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North America's
Largest Technology Conference
and Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
General Conference Wednesday, March 10th |
9:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
J1—Standards and Techniques for Evaluating
Interface Design
Walt Howe, Delphi Internet
Services Corp.
Cindi Nicotera, Reference/Instructional
Development Librarian, Penn State–Berks
Elaina Norlin and Patricia
Morris, University of Arizona, Tucson
CM! Winters, University
of Illinois, Chicago
This two-part session emphasizes
the importance of interface design for the usefulness of a Web site. Walt
Howe will look at Web page design from the standpoint of the purpose of
the page and the projected audience. Cindi Nicotera focuses on how the
elements of interface design, such as physical layout and navigation, impact
the users’ ability to retrieve information. Elaina Norlin, CM! Winters,
and Patricia Morris have added a human element incorporating lessons from
Human Computer Interface (HCI) literature. They review and present recommendations
for the interface design criteria adaptable to a wide range of libraries
featuring academic library Web-site and database design projects implementing
these standards.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
J2—Using Web Site Mapping for Improving
Web Design
Hope Tillman, Babson
College, Babson Park, MA
A site map is a graphical
representation of the structure of a Web site. As an alternative to textual
listings, be they tables of contents, hierarchical lists, etc., a site
map has the potential to provide additional insight into the weaknesses
of a Web site’s structure. Tilman examines several software products designed
to create site maps and shares insights into the intent of the Web site
“map” and the problems with automated mappers.
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
J3—A Comparison of Hot Web Management
Hope Tillman, Babson
College, Babson Park, MA
Walt Howe, Delphi Internet
Services Corp.
In life, environmental changes
cause species to evolve to fill each new ecological niche. The changing
demands of Web development have spawned a diverse array of tools
to fill all the different
needs created. This session discusses Web management tools including products,
such as Net Objects Fusion, Lotus Notes Domino, Microsoft FrontPage, InContext
Web Analyzer, and Cold Fusion, among others. They examine some of the latest
and most capable site creation and management tools. These tools perform
overlapping tasks, but they display surprising variety in overall coverage
and details.
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
J4—Developing Metadata for a Specialized
Community: An Online Agricultural Database
Sherry Davids, Librarian/Cataloger,
Technical Services Division, NAL
John Kane, Coordinator
for Electronic Publishing and Archiving, Information Systems Division,
The presentation looks at
the application of metadata and markup standards in a distributed electronic
network and a library setting, especially in relation to Dublin Core, GILS,
MARC, and SGML. The National Agricultural Library’s presentation describes
a recent project that involved evaluating descriptive metadata elements,
proposing a new or revised metadata element set, mapping the metadata elements
to MARC and Government Information Locator Service, recommending a standardized
vocabulary and level of subject analysis to enhance the subject retrievability
of the database records, and preparing a detailed implementation and workflow
plan. Speakers share their learnings.
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
J5—Is Push Technology Really Dead?
Wenda Webster Fischer,
President, Info Source, Inc.
Push technology made a big
splash in the information industry several years ago. Now many of the initial
players have merged, gone out of business, or are out of the game. The
concept of push information services is very much like SDL, Alert services,
and other current awareness systems known to librarians. Given the right
formula, can push technology be positioned to provide valuable information?
What should we be learning from the experiences of the initial players
in push technology?
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
K1—Using Distance to Connect Networked
Learning Environments
Alexius Smith, User
Instruction Librarian, Hicks Undergraduate Library
Leslie Reynolds, Engineering
Librarian, Segiesmund Engineering Library, Purdue University Libraries
Keith C. Wright, Department
of Library and Information Studies, School of Education, UNC—Greensboro
Smith & Reynolds discuss
how distance education programs use technology as an agent for creating
an unbiased learning environment. Wright compares ideas and contrasts approaches
to a distance education program for undergraduates in a library education
setting using the TopClass course management software.
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
K2—Elbow Grease on the Monitor . .
. Hands-On Approaches
Brian D. Anater, Public
Access Services Coordinator, St. Francis College
Marjorie Warmkessel,
Humanities Librarian and Library Instruction Coordinator, Ganser Library,
Millersville University
Karen Daniel Ellis,
Library Instruction Coordinator, Shippensburg University
Priscilla D. Older,
Music & Humanities Librarian & Reference Services Coordinator,
North Hall, Library, Mansfield University
Anater looks at the steps
for implementing an interactive, Web-based freshmen research skills course
using various tools, including reflections on moving from print-base to
Web-base instruction. Then, Warmkessel et al. look at the development of
a collaborative computer-assisted library instruction project.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
K3—Going Up and Getting Over: Web-Based
Melissa Becher, Reference
Librarian, American University Library
Kathleen Shanahan, Reference
Librarian, American University Library
Carole Hinshaw, Coordinator
of Library Instruction, University of Central Florida
Athena Hoeppner, Librarian,
University of Central Florida
This session reviews alternative
approaches for using the Web. Speakers examine how to build a Web-based
interactive tutorial in your library for outreach and instruction, as well
as how to use an Internet-based tutorial to replace in-library workshops.
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
K4—Information and Technology Literacy:
Kimberley M. Donnelly,
Assistant Professor & Reference Librarian, Schmidt Library, York College
of Pennsylvania
Randle Gedeon, Education
Librarian, Western Michigan University
Facilitator, Collaborator
or Teacher? This session discusses the kinds of roles needed to accomplish
information literacy in an academic setting. In addition, it looks at fashioning
informed, technologically literate pre-service teachers and overlaying
technology into a curriculum.
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
K5—Training: Using the System
Katy Ginanni, Account
Services Manager, EBSCO Information Services
Marcia Boosinger, Bibliographic
Instruction Librarian, RBD Library, Auburn University
Kathy McClelland, Associate
Director of Composition, English Department, Auburn University
A panel discussion with
an assortment of practitioners with shared training goals. Provides an
integrated overview on preparing for training, reviews what trainers need
from a training session, and discusses training users and end users.
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
K6—The Whole Technology Tomato: Internet
Training Programs
Carol Adams, Consultant,
Automation Services and Electronic Products
Robert R. Walsh, Consultant,
Library Buildings and Networking, Library Development and Networking Division
Mary Dessypris, Government
Services and Outreach Librarian, Archival and Information Services Division,
The Library of Virginia
This presentation will delineate
the progressive steps necessary to develop a comprehensive Internet training
program for all staff levels at a variety of types of libraries. Panelists
provide an entertaining look at how to make a training program effective,
but also fun!
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
L1—Intranet Librarian Success Test
Margaret “Peggy” Metcalf
Carr, Carr Research Group
Connie Shearer, Sequent
Libraries and information
centers are all abuzz about instituting intranet development, and most
have the desire to jump on the Web development bandwagon. All too often,
however, library and information personnel get distracted from this motivation,
and Web site development suffers. Take this eight-point test, developed
by a Web consultant, to see if you qualify to be a successful Intranet
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
L2—Monsanto’s Intranet: Case Study
Mark H. Williams, Information
Resources & Services, Monsanto
Monsanto has a vibrant Intranet
with a great deal of content. With eons of Intranet experience measured
in Web years, Williams focuses on the management and development of his
organization’s Intranet, the impact on library services, the key successes,
and future challenges. In addition, he shares the lessons learned over
the last four years.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
L3—The Intranet at Sequent Computer
Linda Absher, Sequent
This presentation illustrates
the organizational principles of Sequent’s award-winning Intranet as a
method of disseminating information within the company. It covers the roles
and the relationship between the librarians and various content publishers
and reviews, the use of metadata for cataloging and retrieval, customization,
providing alternative views/access of information, searching, educating
and supporting publishers, and users. Absher shares her experiences and
knowledge for those interested in implementing Intranets within their work
environments or simply interested in the role of electronic information
dissemination within an organization.
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
L4—The Four P's of Next Generation
Intranet Development: Personalization, Portals & Proper Push
Howard McQueen, McQueen
Consulting; Editor, Intranet Professional
Join Howard McQueen as he
takes you into the near-future, where Corporate and government Intranet
projects focus on Advance Content Management functionality, including site
categorization and personalization, Portals and how content should be properly
pushed to different users. Case studies will be presented on what's being
done today to integrate internal and external content will be presented,
plus some exciting theories on where technology is headed in the next 12
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
L5—Intranet Ornamentation: Getting
the Attention You Deserve
John Sinclair, Chief
Librarian, Edmonton Sun
Julie Kirsh, Toronto
Sun News Research Centre
Explore cool technologies
and hot ways to decorate your corporate Intranet pages. Customize and randomize
important URLs with Server Side Includes (SSIs). Add functionality and
fun with jumpin’ Java applets and jivin’ JavaScript. Develop awesome animations
and flying library logos with the latest authoring tools. Dazzle your Web
audience with audio and video content. Impress your IS Dept. with a proposal
to set up streaming servers. The session assumes a basic knowledge of Web
technology and HTML The material will be a potpourri of the technical “how
to”, the political “what for”, and actual working examples of “way cool”
Web add-ons.
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
L6—Publishing Dynamic Content via
Corporate Intranets
Phil Green, President
& CEO, Inmagic
Rick Riccomini, Systems
& Resources, Lehman Brothers
Reinhard Engels, Systems
& Resources, Lehman Brothers
This session presents an
overview of how the role of the corporate librarian is evolving into the
author of the firm’s Intranet, moving beyond managing access. Riccomini
presents a detailed case study of his role as an Intranet librarian and
integral team member in publishing key information on the Intranet and
expanding access to the library’s many resources.
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
M1—New Models for Library Cooperation:
A Strategic Look at Creative Solutions to Business Imperatives
Nancy Lemon, Leader,
Knowledge Resource Services, Owens-Corning
This presentation, by the
manager of a virtual collection, takes a thought-provoking look at ways
to create new solutions for meeting business needs for information access
at reduced costs. In today’s corporate environment, the increasing emphasis
is cost reduction of overhead functions through outsourcing, downsizing,
or even elimination. Taking a look at non-traditional solutions for maintaining
quality information services at reduced cost, Lemon discusses emerging
models for librarianship of the future, including selling services both
internally and externally, operating as profit centers, merging of library
collections and staff to serve multiple organizations, joining new types
of consortia, and specializing in contract management and negotiating for
virtual library services.
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
M2—Consortia: Wave of the Future?
Angee Baker, Director,
Electronic Information Services, SOLINET
Having completed a consortia
deal involving over 800 libraries, our speaker is an expert on the topic.
She provides an overview of what is involved in participating in a consortium,
the benefits to all types of libraries, the challenges, and the different
models in place today. With lots of examples, Baker shares what she has
learned about successful consortia.
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
M3—Retooling Budgets for the E-World
Barbara G. Leonard,
Director of Fiscal Planning, San Jose State University Library
As libraries move from total
dependence on ownership of print materials to increased reliance on access
to electronic formats, library budget and finance managers are challenged
to manage the fiscal implications of electronic access. Consortia arrangements
are becoming one of the ways to afford the increasing array of electronic
resources. What are the impacts of consortia arrangements and how does
a library find the consortium best suited fiscally for itself? These and
other ways of retooling the budget in an electronic age are discussed by
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
M4—Disintermediation: Challenges &
Opportunities for Information Professionals & Information Providers
Mark E. Estes, Director
of Library Services, Holme Roberts & Owen LLP
Kay M. Todd, Senior
Legal Researcher, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker
Technology boosterism changed
what end users think they can do for themselves—and what they really can
effectively do for themselves. Librarians and publishers have formed new
partnerships to meet this challenge. This session, by private law firm
librarians and past presidents of the American Association of Law Libraries,
reviews recent initiatives by law librarians—legal publishers—and discusses
opportunities for more joint projects which encourage end users of the
information to pay for quality.
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
M5—What’s Hot & New
Ulla de Stricker, President,
de Stricker & Associates
Stephen Abram, Senior
Director, IHS Micromedia
Veteran industry watchers
for the last 20 years, our speakers take a look at what’s hot, what’s new,
and what’s going to have an impact on our technology and our libraries.
They speculate on potential future changes, on global trends affecting
the structure of the information and information technology industries,
and on what the impact will be on stakeholders: industry players, information
institutions such as libraries, information professionals, and end users.
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
M6—Tools for Scenario Planning
Marisa Urgo, Creator
of Resources for the Information Manager
Mary C. Talley, Library
Management Systems
Looking into the future can be scary and can be exciting. Our speaker has participated in virtual discussions of scenario planning based on Peter Schwartz’s Art of the Long View and has applied the technique to issues concerning the future of library and information services professions. She provides an overview of the scenario planning process and discusses many of the Internet’s rich primary sources of information and inspiration for the development of scenarios.