North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
April 12 - April 14, 2010
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway • Arlington, VA
Computers in Libraries Celebrates 25 Years of Conferences
Monday, April 12, 2010 |
Online Workshops: Providing Info & Awareness
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Robert M. Miller
, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Information and Library Services, University of Maryland
Neal Pomea
, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Information and Library Services, University of Maryland
Using their experience in designing workshops for distance educators, speakers share secrets of building and implementing online info sessions, provide tips and techniques for making them successful, and help you get ready to provide info and marketing to your audiences online. |
Top Tips for Business Research
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Mary Ellen Bates
, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc.
Author of many online research books, Bates provides tips for conducting business research online, and staying current on new business and finance information.
Making Learning & Literacy Fun for Kids!
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM
Beth Gallaway
, Independent Library Consultant, Information Goddess Consulting and Author, Game On! Gaming at the Library
Get a short intro to common video game elements, then hear about a successful, easy, game design software for youth age 10-14. The Cartoon Network software offers an opportunity to develop a Ben 10 game from stock characters, settings and obstacles, and the program lends itself to discuss issues such as Internet Safety while improving technological and programming literacies. |
Surfacing Value: Speaking to be Heard
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Mary Ellen Bates
, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc.
How do you get the attention and support you need from management? This cybertour, based on recent research, shares tips on talking about your value, words to use that executives recognize, and strategies making sure your boss hears you and provides the support and resources you need.
Bing Tips!
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Marydee Ojala
, Editor-in-Chief, Online Searcher magazine
Hear from WebSearch University’s program director about what’s new with this search engine and how to use it to get the most out of your searching.
Finding "Content" in Google Earth
3:30 PM – 3:45 AM
Ran Hock
, Principal, Online Strategies
Besides just views of "places" there is a ton of other "content" in Google Earth. Come find out how to find photos, books, shipwrecks, video, weather, earthquakes, historical maps, webcams, and a "world" of other stuff.
Google Labs
4:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Stephen Abram
, Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Inc.
Google tests lots of things and shares those through Google Labs. Have you checked their site lately? Hear about some of the new Google features that may be very useful to you in your information environment.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 |
Browser Tools for Research & Discovery
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Krista Godfrey
, Web Services Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Open source browser plug-ins such as LibX and Zotero can help researchers at every stage of the research cycle, from search and discovery to writing and citation. This session provides a guide for using free, open source tools such as LibX and Zotero, to customize search to your catalog, insert links to sites like Amazon and Wikipedia, build bibliographies, manage citations, and more. |
Creating Tomorrow's Learning Environments
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Mary Beth Sancomb-Moran
, Librarian, University of Minnesota, Rochester
This cybertour looks at ways of combining information literacy, communication with faculty, and preparing students to do research within a virtual academic library. Using her university's interdisciplinary curriculum as an example, our speaker illustrates the tools and techniques used by librarians to participate in the conversation and integrate information literacy from the beginning. She also shows how this activity is a catalyst for building a synergistic relationship between librarians and faculty as they build a curriculum to reach multiple learning outcomes. |
Taxonomies & Folksonomies
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM
Ms. Alka Bhatnagar
, Analysis &Trends Specialist, New Jersey State Library
While nearly all information seekers use web search engines using natural language or search terms with ease, library catalogs and other knowledge organization systems are still viewed as too complicated because of unfamiliar controlled formal taxonomies like LCSH or DDC. The time has come to move to a common ground for easy information retrieval using a hybrid of taxonomy and folksonomy or socially collaborative tagging. Hear how a hybrid system can result in richer metadata where the controlled and precise taxonomy created by an expert knowledge worker stays exactly as it is and the user generated folksonomy supplements it by additional synonyms and semantically related terms. Learn about the tagging systems /semantic web technologies such as Connotea and Scuttle that can assist the move to this direction. |
SharePoint & Libraries
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Ms. Cecilia Dalzell
, Instructional Design Librarian, Arnold Bernhard Library, Quinnipiac University
Numerous universities and workplaces are using Microsoft SharePoint as a tool for communication and collaboration. In organizations where SharePoint is replacing traditional websites, libraries are adapting to and thriving in this new environment. These libraries are supporting their users' information fluency skills by integrating information services and tools into a collaborative environment that users are likely to experience in the workplace. This cybertour shows examples of library SharePoint implementations and social tools in SharePoint; shares lessons learned and suggests possibilities for the future. |
Making an Impact With Multilingual Websites
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Lora Baiocco
, Online Services & Archives Librarian, Westmount Public Library
Jocelyne Andrews
, Head, Systems & Technical Services, Westmount Public Library
From 2.0 tools that translate into better service, to tips on how your website & catalogue can address a multilingual community, this session takes you on a world tour of options for libraries looking to meet their non-English speaking customers online. |
Intersecting Real & Virtual Worlds
2:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Fiacre O'Duinn
, Librarian, Hamilton Public Library
Augmented reality, multi-touch, and object recognition are suddenly everywhere. As the virtual and real worlds blend we are beginning to experience a radical shift in the way we interact with technology and each other. Listen to (mostly!) non-technical exploration of these new trends and what they will mean, not only for computing, but for librarian's and library user's relationship with and understanding of information.
Electronic Resource Manager (ERM): An Open Source Alternative
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Rick Bearden
, Automation Librarian, Ferris Library for Information, Technology and Education, Ferris State University
Emily R Mitchell
, Librarian / Webmaster, SUNY Oswego
After building an SQL based ERM, speakers share their code for OLLARA (Online License Locator and Resource Administrator) with the library community. Based on University of Wisconsin - La Crosse's ERMes, OLLARA sports a web-based interface and open source code that others are free to use and modify to meet their own needs. Hear more! |
Screencast vs. Screenshot
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM
Greg Notess
, Faculty & Graduate Services Librarian, Montana State University
With hundreds of library resources to teach, each with their own graphic design and search options located in different places, a graphic-based tutorial can quickly show users where to find the important parts. Many tutorials use a series of screenshots to show how to step through the process. Others use videos and screencasts to demonstrate the process. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? This cybertour explores the strengths and weaknesses of each and compares and contrasts live examples of each type of tutorials. |
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 |
HTML & CSS3: Not Your Father's Markup
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Jason A. Clark
, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Head of Digital Access and Web Services, Montana State University Libraries
Geolocation, Native Video, Offline storage, <nav> elements, Canvas elements, Drag and Drop, Opacity… HTML5 and CSS3 have been released and are changing the way web developers will work. With wide support in mobile browsers and the latest browser releases from Google and Firefox, HTML5 and CSS3 are poised to be the new technologies that will help build the next version of the Web. In this quick tour, we'll look at some of the possibilities, trends, and enhancements that HTML5 and CSS3 enable. Come for a quick introduction and leave with ideas about how you might start using HTML5 and CSS3 in your apps today. |
Selling E-Book Resources to Your Community
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Lenore England
, Digital Resources Librarian, Information and Library Services, University of Maryland University College
Li Fu
, Digital Services Librarian, University of Maryland University College
John F. Coogan
, Systems Librarian, University of Maryland University College
Hear from experienced librarians about how to sell e-book resources to your community: Providing access to e-book collections; promoting e-books through guides, online workshops, and other teaching resources; lessons learned; and the future of e-books. |
Top Ten Free Alternatives
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM
Andrew Shuping
, Interlibrary Loan Librarian & Public Services Librarian, Mercer University
Even without the current economic crisis, most libraries have trouble buying every program that would be beneficial to their patrons and their staff. But there is a choice, and that choice is free! Come to this presentation to find out alternatives to such popular programs as Photoshop, Captivate, Microsoft Office, and more tools for productivity and marketing.
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