We are pleased to
present the 20th annual Computers in Libraries
— the most comprehensive North American
conference and exhibition on all aspects of library
& information delivery technology. Although
the tools and technology available to libraries
& information services have changed over the
years, the excellent quality and range of both
topics and speakers at Computers in Libraries
2005 remain the same.
Continental Breakfast
Get the day off to a great start by joining
us for a continental breakfast each morning between
8:00 and 9:00 a.m. in the International Ballroom
Center before the keynote session.Internet@Schools
East Conference Presentations
Conference attendees are provided with
the Collected Presentations which contain many
of the speakers’ handouts. Conference CD-ROMs
are available for purchase at The Digital Record
table in the Registration Area. Order at the show
or visit them online at www.digitalrecord.org.
Orders will be shipped 4-6 weeks after the conference.
Free Receptions & Dine
Join us in the Exhibit Hall on Wednesday
and Thursday between 5:00 and 5:45 p.m. for a
Wine and Cheese Reception. It’s a great
way to visit with exhibitors in a relaxed atmosphere
as well as catch up with old and new colleagues
alike. Also, be sure to sign up in the Registration
Area for Dine Arounds to a wide variety of DC
area restaurants. [CLICK
HERE for more information on Dine
Internet Café
Check your e-mail at the Internet Café
located in the Exhibit Hall.
Hall Hours |
Wednesday, March
16, 2005 |
9:45 AM
to 5:45 PM – Reception: 5:00 PM |
Thursday, March
17, 2005 |
9:45 AM to 5:45
PM – Reception: 5:00 PM |
Friday, March
18, 2005 |
9:45 AM to 3:15
PM |
Speaker and Press Room
The Bancroft Room is available for speakers
and registered press Wednesday through Friday.
Plan to pick up some quick tips, take a
sneak peek at new products, and learn new skills
at short, free Cybertours in the Computers
in Libraries 2005 Exhibit Hall. [CLICK
HERE for more details.]
Wednesday Evening Session
Sponsored by |
Free and open to all registrants, exhibitors and
exhibit visitors.
TechForum 2005: Looking
at Dead & Emerging Technologies
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. MODERATOR:
D. Scott Brandt, Technology
Training Librarian, Purdue University Libraries
Stephen Abram, VP Innovation,
Marshall Breeding, Library
Technology Officer, Vanderbilt University
Matthew Dames, CEO,
Seso Group, LLC
Megan Fox, Web
& Electronic Resources Librarian, Simmons College
Nancy Nelson,
President, Nelson Associates
Genie Tyburski, Web
Manager, The Virtual Chase, Ballard Spahr Andrews
& Ingersoll, LLP
Firmly in the knowledge age, organizations and communities
are striving to become learning organizations and
centers, and librarians are extending their reach
and becoming more critical to the transfer. Our
popular “dead technology” session focuses
this year on those technologies that will, and will
not, allow us to transfer knowledge to our clients
in easy, cost-effective, and relevant ways. This
session features some new views as well as some
of our long-term Computers in Libraries experts,
pioneers, and practitioners. It is free and open
to all registrants, exhibitors, and exhibit visitors.
Come and hear our panel’s predictions of future-challenged
technologies as they praise and condemn available
and emerging technologies. Program
Chair Jane I. Dysart,
Dysart & Jones Associates
Stephen Abram, Sirsi
D. Scott Brandt, Purdue University
Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University
Stephen M. Cohen, PubSub Concepts,
Darlene Fichter, University of
Mary Lee Kennedy, Harvard Business
Kathy Dempsey, Editor, Computers
in Libraries
Andrew Pace, North Carolina State
University Libraries
Donna Scheeder, Library of Congress,
Law Library
Julia Schult, Hamilton College
Internet@Schools East
If you are a K-12 library media specialist
or school IT professional, this special 2-day
conference sponsored by MultiMedia & Internet@Schools
magazine is designed just for you. Convening on
Thursday, March 17 with a keynote on New Internet
Literacies for Teachers, Internet@Schools
East offers a jam-packed program that
will help you learn how to leverage the Internet,
make technology initiatives happen, and raise
your professional profile and skill set. Attendees
may register separately for Internet@Schools
East, or for a combination package that
includes a registration for Computers
in Libraries.
See the Internet@Schools
East Web pages for the daily schedule
and full program details.
Organized by David Hoffman, Editor, MultiMedia
& Internet@Schools.