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Magazines > Computers in Libraries > July/August 2012

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Vol. 32 No. 6 — Jul/Aug 2012
Library Employment Sources on the Internet
by Catherine Barr

[The following list of resources for library job seekers is excerpted from The Library and Book Trade Almanac, 57th edition, 2012. —Ed.]

General Sites/Portals

American Library Association (ALA): Education & Careers
Maintained by ALA, this is a useful source of information on library careers, education and professional development, scholarships, and salaries.

Sponsored by ALA and the Association of College and Research Libraries, this site incorporates the former job sites of American Libraries magazine and College & Research Libraries News. Registration is free for job seekers, who can post their resumes and search jobs by library type, date, state, institution name, salary range, and other parameters. Employers can choose from a menu of print and electronic posting combinations.

Canadian Library Association: Library Careers
The Canadian Library Association lists Canadian job openings here (select Job Search). It also provides guidance on recognition of foreign credentials.

Employment Resources: Organizations and Associations
Maintained by San Jose State University’s School of Library and Information Science, this site provides links to organizations that will be of interest to students at the university, including a number of California sites. A related page, Professional Associations in the Information Sciences (, is a comprehensive listing of associations in the U.S. and abroad. And excellent information on conducting job searches and professional development in general can be found at

Library Job Postings on the Internet
This site was compiled by Sarah L. Johnson of Booth Library, Eastern Illinois University. Johnson is the co-author of The Information Professional’s Guide to Career Development Online (Information Today, Inc., 2002); there is a link to the book’s companion website on this site. Also provided are links to library employment sites in the U.S. and abroad, with easy access by location and by category of job. Career Strategies for Librarians
Relaunched in 2009, this helpful site is maintained by Priscilla K. Shontz and offers “[p]ractical career development advice for new librarians and information professionals, MLS students, and those considering a library-related career.” There are no job listings, but the site offers interesting articles in the areas of career exploration, education, job searching, experience, networking, mentoring, interpersonal skills, leadership, publishing and presenting, and work/life balance. This is an excellent place to begin research on library jobs. Shontz is also co-author with Richard A. Murray of What Do Employers Want? A Guide for Library Science Students (Libraries Unlimited, 2012).

INALJ (I Need a Library Job)
Maintained by Naomi House, this attractive site offers a daily email/digest of job openings, links to international jobs pages, and interviews with recent successful job hunters.

The Riley Guide
This redesigned (and not immediately user-friendly) site allows users to explore all aspects of job hunting, from proper preparation to resumes and cover letters, researching and targeting employers, and networking, interviewing, and negotiating.

Sites by Sector

Public Libraries

Public library openings can be found at all the general sites/portals listed above.

Careers in Public Librarianship
The Public Library Association (PLA) offers information on public librarianship, with a section on the experiences of PLA members and a webcast on finding and keeping public library jobs.

Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries
This site provides a detailed listing of skills and knowledge required to be a children’s librarian in a public library.

School Libraries

School library openings can be found at many of the sites listed above. Sites with interesting material for aspiring school librarians include those listed here.

AASL Recruitment to School Librarianship
The American Association of School Librarians hosts this site, which describes the role of school librarians, salary and job outlooks, and mentoring programs; provides testimonials from working library media specialists; and offers state-by-state information on licensure, scholarships, library education, job hunting, mentoring, and recruitment efforts.

General education sites usually include school library openings. The following site provides nationwide coverage:

Education America Network
Library openings can be searched by geographic location.

Special and Academic Libraries

AALL Career Center
Maintained by the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), this site has an online job board, an extensive FAQ section (under the Job Seekers heading, click on Support), and useful tips for job seekers.

Careers in Law Librarianship
This excellent site answers the question “Is a career as a law librarian right for you?” and provides broad information on the profession, educational requirements, and available financial assistance.

Association of College and Research Libraries

ALISE: Job Placement
ALISE (Association for Library and Information Science Education) posts jobs (under the heading Job Placement) for deans, directors, and faculty, organized by position and alphabetically by school.

ASIS&T: Careers
The Careers page maintained by the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) offers access to a Jobline, profiles of selected members, and continuing education information.

Association of Research Libraries (ARL): Career Resources
In addition to listings of openings at ARL member institutions and at other organizations, there is information on ARL’s diversity programs plus a database of research library residency and internship programs. A video, “Faces of a Profession,” highlights the roles played by academic librarians and includes interviews with current staff.

The Chronicle of Higher Education
Listings can be browsed, with geographical options, under the category Library/information sciences (found under Professional fields) or searched by simple keyword such as library. Articles and advice on job searching are also available.

EDUCAUSE Career Center
EDUCAUSE member organizations post positions “in the broad field of information technology in higher education.”
The category Libraries is found under Administrative Positions.

Major Orchestra Librarians’ Association
This is a nice site for a field that might be overlooked. The Resources section includes an introduction to the work of an orchestra librarian.

Medical Library Association: Career Development
The Medical Library Association offers much more than job listings here, with brochures on medical librarianship, a video, career tips, and a mentor program.

Music Library Association Job Openings
Along with job postings and a resume review service, this site features an article titled “Music Librarianship—Is It for You?” and a listing of resources for both beginning and mid-career music librarians.

Special Libraries Association: Career Center
In addition to the salary information and searchable job listings that are available to all users, the Special Libraries Association provides many services for association members.


Library of Congress Opportunities
There is an extensive survey of what it’s like to work at the library, the kinds of employees the library is seeking, the organizational structure, benefits, current job openings, internships, fellowships, and volunteer opportunities.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
In addition to information on employment opportunities, internships, and volunteering, NARA provides profiles of employees and interns, describing the kinds of work they do.


Managed by the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), this site accepts serials-related job postings.

Employment Agencies/Commercial Services

A number of employment agencies and commercial services in the U.S. and abroad specialize in library-related jobs. The following are among those that keep up-to-date listings on their websites.

AIM Library & Information Staffing
This group specializes in librarians and support staff in a variety of library types across the country.

LAC Group
This site provides an easy-to-use list of openings that can be sorted by function, location, and keyword.

Listservs and Networking Sites

Many listservs allow members to post job openings on a casual basis.

This worldwide discussion group focuses on library and information science education; LIS faculty position announcements frequently appear here.

Along with news, blogs, career profiles, “who’s hiring” job alerts, and resume consultation, this professional networking site offers easily accessible job postings.

LIBJOBS is a mailing list for librarians and information professionals seeking employment. It is managed by IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions). Subscribers to this list receive posted job opportunities by email.

LIS New Professionals Network
This is a forum with news, blogs, and postings of general and specific interest (job openings, grants, and so forth).

Public library job openings often appear on this list.


Career Q&A With the Library Career People
This attractive and user-friendly blog is maintained by librarians Tiffany Allen and Susanne Markgren and is intended to “create an enlightening discussion forum of professional guidance and advice for librarians, library staff, and those thinking of entering the profession.” Categories include job satisfaction, job seeking, and professional development.

Catherine Barr ( is co-editor of The Library and Book Trade Almanac (formerly The Bowker Annual) published by Information Today, Inc.
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