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Magazines > Computers in Libraries > February 2004
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Vol. 24 No. 2 — February 2004
Newsline is compiled by Kathie Felix

Customized Online Journal Subscriptions

HighWire Press from Stanford University announced that a group of HighWire-affiliated publishers have agreed to conform to a common pricing model and a standard set of guidelines for online access to journals for their institutional subscribers. HighWire's Shop for Journals program allows institutions to create a customized price chart based on institution type (academic, medical, public/nonprofit, government, or corporate). The multiple-journal quote can be submitted as a subscription request at the end of the process, with the option of early access for users. Information on the program and the guidelines is on the HighWire Web site.

Source: HighWire Press, Palo Alto, CA, Fax: 650/725-9335;

CSA Abstracts Now Link to ProQuest's Full Text

ProQuest Information and Learning announced an agreement with Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) that allows customers of both services to link from CSA research abstracts to the full text of scholarly journals in ProQuest online databases. Among the key titles included in the new agreement are CSA Sociological Abstracts, Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) Database, CSA Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Database, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, and ARTbibliographies Modern. The titles will link to the full text of the journal articles in ProQuest databases, including the ABI/INFORM business database suite, ProQuest Research Library, ProQuest Nursing Journals, ProQuest Science Journals, ProQuest Social Science Journals, and more.

Source: ProQuest Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI, 800/521-0600;



Hello Linux! Book Is a Hands-On Course

The new book Hello Linux! (Clyde Boom, ISBN: 1-896814-22-0, $99.95) is designed as a step-by-step introductory companion and reference for the Linux operating system. It starts at a basic level and then progresses, and can be used as a self-guided course or as a class textbook. Its 1,020 pages include explanations, hands-on lab exercises, and hundreds of study review questions. Icons help you navigate the text.

Hello Linux! includes 2 CDs with Red Hat Linux (v. 8.0) and one CD with lab data files. Figures and lists simplify the text. To get more information, a table of contents, or sample chapters, go to

Source: Lancom Technologies, Lewiston, NY, 800/718-7318;

Omnigraphics Publishes Web Site Directory

Omnigraphics has shipped its Web Site Source Book, a 2,024-page print directory enabling access to URLs, mailing addresses, and phone and fax numbers for more than 84,000 U.S. businesses, organizations, institutions, agencies, etc. Organized by subject and indexed alphabetically, the directory is meant to alleviate problems associated with hard-to-find or omitted contact information on some organizations' Web sites. In addition to major U.S. corporations, the reference guide includes entities such as government offices, chambers of commerce, elected officials, embassies, U.N. missions, online-only services, print and broadcast media, academic institutions, research bodies, and travel services. The softcover directory (ninth edition) lists for $150.

Source: Omingraphics, Inc., Detroit, 313/961-1340; Fax: 313/961-1383;


New Name: Swets Information Services

Swets Blackwell announced that it has officially changed its name to Swets Information Services. The new name is related to Swets' acquisition of the remaining Blackwell shares after the initial Swets Blackwell joint venture in 2000. Swets ended use of the Blackwell name, effective December 2003.

Source: Swets Information Services, Lisse, Netherlands, 011-31-252-435-584;

Sister Firms Merge to Offer Single Point of Service

Associated library technology providers MARC Link and Access Imagery have joined under a single name—Backstage Library Works—
to offer one-stop access to a range of information services options.

Company founder John Merrill explained, "We started out in business providing only retrospective conversion services. The name MARC Link Retrospective Conversion accurately described us. Then as Access Imagery, we began helping librarians digitize materials. Over the years our capabilities have grown and now we provide all sorts of additional services, like cataloging, creating and reformatting records in MARC and non-MARC formats and in 100 languages, digitizing all types of library materials, and text conversion and mark-up into TEI and other XML-based formats. Our old names just didn't fit anymore."

Dubbed "Backstage" to reflect its goal of supporting librarians with behind-the-scenes technical services, the revamped firm will retain its present workforce of 70 staffers at its Orem, Utah, headquarters.

Source: Backstage Library Works, Orem, UT, 800/288-1265; Fax: 800/356-8220;



ALA Lawyers for Libraries Institute to Be in May

The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom announced that the Lawyers for Libraries Northeast Regional Training Institute is scheduled for May 6­7, 2004, in Boston at the Boston Park Plaza. Topics to be covered include filtering and the repercussions of the Supreme Court's CIPA decision; privacy, law enforcement requests, and the USA PATRIOT Act; library liability for exposing patrons and staff to unprotected speech; and updates in the laws and the implications for libraries of "harmful to minors" statutes. Attorneys and library trustees are the target audience. Librarians may attend if accompanied by an attorney. The cost is $500 per person.

Source: ALA, Chicago, 800/545-2433;

UKOLUG Releases Spring Meeting Schedule

UKOLUG (UK Online Users Group), the professional organization for users and developers of electronic information resources, has announced its spring meeting and event schedule. Web Development Day, with two half-day seminars on Usability Testing/Blogs and Wikis, will be held Feb. 12 in London. A seminar on Information Architecture is slated for March 3 in London. Also on the calendar: a Content Management System Selection and Implementation course (March 18 in Edinburgh, Scotland) and a day on Current Legal Issues in Information Work (April 6 in Belfast, Northern Ireland). A Reference Management Day in June and other events are being planned.

Source: UKOLUG, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, U.K., 011-44-01969-663749; or


British Library Debuts New Document Delivery Service

The British Library announced the launch of its new Secure Electronic Delivery Service. Built on the backbone of The British Library's collections, the service gives customers access to more than 100 million items. It enables delivery of almost anything from the library's collections—whether born digital, in print, or in microform—to a desktop within 2 hours; transmission of born-digital material is almost instantaneous. The Secure Electronic Delivery Service is based on Adobe Reader 6.0 software and Relais International scanning and delivery technology. Since The British Library launched its fully copyright-compliant, secure electronic delivery service for digital documents in 2002, it has succeeded in obtaining extensive agreements for secure electronic delivery with many of the world's leading scientific publishers. More than 3,800 journal titles are online for instant electronic delivery.

Source: The British Library, London, 011-44-1937-546-825;

CISTI Launches Secure Desktop Delivery

The Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) announced the launch of Secure Desktop Delivery (SDD) as a new document delivery method. The SDD delivers copyright-cleared documents to CISTI customers in an electronic format that allows viewing and one-time printing of documents via a Web interface. The system prevents redistribution, copying, and storage of documents. SDD can deliver more than half of CISTI's collection. CISTI charges copyright fees set by rightsholders for all documents sent by SDD. Documents not covered by SDD agreements are deliverable via an alternate method selected by the end user.

Source: CISTI, Ottawa, 800/668-1222;


ProQuest Expands Agreement with News International, Adds Two Newspapers

ProQuest Information and Learning announced an expanded agreement with News International. The agreement brings two new newspaper titles, The Sun and News of the World, to ProQuest products and continues coverage of The Times and The Sunday Times in ProQuest online databases. The content from News International, the major U.K. subsidiary of News Corp., Ltd., will appear in ProQuest Newsstand products, eLibrary products for K-12 libraries and schools, and several products targeted at international ProQuest customers, including ProQuest Learning: News. The agreement includes backfile rights for The Times dating to 1990. All four newspapers—The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, and News of the World—are already in ProQuest databases. Free trials are available.

Source: ProQuest Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI, 800/521-0600;

Additions to Wilson's Index to Legal Periodicals

H.W. Wilson announced the expansion of the WilsonWeb database Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text with the addition of 21 core sources, including Law Library Journal. The additions bring the full-text total to 208 core sources. The database also indexes the cover-to-cover content of 1,000 journals and 1,400 monographs per year. The company is now in negotiations for full-text rights for additional sources. A built-in WilsonLink SFX feature allows users to click to additional full text from any library OpenURL-compliant database at no additional charge.

This spring, Wilson plans to release Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1918­1981. This database will provide searchable access to the content of more than 500 law periodicals in electronic form. The data will contain the indexing from 28 printed cumulations of Index to Legal Periodicals & Books.

Source: H.W. Wilson, New York, 800/367-6770;

CrossRef Drops DOI Retrieval Fees, Adds Content

CrossRef announced that it dropped Digital Object Identifier (DOI) retrieval fees for all members and affiliates, effective January 2004. In addition, the CrossRef system has added several hundred thousand book and conference proceeding DOIs, including 700 books from Oxford University Press. With these additions, CrossRef now covers more than 8,700 journals and nearly 10 million individual content items.

Source: CrossRef, Lynnfield, MA, 781/295-0072;


AIP Announces Various Partnerships at the Annual Online Conference in London

Journals published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) will join the Virtual Journals in Science and Technology (VJ) sponsored by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and the American Physical Society (APS). The three organizations announced in London that articles and abstracts from the 120 IEEE journals will appear in the VJs in early 2004. The Virtual Journals ( will now link to the most significant articles from the latest issues of more than 175 participating science source journals, including Science and Nature.

AIP and the American Chemical Society's (ACS) Division of Geochemistry announced that AIP will become the publisher of record for Geochemical Transactions. The agreement became effective as of Jan. 1, 2004. AIP will honor 2004 subscriptions and will work with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) to transfer all subscription records. Geochemical Transactions launched in the spring of 2000 as a publishing partnership between the ACS Division of Geochemistry and the RCS.

AIP Publishing Services re-dubbed its online hosting platform Scitation, effective last month. Replacing Online Journal Publishing Service (OJPS), Scitation includes a simpler user interface and a suite of platform enhancements.

AIP and the IEEE announced a partnership to provide Scitation Alerts powered by Inspec, beginning in April. With this service, subscribers can receive alerts from 100 physics-related subject areas, weekly e-mail updates of new research published in the Inspec database, and custom alerts based on their own search criteria.

Source: AIP, College Park, MD, 301/209-3100; and APS, College Park, MD, 301/209-3200; and IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 732/981-0060;

New BioMed Central Members

BioMed Central announced that two U.S. consortia—the Consortium of Southern Biomedical Libraries (CONBLS) and the Maine Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (BRIN)—have signed institutional membership agreements with BioMed Central. CONBLS is a consortium of biomedical libraries in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Twelve of its 17 institutions have signed up for BioMed Central membership. The Maine BRIN is a seven-institution network that links biomedical research laboratories, universities, and colleges in the state. BioMed Central also announced that the Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) had purchased membership for 84 institutions in the state. BioMed Central now has 396 members; 190 are located in the U.S.

Source: BioMed Central, London, 011-44-20-7631-9926;


EBSCOhost Includes Short Story Index

EBSCO Publishing announced that H.W. Wilson's Short Story Index is available via EBSCOhost. The index covers more than 76,500 stories from more than 4,025 collections and is searchable by author, title, subject, keyword, date, literary technique, and source, alone or in any combination. Subjects include theme, locale, narrative technique or device, and genre. The database grows by 4,000 records each year, and coverage dates back to 1984.

EBSCO now provides more than a dozen H.W. Wilson databases on EBSCOhost, covering a variety of subjects. Other complementary databases currently or soon to be available include American Humanities Index, Columbia Granger's World of Poetry, H.W. Wilson's Essay & General Literature Index, Humanities Abstracts, MagillOnAuthors, MagillOnLiterature, and MLA International Bibliography.

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 800/653-2726;

WilsonWeb Databases Now Link to Google and Other Search Engines

H.W. Wilson announced that WilsonWeb searches now bring results from three distinct sources—Google and other Internet search engines, the targeted search database, and the full-text links to other OpenURL-compliant databases to which the library subscribes. Article citations on any of the WilsonWeb periodical databases connect users to WilsonLink, a free, integrated SFX-powered link-server that provides a search of any of the library's other OpenURL-compliant databases. From WilsonLink, users can launch an automatic Internet search for information related to the cited article via any of 12 search engines, including Google and Yahoo!.

Source: H.W. Wilson, New York, 800/367-6770;

New FIZ Karlsruhe Patent Databases

FIZ Karlsruhe announced the launch of French and British patent databases on STN International. The new reference database FRANCEPAT contains abstracts of patent applications and patents published by France's Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI) since 1966. To be launched on STN in 2004, the new databases, FRFULL and GBFULL, will provide full texts of French and British patent documents.

Source: FIZ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 011-49-7247-808-555; or

Gale Extends Resource Center Database Offerings

Gale has introduced more content and features in its Resource Center databases. Student Resource Center 3.0 and College Edition, Discovering Collection, and Junior Reference Collection each provide new reading-level indicators; a drop-down tool for subject, keyword, and full-text searches; and separate topic search capabilities for major subjects like geography/cultures, history, literature, and science/health. Content additions include U•X•L Encyclopedia of Science, 2nd edition; Presidential Administration Profiles for Students; Research Guide/Teacher Tips; and (in Student Resource Center editions) American Journey: The Cold War. Biography Resource Center now affords access to all biographical data from the eight-volume American Eras set; 200-plus entries from the Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement, and 720 new biographies on high-profile newsmakers. Gale also introduced a Title Change List feature for its InfoTrac Web and Resource Centers. The link ( offers updated listings for tracking title modifications, cessations, rights changes, and new journal additions.

Source: Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, 800/877-GALE;


ALA Updates Libraries & the Internet Toolkit

ALA announced the release of a revised and updated version of the Libraries and the Internet Toolkit. The toolkit is the most-recent addition to the resources available to assist librarians making decisions about Internet filtering in response to the requirements of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). The kit includes a checklist for creating an Internet-use policy and examples of various library policies, tips for parents, information about what makes a great Web site for children, outreach suggestions, fast facts, and a list of additional resources. The new toolkit is online at and on the CIPA home page at

Source: ALA, Chicago, 800/545-2433;

Improvements to STN Easy for Intranets

FIZ Karlsruhe announced enhancements to STN Easy for Intranets. The system, designed to integrate online databases and full-text supply systems into company or campus intranets, provides new administrative features, as well as the ability to integrate value-added services. The administration features include individual administration of access authorizations, access and/or blocks to selected databases for specific users or user groups, integration of full-text information sources, and cost-center allocation. Users can perform searches with STN in any of the more than 220 STN files, and share the results with all end users or specific work groups on the STN Easy for Intranets site.

Source: FIZ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 011-49-7247-808-555; or

Library Job Gurus Create Career Blog Site

Sarah L. Johnson and Rachel Singer Gordon, co-authors of The Information Professional's Guide to Career Development Online (Information Today, Inc., 2002) have launched Beyond the Job, a Weblog designed to alert librarians to professional development opportunities. Building on information from their book and their respective library employment sites, the blog is updated daily and offers job search advice, grant and scholarship information, contributor/presenter postings, and other career resources for information professionals. Beyond the Job is at

Source: Sarah L. Johnson, Charleston, IL,; Rachel Singer Gordon, Franklin Park, IL,

Chemical Abstracts Service Upgrades Search-and-Retrieval Tool

The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) released Version 7.0 of its STN Express with Discover! Analysis Edition, extending the functionality of its search-and-retrieval tool for technical and scientific patents and related documentation. Integrating STN Express database content with Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet application, the updated solution adds a 2-Dimensional Analyze Wizard to facilitate data analysis and tabulation, and to automate graph and chart generation. It also offers a Variable Group Analysis Table for enhanced chemical structure analysis, as well as a CA Lexicon interface designed to aid query development through more efficient use of CA indexing terms.

Source: Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, OH, 614/447-3600; Fax: 614/447-3713;

MetaSearch Products from Hyperspheric

Hyperspheric Solutions announced the launch of its new Terminology Server (InterComTS) and e-GMS compatible Framework (InterCom-FW), developed for dealing with the complexities of metadata, interoperability and records management, and the 2005 e-GIF deadline. The InterCom-TS allows organizations to control, standardize, and share terminologies, and gives clients appropriate control over their own technologies; it also offers the GCL in RDF/XML and enables clients to share these standards with their strategic partners. The InterCom-FW allows for flexible searching of the metadata and caching via secure SOAP-based Web services. Using the metadata repositories, the system can locate and retrieve resources that would otherwise have been unintentionally hidden from view, including gray literature.

Source: Hyperspheric Solutions, Cambridge, U.K., 011-44-01223-507454;

Gale Unveils English Interface of Consulta

Gale announced the release of Consulta 2.0, an upgrade to its Spanish-language resource center that adds a new English interface to assist users learning the Spanish language and culture. Additional key enhancements of the new version include: help in English, better phrase searching in dictionaries, the capability of adding images to the basic search, improved thematic/subject searching, more information on Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and a map center and anatomical atlas. Gale's partner, Barcelona-based Grupo Océano, has contributed much of Consulta's reference content, some of which has never before been available in the U.S. Gale's Resource Center concept provides the framework for the database, which combines periodicals, reference content, and digitized original documents and images in a single interface.

Source: Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, 800/877-GALE;


New Features, Better Searches in ACM Portal

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) announced that the ACM Portal, the gateway to ACM's Digital Library and Guide to Computing Literature, has new features, including new search capabilities, greater visual clarity, and additional user hints. The Digital Library, ACM's full-text collection of its published papers from more than 50 years of computing history, has been rebuilt to function like a standard Internet search engine. The library now uses a Boolean OR protocol on the default search, which posts results on a scale of relevance and displays search terms on a Search Results page.

Source: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 212/626-0500;

Sirsi Certifies E-Book Vendor OverDrive to Work with Unicorn and DRA Classic

Sirsi announced that OverDrive ( has completed Sirsi's certification program, proving that its Digital Library Reserve v1.0.3.1103 will integrate with Sirsi's Unicorn Library Management System and DRA Classic. This means that OverDrive Digital Library Reserve solution can provide a foundation for secure e-book lending and distribution. OverDrive completed the Sirsi SIP2 Certification Program, an original certification program for the standard interchange protocol, version 2 (SIP2), that enables third-party vendors to ensure that their SIP2-compliant products integrate with Sirsi systems.

Source: Sirsi Corp., St. Louis, 314/432-1100;

NewspaperDirect Debuts Same-Day Global News Service at Midwinter

NewspaperDirect, a provider of same-day electronic editions of domestic and international newspapers, unveiled a digital newspaper service at the ALA's Midwinter Meeting. The service optimizes global news publishers' digital files to enable browser-based viewing and laser printing.

NewspaperDirect offers library customers a catalog encompassing 185-plus global newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, Boston Herald, Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, Sydney Morning Herald, La Stampa, Le Monde, Folha De S. Paulo, and Yomiuri Shimbun.

Source: NewspaperDirect, NewYork, 877/980-4040 (U.S. and Canada), 800/6364-6364 (International);

Oxford Scholarship Online Launched

Oxford University Press announced the launch of Oxford Scholarship Online (, a resource containing more than 700 scholarly texts in the humanities and social sciences—classic works and cutting-edge scholarship by today's authors—in one cross-indexed, fully searchable database. Users can access a single chapter, complete book, or dozens of sources in four subject modules (philosophy, religion, economics, and political science) simultaneously with one targeted online search.

Source: Oxford University Press, New York, 212/726-6022;

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