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Magazines > Computers in Libraries > January/February 2015

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Vol. 35 No. 1 — Jan./Feb. 2015
Let’s Get It Together
by Dick Kaser

When I set the theme for this issue, I had no idea what great reports we would get on the topic of collaboration. But along came Thomas Caswell with his story of how local libraries and archives have collaborated in building a digital library about the history of their own small town. That town just so happens to be the oldest city in America.

And then there’s the article by Deborah Hutchison Koep and Sarah Felkar about how public librarians in West Vancouver collaborated to assess their own digital literacy levels. From there, they helped each other get up-to-speed so they could better assist patrons in using the plethora of systems and devices at play in today’s information ecology.

To top it all off, Katharine and Richard Leigh discuss how they collaborated across library departmental lines to bring digital repository records in compliance with RDA standards. It probably didn’t hurt that they are a husband-and-wife team, but the story just goes to show that catalogers and metadata librarians don’t have to be at odds over classification methods.

As a whole, the issue serves to illustrate the point that collaboration can be not only rewarding, but fun. Of course, every issue of this magazine involves the collaboration of many individuals, including authors, columnists, editors, and graphic artists. In this case, a special thanks goes to Lisa Conroy, Laura Hegyi, and Dana Stevenson, who collaborated on the issue’s layout and design.

While there were many cooks in our kitchen this go-around, I think the broth turned out great.

All the best for 2015,

Dick Kaser, Executive Editor

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