Academic Press
Booth #323
IDEAL is the International Digital Electronic Access Library, which offers full-text electronic access to over 250 journals from Academic Press, Harcourt Health Sciences (including Churchill Livingstone and W.B. Saunders, Ltd.) and other publishers. Through licensing agreements with library consortia, industry networks and individual institutions, IDEAL brings electronic journals directly to the desktops of researchers around the world. IDEALReferenceWorks (, a series of online reference materials, provides IDEAL users with access to critically acclaimed encyclopedias. IDEALAlert (, a free email service, supplies tables of contents and journal digests.
Academic Press 525 B Street, Suite 1900 San Diego, CA 92101-4495 (619) 231-6616
AccuNet/AP PhotoArchive
Booth #415
American Chemical Society
Booth #TT5
American Institute of Physics
Booth #804
American Medical Association
Booth #704
Annual Reviews
Booth #906
Basch Subscriptions/The Reference Shelf Inc.
Booth #TT
Booth #321
BIOSIS® is one of the world's leading indexers and distributors of life science reference information. Databases such as BIOSIS Previews®, Biological Abstracts®, and Zoological Record provide life science researchers, educators, and librarians with access to current references from every field of life science, available in a variety of formats (electronic and print). BIOSIS continues to develop new products to meet the growing needs of the life science community, such as MethodsFinder, the Web database for laboratory methods and protocols. For more information about the entire line of BIOSIS products and services, visit the BIOSIS Web site at
BIOSIS 2001 Market Street, Suite 700 Philadelphia, PA 19103-7095 (800) 523-4806
Blackwell's Book Services
Booth #322
Booth #810
R. R. Bowker
Booth #406
Bowker, the foremost US publisher of bibliographic information for over 128 years, is one of the world's leading information providers publishing over 300 titles in print and electronic formats. The first CD-ROM product, Books In Print ON DISC was produced in 1986 and currently offers various platforms, up to 62 search criteria, truncation and Boolean logic, up to 14 displays and output formats, and electronic ordering with up to 25 wholesalers and publishers. Our CD-ROM products include Books In Print w/Reviews ON DISC, Books In Print w/Reviews ON DISC - Canadian Edition, Ulrich's ON DISC, Global Books In Print, and Audio & Video Database. Bowker has internet editions as well -,,, In addition, Bowker is the publisher of the American Library Directory, the Bowker Annual and other works key to the library community. Contact Bowker for information at the above addresses or number below.
R.R. Bowker, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. 121 Chanlon Road New Providence, NJ 07974 (888) 269-5372
Brodart Company
Booth #902
Brodart Co. is committed to serving libraries and only libraries with collection development services to decrease staff research and labor time while helping you select the most appropriate titles for your collection. Now we proudly offer, our powerful, web-based collection development and ordering service.
BIBZ.COM is more than just another online title database: Value-added services such as library-oriented searching, custom selection lists (TIPS), distribution ordering, and MARC-formatted records are built into the product; TIPS and BIBZ.COM offer the most book reviews available from one source. Put, the ultimate in control and flexibility, to work for your library today.
Brodart Company 500 Arch Street Williamsport, PA 17705 (800) 233-8467
Bureau van Dijk
Booth #224
Bureau van Dijk is a leading supplier of information solutions worldwide, publishing state of the art business applications for data retrieval and analysis.
BvD provides flexible, high quality information and analysis tools to major corporations, investment banks, Big 5 accounting firms and others. Companies of all sizes use Bureau van Dijk services for everything from quick reference to in-depth industry analysis; for project based needs to long-term and customized data integration.
Products include:
· Amadeus
(3.7 million public and private European companies)
· BankScope
(11,100 banks worldwide)
· EIU CountryData
(Macroeconomic data on 117 countries across 271 economic series)
(250,000 private companies in the United States)
· Isis
(worldwide insurance company database covering over 4,200 firms)
Contact Alberto Vazquez at 888-797-7120 or visit to learn more!
The BVD SUITE will be showcased at Internet Librarian 2000 so please stop by for your FREE 'SUITE' GIFT. Sign up for a FREE TRIAL or PERSONAL DEMONSTRATION to AMADEUS, BANKSCOPE, ICARUS, ISIS, EIU COUNTRYDATA, and others by visiting booth 224.
Bureau van Dijk • 55 Broad St. • New York, NY 10004 • (212) 797-7120 •
CASPR Library Systems, Inc.
Booth #901
Centurion Technologies, Inc.
Booth #108
CISTI (Canada Institute for Scientific & Technical Information)
Booth #904
Cuadra Associates, Inc.
Booth #516
See the latest single- and multi-site versions of the STAR/Libraries application-MARC and non-MARC. With the Cuadra STAR search engine and unique Web interface for your OPAC, you have the choice of customizable Assisted and Professional Search interfaces, with links to online vocabulary aids, other databases, and to all types of electronic files in the "corporate memory." And, with other STAR ready-to-use applications, you can manage museum/archive collections, images, and electronic/non-electronic records (with a DoD-5015-certified application). And ask us about the budget-friendly Cuadra ILS.
Cuadra Associates, Inc. 11835 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 855 Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 478-0066
Data Harmony, Inc.
Booths #422, 424
The Data Harmony, Inc. software suite simplifies database management and storage using the open standards of the Internet. Data Harmony functions on any Java-enabled server and is composed of three modules: The XML Intranet System (XIS) stores records in XML format, supporting editorial processes with user interfaces operating under Internet browsers. The Machine-Aided Indexer (M.A.I.) is a natural language processing engine for fast, flexible, subject indexing.
The Thesaurus Master (TM) enables storage and editing of your controlled vocabulary or thesaurus for use in indexing or search/retrieval capacities. Data Harmony is available as an integrated package or as separate modules.
Data Harmony, Inc. 131 Adams St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 998-0800
Data Downlink
Booth #306
Portal BThe Search Engine for Business
Data Downlink's intent for Portal B is to give our customers an engine which delivers business answers on the Web that are selective, precise, and informative. To that end, people have to be involved: people who understand business, who understand efficiency and who can spot good content. A spider, it turns out, is not enough. Yes, surely, a spider is smart software, traveling through the pages on a site by following and opening the site's many links. But Portal B's spider is operating, traveling and searching on sites already pre-selected for business users. The combination of professionals editing sites, and a sophisticated spider traversing those sites, is a powerful combination. One that renders the precision and selectivity that our customers require.
Data Downlink 88 Pine Street New York, NY 10005 (212) 363-9620
Data Research Associates
Booth #517
Dun & Bradstreet
Booth #104
Booth #807
EBSCO Information Services
Booth #102
EBSCO Information Services provides integrated information management to libraries, corporations and other organizations worldwide through:
- print and electronic serials management from EBSCO Subscription Services, the world's largest subscription agency
- electronic journal access and management through EBSCO Online®
- full text reference databases available online via EBSCOhost® or CD-ROM
- EBSCO Book Services, a Web-based desktop book ordering service designed for the corporate end user.
An electronically linked network of 32 offices in 21 countries allows EBSCO to provide quick, accurate and personal service no matter where your organization is located. Visit us on the Web at
EBSCO Information Services P.O. Box 2543 Birmingham, AL 35202-2543 (205) 991-1211
Booth #703
ECNext is a provider of online business intelligence solutions. ECNext creates and manages electronic business intelligence sites for information publishers, corporate accounts, and e- market-makers. As an ASP, e-market maker and infomediary, ECNext enables their customers to quickly and cost effectively produce internal or external electronic business intelligence solutions featuring robust content, searching tools, complete with full management and reporting capabilities.
ECNext 10104 Brewster Lane, Suite 125 Powell, OH 43065 (614) 932-0956
EDGAR Online, Inc.
Booth #706
EDGAR Online is the leading Internet-based supplier of business, financial and competitive information derived from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) data. We satisfy the demands of over one million individuals and scores of organizations each month who use EDGAR Online to attain timely, intelligent and cost-effective access to corporate intelligence on the more than 15,000 U.S. public companies. We provide Intranet, Extranet and Internet-based tools that deliver business-critical content via a variety of search and navigation options, personalization features, and e-mail and Web-based alerts. Please visit us at booth #706 or on the Web at
EDGAR Online 50 Washington St., 9th Floor Norwalk, CT 06854 (800) 416-6651
Elsevier Science
[see also
Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases
Booth #311
Elsevier Science is the world's leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information, with publishing offices in New York, Amsterdam, Oxford and Shannon. Our products include journals, books and online databases, as well as ScienceDirect®, our premier Web-based host for full-text journal delivery to the desktop. Our searchable product catalog, the Elsevier Science ContentsSearch service, author tools and a variety of other offerings can be found at our Website:
Elsevier Science 655 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10010 (212) 989-5800
Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases
[see also
Elsevier Science
Booth #311
Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases are distinguished by their currency and rapid record processing, comprehensive coverage of international literature, high-quality data and inclusion of unique fields to enhance precision retrieval. Internet access to each of the databases is available or will be introduced shortly.
Databases include:
EMBASE (biomedicine and pharmaceutical sciences) |
BIOTECHNOBASE (biotechnology) | | (available soon) | |
GEOBASE (geological and geographical sciences, ecology) | |
FLUIDEX (fluid engineering) |
EMSCOPES (customised services) |
World Textiles (textile industry) |
Elsevier BIOBASE (biological sciences) |
International Science Lists (business-to-business mailing lists) |
Visit us at Booth 311 to meet with our representatives and view product demonstrations.
Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 650 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10011 (212) 633-3980
Endeavor Information Systems Inc.
Booth #816
Endeavor Information Systems is about smart designs, experienced people, kept promises and solid decisions. Since 1994, Endeavor has developed affordable, high performance library systems that provide solutions for integrating traditional and digital resources of academic and research libraries around the globe. Digital or print- now your users can have it all! Seasoned professionals with a strong heritage in the library industry created Voyager and Endeavors complete offering of library management systems with a simple goal in mind: to provide access to information regardless of location or format. Were not just making the finest products in the world; were making history!
Endeavor Information Systems • 2200 E. Devon Ave. • Suite 382 • Des Plaines, IL 60018-4505 • (800) 762-6300 • |
EoExchange, Inc.
Booth #701
EOS International
Booth #217
Library automation and information access solutions since 1981. EOS offers a comprehensive range of Windows and Web-based solutions for libraries of every size, including:
Q SERIES™ - A Windows-based next generation client/server system with advanced search & retrieval capabilities. The Q Series provides a single point of access to a broad range of information, including onsite collections, satellite branch collections, multimedia files, CD-ROMS, URI ( (URL/URN) links, electronic journals and internal proprietary documents. Q @ccess Web OPAC provides realtime access to your online catalog via the Internet.
GLAS® (Graphical Library Automation System) - A comprehensive Windows-based system for small to medium sized libraries, with URI (URL/URN) links and GLAS @ccess Web OPAC.
EOS International • 2382 Faraday Avenue • Suite 350 • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7258 • (800) 876-5484 • |
Booth #317
Factiva, A Dow Jones & Reuter Company
Booth #711
Facts On File
Booth #411
Faronics Technologies Inc.
Booth #716
Booths #511/513
The Freedonia Group, Inc.
Booth #907
The Freedonia Group is a leading international business research company that has published more than 1,500 industry studies, concentrating in the areas of chemicals, plastics, life sciences, packaging, and industrial components and equipment, among others. All studies include market size and share, along with industry analysis and market forecasts. Through our Web site,, you may browse our catalog and order a study for immediate delivery (including electronic delivery). You can also purchase specific chapters or pages of a study online. Special corporate packages and licenses are available to allow customers to incorporate Freedonia research into their own electronic library.
The Freedonia Group, Inc. 767 Beta Drive Cleveland, OH 44143 (440) 684-9600
The Gale Group
Booth #412
The Gale Group offers a wide selection of electronic resources and is available in both Internet and CD-ROM formats. Gale Group's award-winning databases are dedicated to serving the reference needs of libraries, schools and businesses around the world and contain high-quality information in the fields of literature, business, history, health and more. Collected from a multitude of relevant sources including periodicals, newspapers, directories and reference books, the Gale Group's electronic information services are noted for authoritative content, editorial quality and world-class customer support. Stop by booth 412 to sample our electronic information solutions, including new Business and Company Resource Center.
The Gale Group 27500 Drake Road Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (800) 877-GALE
Booth #TT3
IFI Claims Patent Services
Booth #514
ILI Infodisk
Booth #808
INET Library
Booth #TT2
Information Express
Booths #510/512
Information Today, Inc.
Booth #318
infoUSA Library Division
Booth #909
Booth #409
Inktomi Corporation
Booth #805
Booth #903
Inmagic® Products Turn Information into a Strategic Advantage
Inmagic is a leading provider of information management and library automation solutions deployed on desktops, networks, the Web and the Intranet. Our products are used by information resource centers, special libraries, and corporate departments to leverage their collective knowledge into a competitive advantage.
Our products are distinguished by their ability to handle unwieldy data such as text, documents, images, knowledgebases, and multimedia.
To see a demonstration of our Integrated Library System (BiblioTech PRO®), our Web publishing solution (DB/Text® WebPublisher), or our text retrieval software (DB/TextWorks®), please visit us at Booth #903.
Inmagic 800 West Cummings Park Woburn, MA 01801 (800) 229-8398
Innovative Interfaces Inc.
Booth #523
Booth #419
Booth #213
Booths #805/807
Jane's Information
Booth #324
Keesing's Worldwide
Booth #708
Kiplinger Business Forecasts
Booth #515
Booth #206
LEXIS®-NEXIS® is a leading provider of online business solutions to business, academic, and government customers. We provide our customers with searchable access to over 3.5 billion documents from over 25,000 sources -- three times the documents available from all of the Internet. Our solutions range from helping companies prevent fraud to developing knowledge management capacities. Be sure to visit the LEXIS®-NEXIS® booth (206) for a sneak-peak at our newest content and services.
LEXIS-NEXIS • 9443 Springboro Pike • Miamisburg, OH 45342 • (800) 227-9597 •
The Library Corporation - TLC
Booth #506
Booth #908
| is the librarian's home on the Internet. Packed with features, tools and information, provides librarians of all kinds with a comprehensive web community to call their own. Resources include consolidated industry news and feature articles; collection development tools such as Best Seller, New Release and specialized selection lists; time saving subscription services; comprehensive directories of vendors and consultants; educational and career opportunities; and lively and informative on-line events and discussion forums. Best of all, librarians can create and place orders for collection materials, office supplies, computers and much more with a variety of suppliers using the free, on-line ordering service.
| 250 West Center, Suite 300 Provo, UT 84601 (801) 371-9222
Booth #423
Mergent the preferred source for global business & financial information has been compiling and distributing public company information since 1900. This century of quality has enabled Mergent to be an innovative leader in easy-to-use information tools that combine functionality with the latest in technology. Mergent offers business professionals and individual investors a full range of powerful research tools in print, CD-ROM and online formats. Mergent's databases contain over 10,000 U.S. public companies, 11,000+ non-US public companies, and 17,500 municipal entities, as well as extensive corporate and municipal bond, UIT, and dividend information.
Mergent FIS 60 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10010 (800) 342-5647, Ext. 7601
Booth #223
Booth #418
Mindbranch, Inc.
Booth #809
Booth #421
National Technical Information Service
Booth #526
Neal-Schuman Publishers
Booth #219
Booth #710
NewsBank, Inc.
Booth #509
Northern Light Technology, Inc.
Booth #312
Northern Light Technology, Inc. ( or for businesses and researchers) is a leading Internet provider of information solutions for enterprises and individuals. Through a single consolidated search Northern Light provides access to a Web database of over 310 million pages and an online business library of over approximately 7,000 licensed full-text sources including trade journals, newspapers, analyst reports from Investext, market research reports from MarkIntel, Find/SVP and RDS and more. Results are organized into Custom Search Folders(tm) to help the user narrow their search. Building on this technology Northern Light offers a growing number of B2B products and services.
Northern Light Technology, Inc. 222 Third Street, Suite 1320 Cambridge, MA 02142 (617) 621-5100
Booth #505
Visit OCLC booth 505 to learn how the Cooperative Online Resource Catalog (CORC) helps libraries around the globe cooperatively select, describe, maintain and provide guided access to a universe of local and web-based electronic resources. Discover how the OCLC WebExpress service affordably integrates your library's Z39.50 resources. See the OCLC FirstSearch service which offers access to full text from over 7,500 journals. Join us at the OCLC Update Breakfast on Tuesday, November 7, 7-9 am, in the Ferrante Room at the Monterey Convention Center to hear more about what's new at OCLC. To attend, send your contact information to
OCLC • 6565 Frantz Road • Dublin, OH 43017 • (800) 848-5878 •
Ovid Technologies
Booth #220
Ovid offers the only truly integrated STM bibliographic and full text database solution in the business. With more than 90 bibliographic databases and hundreds of full text journalsall aggregated under a single interface and joined by over a million linksOvid gives researchers unique tools that unlock the full power of electronic information. Join us for a one-on-one demonstration of our innovative Web interface and our cutting-edge database implementations--including our unique, 100% searchable full text database, Journals@Ovid.
Ovid Technologies, Inc. 333 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10001 (212) 563-3006
Pacific Data Conversion Corp.
Booth #212
PDCC provides large-scale conversion services to clients in a wide variety of industries supporting electronic publishing, technical documentation, litigation support, image scanning, SGML, XML and HTML formats, including TEI Lite, EAD and E-Bind, as well as the Open eBook Standard. PDCC also provides DTD development services. PDCC's production facilities in China, India and the Philippines provide highly qualified labor resources at competitive rates, and are augmented by project management and telecommunication links in the U.S. Projects are custom developed for each specific client.
Pacific Data Conversion Corp. • 207 E. Forest Drive • Box 396 • Pocono Pines, PA 18350 • (570) 646-5302 •
Booth #806
Primark Corporation, headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a $500 million global information services company that collects, integrates and delivers financial and economic information. Through its premier brands such as A-T Financial Information, Baseline, Disclosure, Datastream, Global Access, GlobalTOPIC, I/B/E/S, MarketEye, PIMS, WEFA, Worldscope and Vestek, Primark is a leading provider of international investment information. Through its retail Internet sites such as, and Primark provides institutional quality financial information to the retail market. Primark serves financial, corporate and government decision-makers in 61 countries through 86 offices in 24 countries.
Thomson Financial
Thomson Financial, a part of Thomson Corporation, with the acquisition of Primark, is a US$2 billion provider of e-information services and integrated work solutions to the worldwide financial community. Through the widest range of products and services in the industry, Thomson Financial helps clients in more than 70 countries make better decisions, be more productive and achieve superior results.
Primark 888 Seventh Avenue, Suite 201 New York, NY 10106 (212) 581-1414
Booth #501
What will you find on ProQuest®? The content you need, the flexibility you demand, at a price you can afford. Just choose your subject, and ProQuest retrieves the information you need from over 8,000 publications over half in full text or image. And now there's ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry™, our renowned business database, reshaped to fit your needs! Stop by exhibit #501 for a demonstration, browse, or call 800/521-0600 for more information.
ProQuest 300 North Zeeb Road PO Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 (800) 521-0600
Booth #221
offers specialized access to international intellectual property data, offering a comprehensive collection of the world's leading patent, trademark, and sci-tech databases.
Products demonstrated include PlusPat, a unique new international patents file, and customized web interfaces, QWEB and Trademark Explorer.
QWEB provides streamlined menu access to the collection of Questel
Orbit files. Exporting, current awareness searches, seamless integration of data and drawings, and patent ordering are just some of the automated functions.
Trademark Explorer offers exact match and similarity searches on worldwide trademarks. Comprehensive mark searching is facilitated with NameExplorer, a fuzzy logic/similarity search feature.
Orbit is your guide to Intellectual Property - see why at Booth 221.
Orbit 8000 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 (703) 442-0900
RoweCom, Inc.
Booth #216
A first mover in business-to-business e-commerce, RoweCom, Inc. develops and operates global web-based solutions that enable knowledge-based communities to purchase, manage, and use comprehensive knowledge resources and e-content such as magazines, newspapers, journals, and books. Faxon, a long-established leader in academic information services, joined RoweCom in October 1999 and continues to serve its clients by offering expanded Internet and e-commerce tools as well as new levels of control, convenience, and cost-savings. For more information, visit
RoweCom, Inc. 60 Aberdeen Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 588-2800
Sagebrush Corporation
Booth #910
[see also
Elsevier Science
Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases
Booth #311
ScienceDirect is the world's most comprehensive Web-based database of full-text scientific, technical and medical (STM) journals. This powerful platform now contains over one million full text articles from 1,200 journals in 16 fields of science including the social sciences. The core of these journals is published by Elsevier Science, but the platform also encompasses abstracts and full-text articles from other services' databases and publishers' journals. In addition, Elsevier Science/ScienceDirect is a founding member of the CrossRef initiative. ScienceDirect® is a part of the Reed Elsevier plc group.
ScienceDirect 650 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10011 (212) 462-1980
Science Online
Booth #905
Site-wide subscriptions to Science Online are now available. Published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Science Online provides access to the complete text version of Science (published weekly), plus fully searchable contents and archives. Hyperlinks take readers from Science articles to Medline, ISI Citation Index, special features, Enhanced Perspectives, and other crucial scientific resources on the web. Usage reports now available for subscription administrators. Check out!
Science Online 1200 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 326-6400
Sheshunoff Information Services
Booth #521
SilverPlatter Information
Booth #207
SilverPlatter is the leading global electronic information provider. We work with industry leaders to bring you the greatest choice of digital content, access, and compatibility. SilverPlatter solutions allow librarians and users of mission-critical information to meet their needs for single-source access to the largest and most diverse collection of electronic information available. We are committed to providing the most reliable and useful information systems designed and delivered according to each customer's unique needs from universities joining multi-site consortia to organizations building company-wide intranets.
Visit us at booth #207!
SilverPlatter Information 100 River Ridge Drive Norwood, MA 02062-5043 (781) 769-2599
SIRS Mandarin, Inc.
Booth #518
Sirsi Corporation
Booth #524
Special Libraries Association
Booth #319
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Special Libraries Association (SLA) is an international association representing the interests of nearly 14,000 information professionals in 60 countries. Special librarians are information resource experts who collect, analyze, evaluate, package and disseminate information to facilitate accurate decision-making in corporate, academic, and government settings. SLA offers a variety of programs and services designed to aid its members in serving their customers more effectively and succeed in the competitive global information management marketplace.
Special Libraries Association 1700 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20009-2514 (202) 234-4700
SPI Technologies, Inc. |
Booth #212
Pacific Data Conversion Corp. — Booth #212 |
Swets Blackwell
Booth #401
Swets Blackwell is an organization with worldwide operations supported by offices on five continents. Working with more than 60,000 libraries and information centers and over 65,000 publishers, we provide services for all types of serials; from traditional printed publications to both established and emerging electronic media.
Our SwetsnetNavigator service gives libraries and their users a streamlined way to manage all their electronic journals.
DataswetsConnect enables customers to have free online and real time access to the Swets Blackwell database of information about titles and prices, including facilities for placing orders or making claims.
FastPlus, our global journals consolidation service, carries out all the processing and consolidated shipping of issues to our customers.
Swets Blackwell 22 Cortlandt Street New York, NY 10007 (212) 349-5540
SydneyPLUS International
Booth #520
Booth #803
U. S. Census Bureau
Booth #420
VTLS, Inc.
Booth #812
H. W. Wilson
Booth #522
The H.W. Wilson Company has a bevy of new WilsonWeb references to improve research at your facility. Stop by for demonstrations of the outstanding new resource Biography Reference Bank, and a preview of Readers’ Guide Retrospective 1890 -1982. Look into Art Full Text and Art Index Retrospective, databases prized for their international and wide-ranging coverage. Examine the enhanced & Technology Full Text now with images! and OmniFile Full Text Select, which brings you the complete text of articles from more than 1,300 leading periodicals! Free 30-day trials of these resources are available sign up at Booth #522!
H.W. Wilson 950 University Ave. Bronx, NY 10452 (800) 367-6770
World Book, Inc.
Booth #519