, CA 90036 323-525-1767
Springer Booth #218
TDNet, Inc. Booth #420
TechBooks Booth #312
Click here to learn more! TechBooks delivers technologically-advanced and integrated content transformation solutions that enable customers to unleash the value of their content and uncover new revenue opportunities. Techbooks delivers full life-cycle content management services - content capture, digitization and distribution - within the publishing, financial, pharmaceutical, media content, enterprise and education markets. Headquartered in Falls Church, VA, the company employs more than 4,000 people around the globe. For more information on Techbooks and its services please visit
3110 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 900 Falls Church, VA 22042 703-352-0001
Thomson Gale Booth #405
Click here to learn more! Thomson Gale (, a business of The Thomson Corporation, is a world leader in print and online reference publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Thomson Gale includes such noted publishers as Macmillan Reference USA, Charles Scribner?s Sons, GK Hall & Company, Schirmer Books, Twayne Publishing, Primary Source Microfilm, Graham & Whiteside, The Taft Group, and Blackbirch Press.
27500 Drake Rd.Farmington Hills, MI
Value Line Publishing, Inc. Booth #216
Vantage Learning Booth #408
WebFeat, Inc. Booth #207
Exhibit Hours
Monday, October 23, 2006
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:45 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:45 AM to 2:00 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

2:00 PM to 8:00 PM

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