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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2005
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Internet Librarian 2005 Home The Internet Conference and Exhibition for
Librarians and Information Managers

Monterey, CA • October 24-26, 2005
Monterey Conference Center
Conference Overview Final Program FAQ
Exhibitor List Internet@Schools West Previous IL Conferences
A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian. Orders are shipped approximately 6 weeks after the event.

General Conference — Wednesday, October 26th
Track A: Search Engines (SEs) & Beyond Track B: New "I" Roles
Track C: Systems & Operations Management Track D: Intranets & Portals
Closing Keynote: Competing with Google: Library Strategies
KEYNOTE — Google: Catalyst for Digitization? Or Library Destruction?
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. — San Carlos Ballroom (Marriott)
Roy Tennant,
User Services Architect, eScholarship Initiative, California Digital Library
Rich Wiggins,
Senior Information Technologist, Michigan State University

How much do we know about Google's plans? Are we excited? Frightened? Listen to the facts about Google Print, Google Scholar and other Google projects as we know them now. Hear our experts as they challenge each others opinions in the great Google debate!
General Conference — Wednesday, October 26th
Track A: Search Engines (SEs) & Beyond

Steinbeck Forum
Our day of search engine sessions this year focuses on the practical — daily tools, the impact of search engines for information professionals, as well as the future for search engines and what’s next — beyond SEs!
Moderated by Greg Notess, Search Engine Showdown
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Session A301 — Search Engine Update
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Gary Price,
Founder, & Editor, Search Engine Watch
Greg Notess,
Editor, Search Engine Showdown

This session looks at the trends in the search engine market for the coming year. It highlights recent changes in specific Web search engine tools, provides tips about what we should be looking for next year, and discusses the impact for information professionals. Our experts believe that dramatic changes may lie ahead for Internet librarians. Come hear their predictions!
Session A302 — Fueling Engines for the Future
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
DeWitt Clinton,
Software Development Engineer,
David Mandelbrot, Vice President of Search Content, Yahoo!
Peter Norvig, Director of Search Quality, Google

Our popular panel of search engine creators and experts talks about their engines—what’s new in the way of features and improvements, what’s planned in the near future, and one of the most innovative uses of their product by a client. Get the inside scoop!

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session A303 — Evaluating Search Tools
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Mary Ellen Bates,
Bates Information Services

New Web tools—search engines, metasearch engines, catalogs, and directories —meet our eyeballs on a regular basis. Many arrive with a great deal of hype, some of it legitimate, much of it exaggerated. How can we effectively assess Web search tools in order to determine if the tools can stand alongside other Web search essentials? Bates shares the criteria she uses for search tool assessment, as well as helpful methods for evaluating new search tools.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Session A304 — Beyond Search Engines
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
John Dove,
CEO, xrefer
R.J. Pittman,
CEO, Groxis
Ryan Massie,
Senior Product Manager, Ask Jeeves

This session looks beyond what’s happening today and provides some insights about searching in the future.
General Conference — Wednesday, October 26th
Track B: New "I" Roles

De Anza I
Sponsored by Medical Library Association (MLA), this track looks at information/ Internet/intelligence roles and the skills necessary for info pros to thrive in the future.
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session B301 — "I" Roles—Who & What do We Teach?
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Mike Crandall,
The Information School

The rapid growth of the Internet and the Web have put information squarely into the eyes and ears of the public. As awareness rises, so does the demand for people who understand the complexity of information and have the background to effectively manage it in our modern infrastructure. The growth of Information Schools over the past decade is a recognition both of the importance of the historical and current knowledge developed in the library and information science community, and the changing audiences that need to be reached with that knowledge. The cross-disciplinary nature of the curriculum in these schools is targeted not only at libraries and information centers, but also the heart of non-library organizations, where information runs the show. From the CIO to the information architect, from the CKO to the competitive intelligence manager, from the search engine designer to the database integrator, from the head of marketing to the CRM system manager, information is a core component of the modern organization — and education is the key to the information professional’s success.

Session B302 — Changing Roles for Librarians
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Andrea Mercado,
Reference Librarian, Reading Public Library, & Consultant,
Maureen Hammer,
Virginia Department of Transportation
D. Scott Brandt,
Interdisciplinary Research Librarian, Purdue University

Over the past 20 years, computing in libraries has influenced the rise of system administrators, Webmasters, and technology trainers. Constantly, new skills and knowledge are needed to figure out how to apply emerging technologies to library services and professional careers. Hear several perspectives: the role of conference blogger—what skills and experiences are needed to successfully chronicle a major conference for the world to share and engage?; the role of knowledge manager for external and internal written as well as internal unwritten knowledge—are taxonomy skills and virtual support of communities critical?; the role of interdisciplinary research librarian—how and where can librarians engage in scientific research in informatics-related areas?

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session B303 — Competitive Intelligence (CI) Strategies, Services, Skills, & Sources
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Sabrina Pacifici, and
Chuck Lowrey,
Director of Customer Relations, ALM Research
Donna Cavallini,
InfoFirst LLC

There is a broad spectrum of online, print, and Web resources, both fee and free, that can be leveraged to create an effective in-house program to monitor and mine data on competitors, clients, markets, and more. Our speakers demonstrate the "best in show" from among the most reliable, content-rich Web sites, subscriptions services, news, association resources, academic and scholarly sources, court docketing systems, search engines, blogs, and RSS feeds. This practical program facilitates your ability to build from scratch, or improve upon, your current CI program. Rev up the engines on CI and set your course for success!
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Session B304 — Web Winners!
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
John Blyberg,
Network Administrator and Lead Developer, Ann Arbor District Library, Information Access Systems

We've come a long way from learning basic HTML to create the library's web page. Now library web sites reach out to users in creative ways to give them reasons to come back. Interactivity and community building cement our clients to our services. Hear how one library created a new breed of library web sites as well as a host of new skills and roles for its staff.
General Conference — Wednesday, October 26th
Track C: Systems & Operations Management

De Anza III
Electronic resources management (ERM) is a topic on everyone’s mind. As is interoperability, building virtual communities and workspaces and journeying towards a fully integrated library management system. This track looks at preparing for ERM, and creating a cohesive online experience.
Moderated by Richard Hulser, Digital Initiatives, Amgen Libraries
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session C301 — Preparing for ERM
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Jeff Wisniewski,
University of Pittsburg
Andrew White,
Associate Director, Stony Brook University (SBU)

Many institutions have home-grown systems to meet their needs, and the market is in the process of responding to libraries’ needs with ERM systems from several major vendors, either available now or in development. Given this, many libraries have chosen to take a wait-and-see attitude, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things you can be doing now to prepare for ERM later. Wisniewski highlights key vendor-neutral activities and considerations that any library contemplating an ERM system can undertake to manage the current environment more easily and prepare to adopt an ERM system down the road. White illustrates how the Open Source LAMP model (Linux/Apache/MySql/PHP, Python, PERL) can form the backbone of an efficient and cost effective ERM system for any library. White also shows how SBU Health Sciences Center Library’s use of LAMP components to construct two ERM tools, the ROAMS and SML applications, help the library reduce the complexities associated with ERM and benefit the library’s customers who rely on timely information for education, research, and patient care. He shows both the power of open source library solutions and the viability of creating and customizing software to meet the needs of today’s library without depending on proprietary vendor offerings.

Session C302 — Interoperability: Creating a Cohesive Online Experience
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Karen Coombs,
Head of Web Services, University of Houston Libraries, &
Amanda Hollister, Information Technology Librarian, SUNY Cortland

With many different Web-based library systems and services, libraries find themselves trying to answer the question of how to create an integrated experience for their users, especially when library systems often do not interoperate well. This session focuses on SUNY Cortland’s efforts to build a more unified library Web presence by bridging the gaps between the library’s integrated library management system, interlibrary loan system, library databases, and other electronic resources. It provides an overview of strategies and technologies in developing an integrated electronic presence for the library and discusses the impact of XML, database-driven Web pages, OpenURL, and federated search on their efforts. Lessons learned and unresolved challenges are also covered.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session C303 — The Digital Guerilla: Building a (Nearly) Free Virtual Collaboration Suite
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
K. Matthew Dames,
Founder & Principal, Seso Group Digital Information Advisors, & Executive Editor,

The nature of work has changed. Instead of traveling into an office, many are logging into work, interacting with co-workers, sharing files, and resolving problems entirely in virtual spaces. This new type of work demands tools that facilitate project management, file sharing, and communications, but many organizations—particularly libraries—do not have the money to buy collaboration suites that can cost tens of thousands of dollars. What do you do? You go guerilla. Our digital collaboration expert discusses how to patch together an effective digital collaboration suite for little to no cash, using social software tools that are currently available on the Web. Most of the common tools—such as blogs, messaging tools, VoIP, and even project management—will allow info pros to leverage the Web to streamline operations and enhance relationships with clients.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Session C304 — Content and Technologies Convergence: Implications for Libraries
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Current and emerging tools allow content to be extracted, aggregated, customized, and repackaged in order to be delivered to end users, who may access information through various devices. This integration of technologies and content into one seamless user experience is sometimes referred to as the Second Wave Convergence. This presentation outlines some of the underlying standards and technologies that make this convergence possible, discusses the implications for libraries and info pros, and gazes into the crystal ball to look at what else may be coming over the horizon.
General Conference — Wednesday, October 26th
Track D: Intranets & Portals

De Anza II
Collaboration is critical for information and knowledge flows, and this track looks at technologies and practices that enhance that activity. Filled with real world examples and usually unseen "behind the firewall" interfaces, this track provides you with lots of ideas to take away.
Moderated by Richard Geiger, San Francisco Chronicle
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session D301 — CNN Library Intranet
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Sunny McClendon,
Reference Librarian/Webmaster, CNN Library

This session illustrates what’s going on at the CNN Library Intranet—a blog, an RSS aggregator behind a firewall, converting from a table design to a css placement design, moving from SiteXpert search engine to another, a sort-by feature on CNN’s value-added resources, and a CMS for Web editors. See a robust intranet and get new ideas and insights for yours!

Session D302 — Fostering Collaboration with Wikis and Weblogs
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Darlene Fichter,
Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan

More and more organizations are turning to wikis to help teams collaborate and share knowledge. The flexible, self-organizing nature of wikis and their ease of use make them an ideal bottom-up approach for sharing knowledge rather than a top-down content management system. Sometimes wikis and Weblogs are seen as an either/or proposition. Not so. Each has its place and can help foster collaboration and sharing. Find out more about wikis, how some organizations have successfully used them, and how Weblogs and wikis fit into your collaboration toolbox.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session D303 — Portal Perspective: Library & IT
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Edee Edwards,
Library Consultant

Portals can present all types of information for specific audiences. But this doesn't happen magically. Go beyond the library in this session and peek at portals from behind the IT curtain. When do you need document management, content management, or digital asset management to feed your portal? What tools are key for user management? How do structured data and functional tools like Customer Relationship Management or Enterprise Resource Planning systems fit in? Take a whirlwind tour of the foundation portal components from an IT/MIS view so that you as information professionals can better collaborate, contribute and provide leadership to your organization's portal strategy.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Session D304 — Expert Reviews of Real-World Intranets
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Sunny McClendon,
Reference Librarian/Webmaster, CNN Library
Chris Jasek, Manager, Elsevier's User-Centered Design Group
Andrew Donoho,
Web Theorist, Emerging Technology Division, IBM
Sheryll Ryan,
Director of Business Development, Human Factors International

Most libraries can't budget for a consultant evaluation of their site and user-feedback isn't always enough. Being guarded by a firewall can increase our designs' isolation. In Monterey, we'll co-opt the time of three design experts to get our sites reviewed. Volunteer your intranet site through or
CLOSING KEYNOTE — Steinbeck Forum
3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Competing with Google: Library Strategies
Stephen Abram, Past President, Canadian Library Association & Vice President, Innovation, Sirsi Corporation

An industry watcher and engaging speaker, Abram is the author of numerous articles on strategies for all types of libraries to compete with the Google juggernaut. If Google Print or the Google massive digitization project has you worried, rightly, then this is the session for you—whether you’re an academic librarian watching Google Scholar evolve, or a public library director keeping your eye on Google Local, or a corporate or school librarian operating in an environment where your clients think Google does it all. Stephen’s top 10 strategies for libraries to remain relevant in the Google Age (and MSN and Yahoo! age too) are a must-see.

Association Sponsors: Media Sponsors:  
Click here to visit our sponsor. Computers in Libraries Information Today
Click here to visit our sponsor. Searcher Online Magazine
Multimedia & Internet@Schools

Monterey Web Sites
Official Web Site, City of Monterey
Monterey Peninsula Online Guide
Monterey Co.Convention & Visitors Bureau
Yahoo! Travel Guide to Monterey

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