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Technology Conference for Information Age Librarians
Computers in School Libraries
Friday, March 17th — Lincoln Room |
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Powerful Partnerships: Librarians
Leading Change
Mary Alice Anderson,
MulitMedia Schools columnist and InfoPower Trainer
Scott Hannon,
Principal, Winona MiddleSchool, MN
Anderson, and her principal
Hannon, share practical lessons about building powerful partnerships for
professional growth. The Winona Middle School Media/Technology Program
is well known for its staff development efforts. See how information literacy,
a desire to have technology integrated throughout the curriculum, and improved
student achievement have resulted in successful and practical approaches.
Research about what works in staff development will be shared, so that
you can apply these practices to your unique situation.
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
The “Understanding by Design” Model
Applied to Technology
Cynthia LaPier,
Director of Information and Instructional Technology, Ithaca City School
LaPier shares the nationally
acclaimed model of lesson design focusing on outcomes that Grant Wiggins
has developed. Teachers using the process focus on essential questions
and what they want students to know in five years as well as what they
need to know today. It is useful in helping gain support to move away from
the teaching to the test syndrome. Using the UBD model for staff development
in instructional technology has enabled lesson design to be based on curriculum
rather than technology driven. The presentation describes how the process
has been modified to bring in the technology pieces, and includes examples
of lesson designs.
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Coffee Break—A Chance to Visit the
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Multimedia and Copyright: What Educators
Need to Know
Connie Bakker,
Associate Dean, Instructional and Information Support Services, North Seattle
Community College
The ability to access and
transmit information in a variety of formats has affected copyright. Join
in a discussion of copyright as it applies to classroom activities and
student projects. Aimed at teachers and librarians, this session will focus
on the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. If your faculty
and students create multimedia presentations, then learn how these new
guidelines impact the classroom. The Power Point presentation includes
examples to illustrate how to integrate and then document fair use of a
variety of formats.
12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the
2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
A Mile in Your Shoes: Resource Developers
Listen to You!
Panel of Online Database
and Library Automation Developers
Tired of complaining about
products which promise the future, but fall short of meeting your real
world needs? Ever wish a developer could walk a mile in your shoes? Frustrated
by features you didn’t ask for taking the place of those you needed? Here’s
a vital opportunity to communicate with the technical developers of (library
automation systems/ online databases...depending on who you get) who will
gather to listen to You! Instead of “infomercials” from the marketing department,
you’ll interact with the people who build the tools you depend upon, so
all of us can better meet the needs of students.
3:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Coffee Break
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Helping Educators Become “Information
Art Wolinsky &
Celia Einhorn, Online Internet Institute
Becky Snyder,
VP, Interactive Media, ABC-Clio
Most educators have never
heard of Information Power, and are unaware of how information literacy
can provide the most compelling rationale for using educational technology.
The Online Internet Institute offers professional development workshops
that help educators gain these skills, learn to use primary sources, and
harness collaborative online tools for knowledge building. See how you
can incorporate these opportunities into your local professional development
activities, and join an online community who’s dedicated to reinventing
our profession from the inside out!
Saturday, March 18th — Lincoln Room |
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
The Balancing Act: Print and Electronic
Collection Development
Patty Sorensen,
Library Media Specialist, Dundee, OR
The Oregon School Library
and Information Services (OSLIS), a statewide consortium involving technology
and library specialists has strategized the challenge of electronic resource
pricing, created online tutorials for learning to use online electronic
resources, and even created a video for all principals to view. Sorensen
shares insights and lessons learned regarding the balancing act.
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
The Learning Highway: Smart Students
& the Net
Trevor Owen,
Program Director, Writers in Electronic Residence & Co-ordinator, Instructional
Technologies, Faculty of Education, York University
It’s true that there is
a lot of information available on the “infobahn,” but that’s only part
of the learning puzzle. What’s important for students is that it is a learning
highway, and a pretty super one at that. Human interaction, interpretation
and response are some of vehicles here, charting a course that begins with
ideas and access to information, and proceeds to the creation of meaning
and new understanding, often undertaken with others who share an interest
in the things that interest students (and their teachers!). This session
provides a framework for understanding what learning online looks like
in the classroom, and considers why the learning highway is a place where
collisions are supposed to happen.
11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Perspectives from the Eye of the Storm:
Child Safety on the Internet
Patty Aftab,
Executive Director of Cyberangels, President of the North American Action
Committee for UNESCO’s Innocence in Danger program
Della Curtis,
Director of Balimore County Schools Libraries
Art Wolinsky,
Technical Director, Online Internet Institute
Learn how progressive educators
are shifting the focus from filtering to learning, in addressing concerns
for child safety in a variety of forums. From Wired Kids! to Cyberangels,
to Parent Internet Education to proactive policy development, this panel
shares strategies that are beinmg used from global, national, regional,
state and local levels.
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Lunch Break
1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Student Powered Technology Integration
Judy Shasek,
eSmart Mentor
Turning a challenge into
an opportunity, Shasek has succeeded in harnessing student talents, energy
and skills to meet technical and curricular needs. She discusses recognizing
the value of using student technology expertise to create projects that
integrate technology into the curriculum; developing an individualized
and customized plan for student-led technology integration; role playing
the “solutions process” <http://www.esmartmentor.com/nn-rubric.htm>;
creating a list of at least five ways student technology mentors can enhance
the learning process; accessing an online lesson plan and designing a way
to have students customize and teach the lesson. She highlights some ways
the K-12 teacher can collaborate with the library/media specialist using
the processes on the eSmart Web site.
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Bridging the Digital Divide — What
Each of Us Can Do
Ferdi Serim,
Editor, MultiMedia Schools
Andy Carvin,
The Benton Foundation
Ted Nellen, Cybrarian,
Murray Bergtraum HS, NYC
A century ago, Andrew Carnegie
created the public library system to meet the equity challenge of his day:
access to books. Are we prepared to address today’s version of the same
challenge? Technology need not exacerbate existing educational and economic
disparities in our society, but simply providing access to computers, networks
and information will not do the job. This session presents practical lessons
learned by those who’ve succeeded in addressing multicultural, multi-lingual
and special needs populations, and acquaints you with the Digital Divide
Clearinghouse, a project of the Benton Foundation and the AOL Foundation,
so that you can provide leadership in your own community on the most pressing
Civil Rights issue of our time.
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