Turning Patrons into Partners When
Choosing an Integrated Library System
by Terry Ryan
We knew that it would be challenging
to involve library patrons in system selection in any substantive way, but
to us, it was crucial.
I work at UCLA, which has one of the top 10 research libraries
in the country, with almost 8 million volumes and over 1 million circulation
transactions a year. So our size and complexity challenge the capabilities
of integrated library systems. We had been using Taos (originally from Data
Research Associates) since 1996. Then in 2001, Sirsi Corp. announced that it
was freezing development on Taos software. As the associate university librarian
for information technology at UCLA, it was my responsibility to lead the way
through the process of selecting a new integrated library system.
The Taos implementation had been slow, the system was still not complete,
and our patrons needed assurance that the selection we made this time would
lead to a smoother transition. The UCLA Library Executive Committee, made up
of the university librarian and the associate university librarians, was committed
to seeking input from faculty and students in developing the Request For Proposal
(RFP) and in evaluating competing vendor systems.
We knew, though, that it would be challenging to involve library patrons
in system selection in any substantive way. Including a representative user
or two on the evaluation team requires a level of commitment that few faculty
members or students can afford. Also, their needs vary so much by discipline,
research interest, and level that the views of one or two cannot represent
the user community as a whole. But to us, involving faculty and students in
the process was crucial. In this article, I want to share the techniques that
we found most effective in turning patrons into partners.
Defining the Selection Criteria:
What Are the Key Differences
To select from a small subset of possible ILS packages, all of which perform
the same basic functions, we needed something more targeted than a traditional
needs analysis. Asking patrons to identify core functions was unnecessary since
all of the vendor systems share the same core functions. Asking patrons to
create a "wish list" of new and innovative functions would not help us choose
between vendor systems, because none would support these capabilities. Instead,
we decided to first identify how the systems differed from each other, and
then to get input from our patrons on which differences were most important
to them.
We charged an Overview Team of library staff to review potential systems
and report on the key differentiators among them. The six team members--three
librarians, two senior staff managers, and one programmer/analyst--had overlapping
skill sets that included expertise in acquisitions/serials, cataloging, circulation,
collection development, document delivery/ILL, financial issues, indexing/searching,
non-Roman scripts, OPAC interface issues, remote storage processing and paging,
and technical/system issues.
The Overview Team identified the four ILS vendors that had university library
customers comparable to UCLA in size and complexity. Each of the four was invited
to give presentations to our staff, and Endeavor Information Systems, Inc.,
Ex Libris (USA), and Sirsi Corp. agreed to do so. Then our team visited customers
of those three vendors to find out how the systems compared in actual use.
The team's report, appropriately entitled "No Perfect System," highlighted
the features that varied among the packages.
Weighing the Criteria:
What Differences Matter?
We then needed to decide which of the differences among the systems were
important enough to form the basis of our evaluation and selection process.
The Overview Team was charged to work with the library staff to get its feedback
on that issue. It was my job to find an effective way to gather user feedback.
As a first step, the Library Executive Committee recruited an advisory group
of faculty and students, known as "Functional Sponsors," as recommended by
the UCLA IT planning process for all IT projects with campuswide impact.1 The
Functional Sponsors were invaluable to us, though we recognized early on that
they could not be surrogates for all patrons. The faculty members, especially,
did not feel qualified to answer questions on behalf of all their colleagues.
Instead, they could advise us on how to reach their colleagues, what questions
they were likely to answer, and how to get the maximum information from them.
The Functional Sponsors' first task was to help us create a user survey on
the key differentiators among the systems. When I showed them the first draft,
their first reading proved that the attempt to eliminate jargon had been unsuccessful.
Their reactions also told me that we had to change more than the words--we
needed to make the questions match the way that faculty and students think
about the catalog.
In my draft, I had divided the searching questions into keyword search and
heading/browse search sections. Not surprisingly, the Functional Sponsors suggested
amended wording, such as changing "keyword searching" to "Searching by words
in titles, authors, subjects, etc." More substantively, though, they also found
the two categories confusing. They suggested that the questions be organized
by title searches, author searches, and subject searches, with subsets under
each for keyword and heading questions, since that reflected the way they approached
searching. The group also helped me craft the phrase "search combinations" as
an acceptable way to ask about Boolean searching.
Based on this feedback, I also deleted some sections of the survey altogether.
Questions about number searches such as ISBN and ISSN were considered "rather
obscure," and a question about having labels in Subject Browse lists to indicate
the kind of heading (LC, MeSH, or LC Children's) proved impossible to ask in
a form that wasn't either confusing, arcane, or both. Some questions really
didn't need to be asked, such as whether it was important to have search results
returned in some logical order. As one of the Sponsors said in an e-mail to
me, "Would anyone really choose to get results out of order?"
The Functional Sponsors also showed me that it was not enough to ask questions
only about the subtle areas of difference between the systems. I needed to
address the basic functions, if only to show that we had not forgotten them,
and I needed to acknowledge the problems with our current catalog to demonstrate
that we knew that they must be addressed in the new system.
Finally, the Functional Sponsors noted that with 22 questions, some of which
were compound and complex to answer, the full survey would appear quite long
to many faculty and students. To improve response rates, they advised me to
put the questions that we most wanted answered at the beginning of the survey
and to let respondents skip the rest of the questions unless they were interested.
They also encouraged me to put the basic issues first and to include an open-ended
question early, enabling people to talk immediately about those things that
mattered most to them. The final survey (http://www.library.ucla.edu/new-orion/appendix_a.html) began with three demographic questions about the respondents, asked three questions
about basic functions, and then offered the option to
go directly to question 22 to complete the survey.
Writing the RFP:
Articulating the Differences
We received 770 responses to the survey from people reflecting a broad range
of disciplines and academic status, for a response rate of 4 percent. Though
we realized that the instrument and the sample weren't rigorous enough for
drawing firm conclusions, the survey results were revealing,2 with
some obvious input and some less obvious. It was no surprise that 75 percent
of patrons believed that "Combination searches such as combining author and
title" are crucial. Less predictable to us was that 54 percent of patrons believed
that "Ability to re-sort search results in author, title, or date order" is
crucial. We were also somewhat surprised to find that navigation (the ability
to move easily through a search results list) was crucial to 72 percent of
respondents, while tools for refining searches (such as limiting) were crucial
to only 62 percent. Clearly, both retrieval and navigation mattered, but we
had to avoid the assumption that patrons would trade ease of use for search
Once we had the user survey and the library staff feedback, we were ready
to start our formal procurement process. In 2002, the Executive Committee appointed
an Evaluation Team to write the RFP and to evaluate vendor responses. The Evaluation
Team included five of the six members of the Overview Team. We added two new
members, including the head of a departmental library who had management and
public service expertise, and me as a member of the Executive Committee and
as the Functional Sponsor chair.
The Functional Sponsors were again a good sounding board as the Evaluation
Team finalized the RFP. The full group reviewed the text and made suggestions
for changes. The most substantive change was to bring all of the interoperability
requirements into a single section, to emphasize how important it has become
for an ILS to integrate into a wider technology landscape. A subset of the
Functional Sponsors group, made up of the campus CIO and a faculty member with
strong database expertise, served as technology advisers and strengthened the
technology section of the RFP by adding detailed questions about database structure
and design.
The user input helped us create a substantive and probing RFP. All of the
vendors who responded to it commented on the depth and complexity of the information
we requested. Our next challenge was to assess that information.
Evaluating ILS Systems:
What Matters to Patrons?
Three vendors responded to our RFP: Endeavor, Ex Libris, and Sirsi. In addition
to the traditional elements of evaluation--review of the vendor responses to
the RFP, verification of the responses through visits and calls to existing
customers, demos by the vendors, and follow-up questions to the vendors--the
Evaluation Team worked with the Functional Sponsors to add patron input to
the process. We invited faculty and students to attend vendor demos but found,
as expected, that few were able to attend. Clearly, we needed to pursue other
methods for gathering faculty and student assessment.
Our patron partners
pointed out that some
of our survey questions were 'rather obscure.'
The Functional Sponsors suggested a very productive method, something we
called "test drives." We created a Web page with links to the online public
access catalogs (OPACs) of three library customers for each of the three vendors.
After one of our assessors had taken a test drive of any of the nine sites,
he or she was directed to an online survey form to give us their opinions of
the system in action. We received more than 300 responses. The input did not
show a clear favorite among the systems--in fact, for every user who raved
about an interface, there was another user who hated it--but the reasons cited
for liking a system were very revealing as far as what interface and search
attributes were important to our patrons. In addition to helping us assess
the vendors, this input will be valuable when we configure our new integrated
library system.
Another good source of input was queries by faculty and graduate students
to their colleagues at other universities where the three vendor systems were
used. Talking to other librarians is a time-honored and effective way to gather
information about the strengths and weaknesses of a system, since colleagues
will often speak candidly about their experiences. The same is true when faculty
ask faculty, or grad students ask grad students. As is often the case with
other librarians, faculty and student perceptions of a new system are colored
by what system was in use before. Allowing for that bias, the perceptions of
patrons who use a particular system are invaluable--direct, unfiltered, and
based on their daily needs.
Our final method for gathering user input was holding a series of focus groups
to discuss trade-offs among the three systems. There is no one vendor system
that has only strengths, so every system selection involves weighing the relative
importance of strengths and weaknesses. The Evaluation Team distilled the major
trade-offs and reviewed them with the library staff and patrons. For the user
review, we hosted a faculty and student focus group where we demonstrated the
differences that we believed would have the most impact on them. We invited
everyone we had heard from during the overview and evaluation process and,
at the advice of the Functional Sponsors, we offered lunch as an incentive.
The group turned out to be small, only 10 people, but the format allowed us
to review the issues in detail. The feedback we got in this process confirmed
some earlier indications that many faculty and students value the ability to
navigate a search result more highly than the ability to craft a flexible search.
What Would We Do Again?
All of these consultation and outreach methods helped us raise campus awareness
of the ILS selection process and gave faculty and students a way to feel engaged
in the decision. We would probably repeat all of them for that purpose alone.
Some of the methods, though, yielded input that had particular impact on our
decisions and approach.
The Functional Sponsors were excellent partners, and we would recommend
such a faculty and student advisory group to any university library that's
evaluating and selecting a system. To be effective, the members of such a group
should be active library users who care about the outcome, should reflect a
mix of disciplines and areas of expertise, and should be sufficiently experienced
to bring perspective and credibility to the group.
Tapping faculty expertise on technology and database design was very
helpful and we would recruit such advice again. To be most effective, such
an expert should have a mix of scholarly and real-world perspective. We were
fortunate to have a faculty member who had extensive consulting experience
with corporate clients as well as impressive scholarly credentials.
Having faculty and students test drive the systems deployed at other
institutions was a wonderful way to involve patrons in concrete evaluations.
To be more effective, if we did this again we might structure the feedback
survey more tightly, and we might be more aggressive in recruiting test drivers.
Having people conduct "reference checks" among their colleagues at
other universities was very helpful. We asked only the Functional Sponsors
to participate in this process. To be more effective, we would want to recruit
more faculty and graduate students to get a broader set
of comments.
Understanding Patrons' Views Influenced Our Selection This assessment process reaffirmed for us that involving patrons in system
selection is both crucial and challenging. By focusing on the real differences
among the systems and asking faculty and students questions that reflected
their approach to the catalog, we were able to elicit thoughtful feedback.
With a committed, talented user advisory group and a willingness to see the
system selection process through their eyes, you, too, can turn your patrons
into valuable partners in the system evaluation and selection process.
Terry Ryan is the associate university librarian for
information technology at the UCLA Library in Los Angeles,
where she has served in increasingly responsible positions
related to library IT since 1985. During her 34-year
career as a librarian, she has participated in selecting
and implementing four different integrated library systems.
She holds a B.A. in history from Stanford University
in Palo Alto, Calif., and an M.L.S. from the University
of Washington in Seattle, and has taken courses toward
a degree in computer science. Her e-mail address is tryan@library.ucla.edu.