Char Booth is an E-Learning Librarian at UC Berkeley,s where she explores integrating education, technology, and design in library services. A 2007 ALA Emerging Leader and 2008 Library Journal Mover and Shaker, Char blogs at info-mational and tweets @charbooth. Char's recent publications include Informing Innovation: Tracking Student Interest in Emerging Library Technologies at Ohio University (ACRL Digital Publications, free download) in 2009, Hope, Hype, and VoIP: Riding the Library Technology Cycle (ALA TechSource) in 2010, and she has a book on instructional design and teaching effectiveness coming out in Fall 2010: Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators (ALA Editions).
Char completed a Master's of Educational Technology at Ohio University in 2008, a M.S.I.S at the University of Texas at Austin's School of Information in 2005, and a B.A. in History at Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 2001. |