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This specialized
conference within a conference brings together a series of programs
focused on technology and its impact on the practices and practical
concerns of librarians and school media specialists within the K-12
education system. Organized and moderated by Ferdi Serim,
Editor, MultiMedia Schools, the conference offers participants
philosophical reflection, practical how-to tips, and information
about the newest products, services, and strategies designed for
the K-12 market. Attendees are invited to attend the Computers
in Libraries Keynote at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, March 14 and then
visit the Exhibit Hall for a coffee break before the Computers
in School Libraries sessions start, and may also register to
attend sessions at Computers in Libraries 2003 for an additional
Every Child Ahead: Literacy and the Big6
and sponsored by Big6)
9:00 a.m. – 4:30
Ferdi Serim,
Director, Online Internet Institute
Art Wolinsky,
Technology Director, Online Internet Institute
In this separately
priced full-day conference workshop for school librarians, attendees will
learn specific, practical strategies to make their library or media center
the hub of school-wide efforts to increase student achievement. Literacy
is the key to all other areas of student performance, taking on an
expanded definition in the digital age. Ferdi Serim and Art Wolinsky, Certified
Big6 Trainers, will provide research-based approaches to improving critical
thinking, information-based problemsolving, and the writing quality of
students through the effective use of technology. By developing district
capacity for information-based problem-solving, the Big6 process can generate
educational evidence for decision-making at the school and classroom level,
allowing schools to move beyond the practice of education as an “evidence-free
Your school requires
reliable, research-based information to decide:
How to achieve and
document Adequate Yearly Progress.
How to apply the lessons
of research to classroom practice in key curriculum areas.
Which efforts will
result in the largest gains for at-risk and special populations.
How to manage student
data so that it can drive student improvement.
What criteria to use
in selecting both technology and traditional interventions.
Attendees will learn
specific strategies for using technology to provide a window into student
performance and how to evaluate the resulting data to help teachers become
more effective.
in School Libraries — Friday, March 14
& Safety Strategies for Internet Librarians
9:00 a.m. – 9:45
Jayne Hitchcock,
Author, Net Crimes & Misdemeanors
online spammers, scammers, and stalkers is not on the top of the list for
most Internet librarians, but it should be as we work with our clients
in many different environments. This thought-provoking keynote alerts us
to the dangers and suggests some key strategies for safe workplaces, encryption,
computer protection, and protecting children. This entertaining keynote
speaker has learned these strategies firsthand and shares her experiences
and knowledge.
Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30
S101 — Designing a Digital Library for Children
10:30 a.m. – 11:15
Allison Druin,
Assistant Professor, and
Ann Weeks,
Professor of the Practice, University of Maryland
Few technology
interfaces for digital libraries support young children’s needs as information
users. In 2001, our speakers began to develop a digital library to assist
young people in digitally browsing, searching, and reading children’s books
online. The prototype of this new digital library launched with book content
from 12 countries in late 2002. This session discusses the unique design
methods used to develop this international digital library as well as the
development of digital book readers appropriate for young children.
S102 — Grant Writing Made Easy
11:30 a.m. – 12:15
Pamela Nutt,
Media Specialist, Griffin-Spalding County School System
In this session,
an experienced grant recipient introduces proven ways of writing grants
for educational purposes and provides a step-by-step guide. Last year,
Pam Nutt obtained over $35,000 in grants for her media center. To illustrate
how to answer the questions and the type of information to include in the
applications, her presentation will use a grant that was approved.
Break — A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30
S103 — Controversies and Issues: The Media Center’s Role in Teaching the
Art of Debate
1:30 p.m. – 2:00
Lisa Spicko,
Vice President of K-12 Marketing, Gale Group
The exploration
of both sides of contemporary and often controversial issues is making
a comeback in American schools. The resurgence is fueled in part by recent
findings that examining issues, with a goal of debating them, encourages
critical thinking in young minds. This session focuses on what libraries
can do to support classrooms and initiate this type of learning in their
S104 — Why Are Media Positions Cut? How Not to Survive
2:15 p.m. – 3:00
Mary Alice Anderson,
Lead Media Specialist, Winona Area Public Schools
Media specialists
work in exciting times and our resources and skills are in demand. But
have you noticed there are fewer media specialists than in the past? Why?
Positions may be cut for financial reasons, but there also may be causes
within our own profession. What practices make our positions vulnerable
rather than valuable? What can media specialists do to survive in perilous
times? Hear from an experienced and successful specialist and learn more
about practices, behaviors, and attitudes that may work against us, the
impact of technology on programs and jobs, and the expectations and perceptions
that principals have of media specialists. Learn some strategies for coping
with change and what you can do to build programs and help ensure job and
program security.
S105 & S106 — Using the Internet to Improve Information Literacy
3:15 p.m. – 5:00
Sheila Offman
Gersh, Director, Center for School Development, City College of New
York, School of Education
This session describes
an “information-literate individual” and shows how integrating the Internet
into classroom instruction can improve students’ use of information. It
illustrates how to “Internetize” traditional classroom lessons, create
online collaborative projects, and create WebQuests that meet state-wide
learning standards and assessment criteria. It discusses the wide range
of resources on the Internet to help in “Internetizing” classroom instruction.
A Web site that has links to hundreds of resources and templates will be
available for attendees.
in School Libraries — Saturday, March 15
S201 — Assessing Staff Technology Skills
9:00 a.m. – 9:45
Mary Alice Anderson,
Lead Media Specialist, Winona Area Public Schools
The technology
is well used. Staff development is ongoing. Most teachers have attended
staff development classes. But are the teachers skilled? Are they really
using technology effectively and efficiently? Is technology used in meaningful
ways? Why would we want to know? How can we assess how well staff are using
technology? The session addresses tools for assessing staff skills and
examining the assessment process using Profiler from the U.S. Department
of Education.
S202 — Libraries in the Computer
10:00 a.m. – 10:45
Kathryn Summers,
Assistant Professor, and
Holly Weeks,
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Baltimore
This session shares
results of research using children as design partners to design an international
digital library for children. It is based on Alison Druin’s work examining
searching, querying, browsing, and information visualization strategies
for children aged 6-10. The University of Baltimore team has a 3-year NSF
grant to explore how the digital library can also support searching, browsing,
and organizing information for children aged 10-13. The first year of the
study focuses on comparative data, mapping significant differences in searching
and browsing strategies for older children. The presentation identifies
key areas of inquiry and methods for working with pre-teens as design partners
in designing online information interfaces.
10:45 a.m. – 11:15
S203 — Find It. Read It. Write It. Stretching the Power of Web Log Technology
11:15 a.m. – 12:00
Patrick Delaney,
Library Media Specialist, Dr. Martin Luther King Academic Middle School
This session describes
a 2-year collaborative project between an urban middle school library and
UC Berkeley’s Bay Area Writing Project, applying Web log technology for
teaching and learning. It explains the use of Web logs to publish a digital
daily agenda of library-based learning projects; to link to school and
public library OPACs; to direct teacher and student online research in
free and fee-based databases; to collect online comments about the library
and its collections; and to direct and support student resource gathering,
reading, note-taking, drafting, and publication of research.
p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
S204 — Using Streaming Media in Education
1:00 p.m. – 1:45
Richard Mavrogeanes,
President and Founder, VBrick Systems
When the City of
New York wanted to enhance education at the K-12 schools with television-quality
one-way streaming and multipoint interactive video, it turned to VBrick
Systems. VBrick technology is creating a continuous presence in the NYC
schools by allowing students to participate in four-way classroom
discussions and lectures and take virtual tours of the museums and cultural
centers in the New York City vicinity—all without leaving the classroom.
Not only has New York saved millions by using the existing INET network
instead of creating a new video infrastructure, the city is using video
communications to enhance the education process. Learn about the strategies
and the lessons learned.
p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
S205 & S206 — The Grand Library Already Inhabits the Global Net
2:00 p.m. – 4:00
Judy Breck,
Contentmaster, EdClicks.com, Founder of homeworkcentral.com, and Author
of How We Will Learn in the 21st Century
Change and chaos
surrounding the Internet have been unsettling, making the Net’s big picture
good news for learning a lost message in the realm of general opinion,
the media, librarians, and educators. This experienced and innovative speaker
provides an exhibition of stunning Grand Library assets and describes how
singularity of scale generates cognitive context, causing the most efficient
knowledge-handling method outside of the human brain. Comparing the Net
to our DNA, where most genes are junk, she describes the Grand Library
that is now refining itself within cyberspace and soon will be handheld.
Librarians have a grand future in our new world, where the full scope of
human ideas is no longer available only to the elite, and the privilege
of knowledge has ended. Her news is all good! Join us for a stimulating
and fun session. (Visit EdClicks.com for more information.