Computers in Libraries '98

Wednesday, March 4

* Track A • Skills & Strategies for the Millennium
* Track B • Managing Organizational Knowledge
* Track C • Networked and Web-Based Information Delivery * Track D • Trends & Impacts

Track A • Skills & Strategies for the Millennium
This track goes beyond discussing the impact information technologies are having on information professionals' roles to consider the broader issues of strategies for information centers, emerging career paths, employment structures and competency requirements. Sessions will range from provocative overviews and examples of evolving roles to case studies of progressive working environments. Organized & moderated by Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates.

9:00am - 9:45am
A1 • Is Technology Changing Fundamental Library Principles?

Eric Willard, Regional Director, Elert & Associates
Betty Eddison, Chairman, Inmagic, Inc.

These presentations provide a provocative start to the day. Willard will begin the session by examining the opportunity libraries have to become an integral community lifelong learning component and equalizer by providing access to information for those with computers outside of the library and those within the library. Eddison then looks at the leadership role librarians must create as Information Managers within organizations. Being an information leader is, according to Bennis, doing the right things. As we approach the next century we must be doing the right things.

10:00am - 10:45am
A2 • Spearheading the Technology Push: Juggling Issues & Interests

Billie Jo Kaufman, Director, Law Library and Technology Center and Assistant Professor of Law, Nova Southeastern University Law Center
Paul Joseph, Professor of Law, Nova Southeastern University Law Center
Tom Rogers, Legal Education Manager, Nova Southeastern University Law Center

This session looks at the role that the library has played in the development and implementation of an aggressive technology initiative in legal education. The Law Center serves a broader community of the local bar, the university at large and, or course, the public. The Director and Associate Director spearheaded the entire technological push at the Law Center. The presentation covers the planning, training and implementation of a total redevelopment of curriculum and technology in the past 18 months.

10:45am - 11:30am
Coffee Break • Visit the Exhibits

11:30am - 12:15pm
A3 • Whad'ya Mean, an Espresso Cart in the Stacks?

Jeffrey F. Keuss, Director of Library Services &
Bobbi Offner, Lake Washington Technical College

Are the patrons protesting about having to take a number for service? Sabotaging the copiers with paperclips? Downloading instructions for building incendiary devices? It's time to put some real-time delivery into treating your high-tech customers by meeting their needs. This contagious and effective drive-by presentation will enhance your job and the customer's satisfaction.

12:15pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break • Visit the Exhibits

2:00pm - 2:45pm
A4 • The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker: Or Which Hat Am
          I Wearing Today?

Cindi Nicotera, Reference/Instructional Development Librarian, Penn State Berks

The speaker discusses the rationale for the creation of "alternative" positions for librarians at Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley College and the criteria involved. The shift from educating users within the library to other members of the academic community outside the library seemed a logical transition to make. Nicotera also addresses the unique aspects of Reference/Instructional Development Librarian positions and the prospects these positions hold for the future.

3:00pm - 3:45pm
A5 • The Essential Information Specialist or Let's Prove Those Turkeys WRONG

Francie Davis & Joyce Renfroe Gotsch, Reference Librarians, Dowling College Library

Distance learning and virtual libraries need not mean the demise of the library nor the extinction of librarianship. Librarians need to take a proactive role. They need to develop programs to train customers on search strategies and the evaluation of sources in order to provide better customer service and save the profession. The progressive program developed at Dowling College is described.

4:00pm - 4:45pm
A6 • Survival in these Wild Times: Dealing with Technostress and Engaging
         Knowledge Workers' Commitment

Rose L. Bland, Systems Librarian, Health Sciences Center Library, University of South Florida
James W. Marcum, Director, Library Services & Senior Lecturer, University of Texas - Permian Basin

This session will feature two papers which provide a perfect ending to the day. "Diagnosis: Technostress", by Rose Bland, will describe techniques to prevent and reduce technostress among both patrons and library staff. Then, James Marcum will present "Engaging Knowledge Workers: Surviving the Motivation Complex". After an overview of motivation theory and its inadequacies in dealing with knowledge workers, Dr. Marcum will offer the "Theory of Engagement" as a guideline for eliciting the expertise, best thinking, and commitment of knowledge workers in the new millennium.

Track B • Managing Organizational Knowledge

Moderated by: Donna Scheeder, Coordinator, Congressional Information Services, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress

Managing an organization's knowledge is one of the most discussed topics today. The Internet, Web technologies, and intranets are fast becoming key tools to manage this knowledge. This track presents case studies, library webmasters, intranet developers and managers, highlighting and sharing experiences and tips.

9:00am - 9:45am
B1 • Towards a Knowledge Ecology

Stephen Abram, Director, Corporate & News Information, IHS Micromedia Limited

We are increasingly hearing terms like knowledge manager, CKO, and intellectual capital as we shift into the knowledge-based economy. What practical impact do these terms and concepts have for designing electronic and web-based products and services for knowledge environments and knowledge workers? Abram will define "knowledge ecology" and discuss the strategies and challenges for desktop users and librarians. If you design, develop or purchase information products for use at the desktop, especially by professionals other than information professionals and librarians, then this is the session for you.

10:00am - 10:45am
B2 • Organizing Knowledge Assets: Strategies & Tools

Trudy Katz, Director, MasterCard International
Robert Schless, Robert A. Schless & Co. Inc.

Organizing and managing an organization's knowledge assets requires a solid infrastructure. Lotus Notes provides that rich, secure, distributable infrastructure for both knowledge management and research administration at Mastercard International. Katz reviews the strategy side of the implementation at Mastercard using NOTEbookS, the Lotus Notes based library automation and knowledge management system. Schless relates the technical side of the application at Mastercard as well as other information pools he has helped organize for other customers. They will then discuss some of the architectural issues, implementation pitfalls and re-engineering opportunities they have encountered building a Notes based management system.

10:45am - 11:30am
Coffee Break • Visit the Exhibits

11:30am - 12:15pm
B3 • Intranet Case Studies

Barbara Nekoba, Chief of Information Services and Dissemination Requirements, Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
Jean K. Martin, Director, Information Center, Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corp.

Librarians have recognized the potential of combining library and document management to deliver comprehensive information services. Intranet solutions are becoming the platform of choice in helping them become an integral part of managing the organization's knowledge assets. Neboka discusses the Open Source Information System (OSIS), an Intelligence Community intranet that links members of the community and its customers (for the Marine Corps this means the warfighters, selected schools, etc.) to unclassified information and tools (e.g., machine translations capability) that are either produced or purchased by an organization on the system. This system not only provides an organized infrastructure but also cost saving for commercial products as well as access to the Internet. Involved with TGSLC's intranet since the early planning stages, Martin serves on the Intranet Team and Web Management Team, as well as three sub-teams relating to content, design & navigation, and training and standards. She has provided training on web publishing and effective use of the Internet and intranet. She shares the experiences and learnings of the Information Center in the creation and development of their own web pages, as well as some of the organization's Publications and Management Information pages, the overall index, and development of pages for other departments.

12:15pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break • Visit the Exhibits

2:00pm - 2:45pm
B4 • Intranet Case Study: A Global Management & Technology Consultancy

Elizabeth Koska, Booz Allen Hamilton

Involved in its knowledge program effort for over 3 years, Booz Allen Hamilton, has combined elements of change management with corporate strategy while addressing issues of embedding processes and infrastructure. The Information Professional Community (IPC), Booz Allen's worldwide group of information specialists are involved in a variety of roles. Specifically, information managers in the various service lines are responsible for promoting the knowledge program within the company and for assisting in the creation, collection, and dissemination of intellectual capital. Integral to the success of the effort was the delivery vehicle, Knowledge On-Line (KOL), Booz Allen's corporate intranet. Koska presents a case study of the organization's challenges and success in creating a system that staff around the globe can use to find best practices, firm experts, corporate news and updates, 24-hours-a-day.

3:00pm - 3:45pm
B5 • Platforms for Managing & Communicating Knowledge

Judith J. Field, Senior Lecturer, Library and Information Science, Wayne State University
Bill Schumacher, CEO, OneSource Information Services

Just when you were getting used to the potential of intranets as an opportunity to optimize your value to your organization, here comes something new. Field compares and contrasts extranets and intranets as tools for managing and communicating knowledge within an organization.

4:00 p.m - 4:45pm
B6 • Intranet Enabled Document Management Systems

Howard McQueen, McQueen Consulting

As the volume of non-static content grows on an intranet, the need for a document management system also grows, particularly as organizations seek to retain and distribute their unique knowledge throughout the enterprise. This session covers the basics of intranet enabled document management systems including version control, document security, workflow tracking and collaboration subsystems.

Track C • Networked and Web-Based Information Delivery
This track features topics related to networked and Web-based information delivery in public, college, and corporate libraries. There are sessions on creating networked learning environments, end user training, ethical concerns related to public access stations, unforeseen problems of network implementation, and information filtering. Librarians from all backgrounds will benefit from this track. Organized by Eric Flower, University of Hawaii-West Oahu and moderated by Denise Davis, Head, Materials Management, Howard County Library, Columbia, MD.

9:00am - 9:45am
C1 • Net Learning: Strategies for Creating Learning and Training Environments

Patti Mersman, Library Services Coordinator, Northeast Kansas Library System
Cindi Hickey, Information Technology Consultant, Lawrence, KS

What does a classroom or learning environment on the Internet look like? Can libraries deliver on-demand training no matter where their users need it? Can instructors and trainers guide their students effectively without face-to-face interaction? How can the Web and other Internet resources and tools be used to deliver instruction in both formal and informal settings? Combinations of the Web's interactivity with e-mail, listservs, and face-to-face teaching will be explored and discussed. Examples of methods tested in both settings will be demonstrated.

10:00am - 10:45am
C2 • Wandering the Web: One Public Library's Experience with Internet
         Training for Clients

Colleen Verge, Librarian, & Connie Peurach, Pre-Professional, Ann Arbor (MI) District Library

Teaching the public how to use the Internet has proven to be a valuable service. We'll take a look behind the scenes at the Ann Arbor District Library's training program to see how it evolved. The history, planning, and effectiveness of the program will be reviewed including the use of teams to develop the course content, the challenges of implementing classes at the main library and branch libraries, and how feedback from the public and staff is being used to shape future training plans.

10:45am - 11:30am
Coffee Break • Visit the Exhibits

11:30am - 12:15pm
C3 • Barbarians at the Gates: Ethical Considerations of Public Access
         Internet Stations

Julie Still, Multimedia Instruction Librarian, Paul Robeson Library, Rutgers University

While several articles have been written about Internet filters and appropriate use policies, publicly supported colleges and universities are still faced with Internet use problems. With more and more OPACs switching to a Web-based environment, it is difficult to block full Internet access, especially when Internet resources are cataloged and clickable within the catalog. The general public and school age groups on campus for summer programs pose other problems with computer access. What is the library's responsibility for members of such groups who usually have not signed appropriate use agreements? Some options and solutions will be discussed and explored.

12:15pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break • Visit the Exhibits

2:00pm - 2:45pm
C4 • We're Not Done Bleeding Yet! A Multiplatform Techno-War Story

Denise Davis, Head, Materials Management and Brian Auger, Assistant Director of Administrative and Support Services, Howard County Library, Columbia, MD.

Not-so-apparent solutions to multi-platform information access from inside and outside a medium-sized public library will be discussed. You'll hear about challenges far beyond our imagination, including but not limited to interesting license negotiations, hardware and software conflicts (Windows NT and Citrix thin client), and staff turnover. Another techno-war story!

3:00pm - 3:45pm
C5 • The Corporate Quest for Current Awareness: One Solution

Betty Fisher, Beth Geer, Diana MacDonald, Richard Poisson, Gayle Sobanek, Corporate Library Team, MITRE Corporation

Several specialized electronic current awareness products were being produced by Library Information Analysts for their assigned technical centers. The Corporate I-Team (a steering group responsible for corporate information technology related resources, systems, processes, and activities) reviewed the various publications and concluded that while they were useful, there was potential for overlap of material, some readers being overwhelmed by multiple electronic mail products, and a significant gap in the distribution coverage. The I-Team challenge to the library was to produce a single electronic current awareness vehicle using "pull" rather than "push" delivery and also one that focused on technologies relevant to corporate core competencies.

4:00pm - 4:45pm
C6 • Fee-Based Subscription Services Facilitate Finding Information
         on the Web

Joe Tragert, Product Development Manager, EBSCO Publishing

With the ever-increasing volume of information available via the World Wide Web comes a greater potential for unproductive searches. Fee-based services offer a solution to managing this vast information resource. Designed with the corporate end-user in mind, these products serve as tools to facilitate searches by filtering information based on users' search criteria. They can organize material in a meaningful format that significantly cuts down the time it takes to conduct searches. As the wealth of information on the World Wide Web expands, fee-based subscription services will serve an integral role in providing users with the best information the Web has to offer.

Track D • Trends & Impacts

Moderated by: Ethel Salonen, Information and Sales Professional

It's always difficult to predict the future, but it is possible to look at some of the trends and new things that are happening. Certainly Internet technologies are at the forefront today, but what do we see ahead for libraries? And what impact will some of today's choices have down the road? This track looks at some of the trends and happenings on the horizon as well as the impact they will have on libraries in the future.

9:00am - 9:45am
D1 • Ecommerce & Libraries: Part 1

Patricia S. Foy, Director, Knowledge Strategies Group, Coopers & Lybrand
Richard R. Rowe, CEO, RoweCom Inc.

Business and libraries are reaching more people than ever before through the Internet. Technology's ability to transcend geographical boundaries is dramatically altering how companies do business and how universities train global business leaders. The Internet can be a tremendous asset to your business if properly applied or a death knell if ignored. According to International Data Corporation, "By the year 2000, the level of WWW based commerce will be over $100 billion." This session includes an overview of current electronic commerce practices, implications for libraries, and a description of an enterprise-wide electronic commerce/ library application. Not only are Coopers & Lybrand building "Michelin Guides" into the content structure of their intranet so that anyone in the organization can retrieve the information they need, but they are also streamlining their purchasing system. This presentation explores the challenges and rewards that one organization has found working closely with a future-oriented library supplier.

10:00am - 10:45am
D2 • Ecommerce & Libraries, Part II

10:45am - 11:30am
Coffee Break • Visit the Exhibits

11:30am - 12:15pm
D3 • Competitive Intelligence: Strategies & Tools

William Robinson, Research Manager, Borden Inc.

The popularity of competitive intelligence services in today's marketplace opens up a wonderful opportunity for libraries and librarians to leverage their services skills. Strong CI can be an invaluable tool to support planning and decision making. Components of successful CI operations, steps to start such a service or unit, and the technology to support it are discussed.

12:15pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break • Visit the Exhibits

2:00pm - 2:45pm
D4 • Operating as a Business

Allyson N. Nolan, Director of Library Services, US Army Soldier Systems Command
James Smallwood, Manager, Corporate Information Center, Aetna Inc.

Incorporating innovation in today's rapidly changing environment is essential for all organizations. One trend, operating libraries like businesses, is having a major impact. This session focuses on two examples. Nolan discusses the process of reinventing current end user services, restructuring a customer feedback council into a process action team, and setting up cooperative agreements with other information resources and businesses. Smallwood focuses on the options, insights and lessons learned while operating the corporate information center as a small business. He includes a discussion of the realities of operating in a fee for service environment and explores the practical aspects of what it takes to succeed.

3:00pm - 3:45pm
D5 • Hot, New & on the Net

Ulla de Stricker, Ulla de Stricker & Associates

A look at what's hot, what's new and what's coming to the Net. Based on investigation and interviews with Internet companies bringing leading edge technology to the marketplace, this session will help you look at technologies and trends for the future.

4:00pm - 4:45pm
D6 • Enterprise Champions: A New Role for Information Professionals

Ann Lee, MLS, National Training Manager, Dow Jones Interactive

As information products are rolled out to the desktops across the enterprise, information professionals take on the new role of enterprise champions. Factors that make a rollout successful include careful planning, support from the necessary groups within the organization, and consistent follow-up. This session describes the steps in a successful enterprise rollout for those who may be considering involvement in such a project or those who need more information on how the process works.

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