9:00am - 9:45am
A1 Library Systems: Expectations for the Future
Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information
With integrated and web-based systems at the forefront today,
what can we expect in the next few years? Our popular and talented
systems guru addresses some of the trends, innovations, and exciting
challenges for information professionals in a world of networked
Allen Benson, Arkansas State University, Mountain Home
Benson, a national best-selling author, discusses how libraries
and PC users in general can protect computer applications and data
from being altered or destroyed by unauthorized users and hackers.
Learn how to write and implement security policies for public access
PCs. Discover how cryptography, secure memos, and anti-virus software
can be used to safeguard data that is stored locally and transmitted
Carol Blagsvedt, Winnebago Software Company
This roundtable of key executives from leading library automation software companies focus their discussion on trends in the industry, new approaches to traditional systems, as well as innovative and creative solutions for library applications.
Scot Cheatham, EOS, Inc.
Lana Porter, Ameritech Library Services, Inc.
Susan Stearns, Gaylord Information Systems
Kate Noerr, Director of Marketing, Geac
Francie Davis, Dowling College
In an effort to serve its customers better, Dowling College
library converted access to its databases from strictly DOS and CD-ROM
formatting to online access through the library's Web page using
Windows and Netscape. Although the end result benefits the program,
the two-year process required to meet the goal is a lesson in
fortitude, patience, diplomacy, and a great deal of flexibility.
Elizabeth A. Titus, Professor, Northern Illinois University
Library statistics are used not only to assist librarians in
making management decisions, but also as a way to reach broader
audiences to educate and promote libraries. The first presentation
looks at recent trends in the use of the Web environment for library
statistics reporting. In addition to using a Web site, LIBSTATS, to
illustrate some of the creative ways libraries are electronically
reporting library statistics, Titus will cover the value of reporting
library statistics on the Web as well as practical tips for developing
library statistics reports on the Web. In the second presentation,
Rackley presents a customer profile showing the benefits of
web-to-legacy gateways solutions for libraries as well as the
implementation issues.
Jerry Rackley, Teubner & Associates, Inc.
Jon Jablonski, Daniel Barkey & Karen Gegner,
The responsibilities of reserves management are poised to
increase with the push to produce and distribute electronic materials.
In addition to faculty provided print material and books from the
permanent collection, library staff are now faced with producing,
tracking, and providing access to electronic materials. In light of
the rapid acceptance of Internet technologies and the presence of
highly used campus backbone networks, using the WWW as an access point
for patrons has become the obvious choice. Rather than training
already overburdened staff to build static yet frequently changing Web
pages, Jablonski et al. talk about a database designed to classify,
track and distribute electronic reserve documents via a dynamically
produced Web site.
Galter Health Sciences Library, Northwestern University
9:00am - 9:45am
B1 Search Engine Refinements
Joyce Ward, Director of Content Classification, Northern Light
Internet search engine vendors have listened to the complaint that more is not necessarily better. In an effort to deal with the unmanageable number of hits, a trend to give searchers ways to stop searching the whole index and limit searches to relevant sections is being seen. How are the search engines changing to make searching better? This panel of the latest and greatest search engine suppliers and users gives some solid tips for information professionals.
Sue LaChance, Infoseek
Howard McQueen, McQueen Consulting
Intranet search engines have been developed with different
philosophies. This session explores statistical, semantic and other
approaches that lend themselves to handling different types of data.
Learn how meta-tagging, document summarization and clustering can be
used to create "Search our Server" technology to help your Intranet
community locate relevant documents. McQueen presents a case study of
how a major publisher archived their internal publication and made it
keyword and field searchable.
Vicki L. Gregory & Anna H. Perrault, Associate Professors, School of Library and Information Science, University of South Florida
Using scholarly communications as an example, this presentation
explores a consortial model of electronic publication with copyright
held by the consortium and the utilization of PUSH technology to
deliver the electronic publications to the membership. It focuses on
the need for a new economic model as scholarly publishing moves from a
strictly print environment to an electronic one as well as a new
concept for ownership of intellectual property along with a new view
of copyright. The model discussed does not focus on profit, but
rather on an in-kind return to universities on the investment made in
the generation of research and scholarship.
Walt Howe, Delphi Internet Services Corp.
The controversy to date has been in the management and control of
intellectual property. As we move into a more sophisticated era,
information professionals need to understand the nuts and bolts of
access controls and privacy techniques. This program will focus on
those key concepts that information professionals need to know in
order to support vendor and customer concerns.
Cindi Nicotera, Reference/Instructional Development Librarian,
Poorly designed screen graphics can misdirect, confuse, belabor
or frustrate web users. Effective graphics can facilitate information
retrieval, enhance the educational experience, and increase the self
esteem of the user. Cindi and Doug Nicotera will address the graphical
elements, such as color, object placement, typography, and use of
images, as they relate to screen design and aesthetics for library
websites. Matt Gullett identifies reasonably priced software for
adding multimedia to enhance library websites and discusses how to
avoid counterproductive uses of multimedia.
Richard P. Hulser, Digital Library Consultant, IBM Corporation
After a brief re-examination of the digital library concept,
examples and demonstrations are used to provide an update on various
worldwide implementations using IBM's approach to digital libraries.
Projections on future applications of digital libraries, and why it is
important for us to care about such things will also be discussed.
Howard Besser, University of California Berkeley
This session looks at the work done at UC Berkeley on behalf of
the Digital Library Federation and other organizations. Besser
discusses the best practices for scanning and metadata creation,
architectures for separating delivery from archiving functions, and
modeling of digital object behaviors.
Lesley Ellen Harris, Copyright and New Media Lawyer
Converting an existing work into digital form raises a myriad of
rights management issues that must be addressed when considering a
digital library project. These range from identifying ownership of the
copyright in various literary and photographic works to understanding
the legal protection of one's own work. Tasks may include locating the
owner, seeking permission, licensing, or examining rights obtained by
the library when it acquired works in its collection, as well as
issues of "fair use".
Darlene Fichter, Coordinator Data Library Services, University of Saskatchewan Libraries
The actual cost of digitizing collections can vary widely from
project to project and our knowledge of the costs for digital projects
is still developing. We need to consider not only the cost of the
initial conversion but also the cost of long term archiving and access
issues. The goals and purposes of digitizing the collection often
determine what future migrations may be required.
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Progress on The National Digital Library of Theses and
Dissertations (NDLTD) project, which is working toward a sustainable,
worldwide, collaborative, education initiative of universities
committed to encouraging students to prepare electronic documents and
to use digital libraries, will be described.
Don Waters, Council on Library and Information Resources
A video by Terry Sanders, produced in association with the
Commission on Preservation and Access (a program of the Council on
Library and Information Resources) and the American Council of Learned
Societies, explores the issues behind the survival of digitally stored
information in to the future. In this session, attendees will view the
video and discuss the issues it raises.
Since we are now firmly in the knowledge age, and organizations
and communities are striving to become learning organizations and
centers, librarians are even more critical in the transfer of
knowledge in these learning environments. Our popular "dead
technology" session focuses this year on those technologies which
will, and will not, allow us to transfer knowledge to our clients in
easy, cost-effective, and relevant ways. This session features
Computers in Libraries experts, pioneers and practitioners. It is free
and open to all registrants, exhibitors, and exhibit visitors. Come
and hear our panels' predictions of future-challenged technologies as
they praise and condemn available and emerging technologies.
11:30am - 12:15pm
B3 Push Technology
12:15pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break Visit the Exhibits
2:00pm - 2:45pm
B4 Intellectual Property & Privacy, Part I
Peter H. Nickerson, President and CEO, N2H2, Inc.
Lesley Ellen Harris, Copyright & New Media Lawyer
Gordon Ross, Net Nanny Software International, Inc.
Hope Tillman, Babson College
3:00pm - 3:45pm
B5 Intellectual Property & Privacy, Part II
3:45pm - 4:15pm
Coffee Break Visit the Exhibits
4:15pm - 5:00pm
B6 Multimedia
Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley College
Doug Nicotera, Supervisor of Photography, Arrow International, Inc.
Matt Gullett, Illinois State University
Track C Digitizing Resources
This track presents an opportunity to learn about the latest
developments concerning the tools, trends, projects, and practical
applications for digitizing information collections. Organized and
moderated by Richard P. Hulser, Digital Library Consultant, IBM
9:00am - 9:45am
C1 Digitizing Resources:
An Overview of Where We Are & Where We're Going
John McGinty, Library Director, Marist College
10:00am - 10:45am
C2 Digital Library Tools & Techniques
10:45am - 11:30am
Coffee Break Visit the Exhibits
11:30am - 12:15pm
C3 Digitization of Content: What's Legal, What's Not
12:15pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break Visit the Exhibits
2:00pm - 2:45pm
C4 Archiving Digital Resources: Illusions & Issues
3:00pm - 3:45pm
C5 National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Bill Savage, UMI Dissertations Publishing
3:45pm - 4:15pm
Coffee Break Visit the Exhibits
4:15pm - 5:00pm
C6 Into the Future: Preservation of Knowledge in the Electronic Age
Monday Evening Session
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Technology & Knowledge Forum: A Look at Dead & Emerging Technology
D. Scott Brandt, Purdue University
Stephen Abram, Director, Corporate & News Information, IHS Micromedia Limited
Ulla de Stricker, President, de Stricker & Associates
Walt Howe, Delphi Internet Services Inc.
Richard Hulser, Digital Library Consultant, IBM Corporation
Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Associates