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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2004
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The Technology Conference for Information Age Librarians
Computers in Libraries 2004 March 10-12, 2004

Hilton Washington
1919 Connecticut Ave. NWWashington, DC 20009


Exhibitor List
to Exhibit
Booth Descriptions
Internet Café and E-Mail Stations in the Exhibit Hall are sponsored by Click here to visit our sponsor.

The following companies/organizations have already contracted to exhibit at Computers in Libraries 2004:
3M Booth #306
Click here to visit our sponsor.Using proven RFID, Tattle-Tape™ security and PC management technologies, 3M partners with libraries to provide comprehensive solutions for 21st century challenges such as securing, tracking and managing materials and information. The 3M™ Public Access Management System allows librarians to manage public access resources such as computers, printers and copiers.
• 3M Center, Bldg 225-4N-14 • St. Paul, MN 55144 • 1-800-328-0067
3M Computer Filters
Booth #308
Action Computer Supplies
Booth #330
American Psychological Association
Booth #321
Bar Code Discount Warehouse
Booth #430
Basch Subscriptions/The Reference Shelf Booth #410
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts [CSA] Booth #223
Checkpoint Systems, Inc. Booth #214
Click here to visit our sponsor.Checkpoint's Intelligent Library System (ILS) protects your collection
from theft, automates book check-out and check-in, and frees your staff for other functions. Come to booth #214 to check it out!
• 101 Wolf Dr. • Thorofare, NJ 08086 • 800-257-5540
Comprise Technologies, Inc.
Booth #412
Cuadra Associates, Inc. Booth #423
Click here to visit our sponsor.Cuadra STAR is customizable software for knowledge management applications where fast, precise, browser-based retrieval is essential. There are ready-to-run STAR solutions for library, archival, museum, and photographic collections, as well as competitive intelligence and records management data. You can manage your system yourselves, or use our hosted (ASP) solution.
• 11835 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 855 • Los Angeles, CA 90064 • 800-366-1390
D&B - Dun & Bradstreet Booth #429
EBSCO Information Services Booth #124
Elsevier Booth #322
Endeavor Information Systems
Booth #426
Eos International
Booth #431
Click here to visit our sponsor.Visit EOS International (booth #515) for a demonstration of EOS.Web™, a Web-based system from a vendor that has been in the library automation business for over two decades. EOS.Web is a customizable library knowledge management solution based on Microsoft® .NET that provides an internet-centric local or hosted special library automation solution.
• 2382 Faraday Avenue, Suite 350 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • 800-876-5484
Ergotron, Inc. Booth #413
Ex Libris (USA), Inc.
Booth #421
Click here to visit our sponsor.Ex Libris is a leading, multinational developer of high-performance applications for libraries, information centers, and researchers. The ALEPH integrated library solution, has been installed at over 800 sites and in more than 50 countries. The Ex Libris product suite also includes the MetaLib information portal for library collections; SFX, the context-sensitive linking solution for heterogeneous electronic resources in the scholarly information environment and DigiTool for the construction of digital collections.
• 1919 N. Sheffield • Chicago, IL 60614-5018 • 877-527-1689
Fastcase, Inc. Booth #414
Gale Booth #317
Click here to visit our sponsor.Gale (, is a business unit of The Thomson Corporation, is a world leader in e-information publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Gale includes such noted publishers as Macmillan Reference USA, Charles Scribner’s Sons, GK Hall & Company, Schirmer Books, Twayne Publishing, Primary Source Microfilm, Graham & Whiteside, The Taft Group, K.G. Saur and Blackbirch Press.
• 27500 Drake Road • Farmington Hills, MI 48331 • 248-699-4253
Gray Technologies Booth #432
IEEE Booth #327
Information Today, Inc. Booth #410
Information Today, Inc.Information Today, Inc. (ITI) is the conference organizer of Computers in Libraries 2004. Other ITI conferences include Internet Librarian, WebSearch University, Enterprise Search Summit, KMWorld & Intranets, Buying & Selling eContent, and Streaming Media. In addition to conferences, ITI publishes the periodicals Information Today, Computers in Libraries, EContent, MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, ONLINE, KMWorld, and Searcher. ITI also publishes books and directories pertaining to the information and knowledge management industries.
• 143 Old Marlton Pike• Medford, NJ 08055 • 609-654-6266
Innovative Interfaces
Booth #226
Leadership Directories, Inc.
Booth #326
The Library Corporation Booth #222
Click here to visit our sponsor.The Library Corporation is a leading developer of automation, cataloging, and acquisition solutions for libraries. We’ve carried on a tradition of providing an outstanding and unexpected level of service to our customers for 30 years. Our integrated system, Library.Solution, provides robust functionality to libraries of all types and sizes.
• Research Park • Inwood, WV 25428 • 304-229-0100
McGraw-Hill Booth #331
National Micrographics Systems
Booth #123
Neal-Schuman Publishers
Booth #415
NewsBank, Inc.
Booth #405
Northern Micrographics
Booth #325
OCLC Booth #218
Click here to visit our sponsor.OCLC Online Computer Library, Inc.

Cataloging is just the beginning at OCLC!

Stop by the OCLC booth at CIL and learn about other ways we serve libraries and librarians, including reference, virtual reference, and resource sharing.
6565 Frantz Rd. • Dublin, OH 43017-33951 • 614-764-60001 • 800-848-5878
• Fax: 614-764-6096 •

ProQuest Company Booth #121
Click here to visit our sponsor.Check out ProQuest's Diversity Databases in exhibit #121. Researchers can find focus in a complex world with these resources offering full-text coverage of hard-to-find publications from the alternative, ethnic, and minority communities. Find a different kind of focus with a pair of Bushnell binoculars — yours free when you sign up for a trial!
300 N. Zeeb Road • Ann Arbor, MI • 48103 • 800-521-0600

PTFS, Inc. Booth #313
Click here to visit our sponsor.PTFS' Digital Archiving Solutions offer advanced, affordable tools and services to manage and retrieve valuable and rapidly expanding digital collections. Products and services include a content integration digital archiving software platform, digitization and content conversion services, systems integration and library staffing support services.
7315 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 1200 • Bethesda, MD • 20814 • 301-654-8088
Booth #116
Serials Solutions, Inc.
Booth #416
Sirsi Corporation
Booth #329
Softlink America, Inc.
Booth #512
Social Network Technology Report
Booth #411
Special Libraries Association
Booth #425
Swets Information Services Booth #217
Click here to visit our sponsor.Swets Information Services, a subsidiary of Royal Swets and Zeitlinger, is a global leader in information and serials management. Our wide range of information and serials management services help optimize resources in today's dynamic and complex electronic environment. With SwetsWise, we offer the premier web-based, modular service for procuring, accessing and managing subscriptions and online information.
• 160 Ninth Avenue • Runnemede, NJ 08078, USA • 800-645-6595

SydneyPLUS International Booth #428
Click here to visit our sponsor.As the world’s leading provider of knowledge management systems for business libraries, SydneyPLUS partners with leading legal firms, as well as Fortune 1000 companies from the pharmaceutical, media, financial and petroleum industries. Automating every aspect of today’s electronic library, our solutions improve operational efficiencies, reduce costs and often directly contribute to revenue. Drop by our booth #428 and register for our one free seminars.
• 5138-13562 Maycrest Way • Richmond, BC Canada V6V 2J7 • 604-278-6717
Booth #424
TechBooks Booth #111
Click here to visit our sponsor.TechBooks Information Publishing Group provides a full range of data, document, and digital conversion services, including imaging, to publishers, information aggregators, professional societies, financial institutions, libraries, universities, and major corporations. TechBooks IPG has a depth of experience working with HTML, SGML, and XML, including TEI-Lite and EAD, along with a variety of e-Book formats. By combining domestic project management with state-of-the-art offshore production facilities, TechBooks IPG offers high quality output and effective scheduling at competitive rates. Each project is specifically custom-developed.
• 1930 SouthWest 48th Lane • Cape Coral, FL 33914 • 239-549-2384
Thomson ISI
Booth #328
Thomson ISI ResearchSoft
Booth #328
Userful Internet Café
Value Line Publishing
Booth #409
Vernon Library Supplies
Booth #422
World Book, Inc.
Booth #323
H.W. Wilson Company
Booth #228

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