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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2010
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North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
Computers in Libraries 2010
April 12 - April 14, 2010
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway • Arlington, VA
Computers in Libraries Celebrates 25 Years of Conferences
Final ProgramFinal Program [PDF]Conference at a Glance [PDF]
SpeakersExhibitor ListPresentations
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Previous CIL Conferences

Hotel and Travel Information

Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202

Hotel Reservations
Meeting & Travel Consultants, Inc. (MTC) is the official housing bureau for Computers in Libraries 2010. For your convenience, hotel reservations can be made for the Hyatt Regency Crystal City at the discounted group rate of $239 per night (Sunday through Thursday) and a special discounted rate of $119 for Friday and Saturday nights.
Discounted rates are exclusive through MTC only and will not be extended by the hotel directly. Rates will remain in effect until Friday, March 19, 2010. However, please note that the discounted group block is subject to availability and is not guaranteed. Early booking is suggested. Credit card information is required to confirm all reservations.

Make your reservation with MTC today!

Phone: (732) 549-3985 or 3986
Fax: (732) 549-3987

All information taken from the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel website.
For additional information visit

ronald regan national airport
    Courtesy shuttle service to and from airport is available everyday from 5:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. with pick up every 20 min at the top of the hour and 20 minutes and 40 minutes past the hour. However, guests are advised to call the hotel directly for van pick up. Courtesy phone in the baggage claim area, or call direct at (703) 418-1234. Vans are blue with white lettering marked Hyatt Regency Crystal City.
  • TAXI: $6.00
dulles airport
  • TAXI: $40.00 - $45.00
  • METRO SUBWAY: Blue and Yellow Line
    Sunday through Thursday 6:00 a.m. – Midnight
    Friday and Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.
    10 minute walk from Crystal City station to hotel. Hotel courtesy shuttle service available to and from metro stop.
baltimore washington international
  • TAXI: $65.00 to $70.00
  • AMTRAK: $20.00 to Union Station, cab fare from Union Station to hotel is approx $13.00.
  • MARC: $6.00 to Union Station, cab fare from Union Station to the hotel is approx $13.00.
  • SUPERSHUTTLE: Call 1-800-bluevan for information.

Driving Directions
All information taken from the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel website.
For additional information visit

from dulles airport
Take the Dulles Toll Road East approximately 16.6 miles to I-66 East. Take I-66 East approximately 7.3 miles to exit. 75(Rt. 110 South). Go approximately 3 miles. Rt. 110 South turns into Rt. 1 South (Jefferson Davis Hwy). Take Rt. 1 South (Jefferson Davis Hwy) to 4th traffic light (27th Street). Turn left at 27th Street, hotel will be on the left.
from reagan national airport
Follow signs to Crystal City. Take the Rt. 1 South exit and get in the left hand lane. Turn left at first light, 27th Street, the hotel is on the left.
from washington, d.c.
Take 14th Street Bridge South. Stay in far left lane. Take exit #8C (Rt. 1 South) marked "Crystal City/Alexandria." Rt. 1 South is Jefferson Davis Hwy, follow to 4th traffic light. Turn left onto 27th Street, hotel is on the left.
from georgetown
Take M Street across the Key Bridge. Turn left at third light (Lee Highway). Go through light to I-66 East. Take I-66 East to exit 75 (Rt. 110 South) for approximately 3 miles. Rt. 110 South turns into Rt. 1 South (Jefferson Davis Hwy). Take Rt. 1 South (Jefferson Davis Hwy) to 4th traffic light (27th street). Turn left at 27th Street, hotel will be on the left.
from richmond & I95 north
Take I-95 North to I-395. Take Exit 7A (Rt. 120/Glebe Road South). Stay on Glebe Road South approximately 1.5 miles, which terminates at Rt. 1 (Jefferson Davis Hwy). Turn left onto Rt.1 North (Jefferson Davis Hwy). Turn right at the next light (27th Street), hotel is on the left.
from baltimore & I95 south
Take I-95 South over the Wilson Bridge into Virginia. Exit #177B (first exit off bridge), and follow signs to Rt. 1 North. Travel approximately 4 miles: when you see signs for Reagan National Airport get into the right hand lane. Turn right onto 27th street, hotel is on the left.
from maryland & I270 south
Take I-495 South into Virginia. Take exit #43 (George Washington Parkway). Travel about 10 miles south. Exit at Reagan National Airport, stay in right lane, and follow signs to Crystal City. Take Rt. 1 South exit: and get in the left hand lane. Turn left at first light (27th Street), hotel is on the left.
Indoor garage. Valet only. Overnight rate is $25 per day with in and out privileges.
Vehicle clearance is 6’ 8”.
hourly rates:
  • 0-2 hours = $10
  • 2-4 hours = $15
  • 4-6 hours = $18
  • 6 + hours = $25

Restaurants & Surrounding Area

Click here to view Hyatt Regency Crystal City Restaurants

Click here (PDF) to view Crystal City Restaurant Map

Click here (PDF) to view Crystal City Walking Map


Tuesday Evening Sponsor

Media Sponsors:    
Computers in Libraries Information Today ONLINE Magazine
Searcher Magazine Multimedia & Internet@Schools Magazine Learning Partner:

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