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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 43, Number 5 - September/October 2019


Page 4
Good online searchers excel at creating elaborate strategies and workarounds.
By Marydee Ojala
The Searcher's Viewpoint
Page 46
Macmillan's statement accusing libraries of cannibalizing its sales is like McDonald's complaining about a school lunch program cutting into its french fry profits.
By Jessamyn West


Page 6
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
By Greg R. Notess
Page 48
Conference Corral
What Is So Rare as a Conference Day in June
By Marydee Ojala


Page 10
Four Techniques for Better Research Guides
Research guides, predominantly LibGuides from Springshare, are a staple in libraries. Yet the ease of creating guides is deceptive. Librarian Andy Hickner shares his basic strategies—his tips and tricks—to make sure that your research guides are the best they can possibly be.
By Andy Hickner
Page 16
Instagram is huge, but isn't just for celebrities and influencers. Internet expert Tara Calishain shares the incredible variety of Instagram accounts that exist to document the history, identity, and culture that might otherwise be lost or overlooked. The sheer beauty of posts to these accounts is breathtaking.
By Tara Calishain
Page 22
Customized, Curated Newsletters: Solving Information Overload
Information overload is a real phenomenon that costs the economy trillions every year. Laura Gordon-Murnane has a solution. She describes her process for solving information overload by creating targeted, customized, and curated newsletters, news roundups, and market briefs.
By Laura Gordon-Murnane
Page 26
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth in a Post-Truth World
It's apparently a "post-truth" world, and yet degrees of "truthiness" exist, ranging from misinterpretations to hoaxes to outright propaganda. Barbie Keiser looks at "fakeness" from all angles, with reflections on why fakes exist, reminiscences about the value of fact-checking, and suggestions for combatting and identifying untrue information.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 34
Searching for Music With Emotion
Our moods and our music are closely related. Angela Hrcková, a librarian, and Milan Macko, a musician, team up to discuss classification of mood, the difference between emotions in music versus emotions from music, how to detect emotions in music, and the extraction of emotion from music signals.
By Andrea Hrckova, Milan Macko
Page 40
Patent Search Basics: The Importance of Prior Art
Patent searchers know the importance of prior art searching, which can involve both searching the patent and the non-patent literature. Newer technologies, such as semantic search, enhance the relevancy of results.
By Paul Henriques


Internet Express
Page 51
The Slightly Great Outdoors: How Social Media Is Impacting the Future of Public Lands and Outdoor Adventure
Carly Lamphere reports on how the National Parks Service and the U.S. Forest Service are being overwhelmed by new visitors, due in large part to social media influencers. Throw in the government shutdown and the inexperienced hitting the trails—and going off them—and it hasn't been a good 12 months for public lands. The future isn't looking all that great either.
By Carly Lamphere
InfoLit Land
Page 55
Metaliteracy, the Framework, and All Those Other Statements
Information literacy expert Bill Badke suggests it's time to rethink the concept, which has become too complicated. He suggests that metaliteracy, which comprises a host of other literacies, is the right way to go and that we need to go back to basics. Communication of standards is important.
By William Badke
The Dollar Sign
Page 58
In the sciences and in medicine, we hear a lot about predatory publishing, but not so much in the business research world. Marydee Ojala asks if this is because no business-oriented predatory journals exist (no, they do) or whether the impact isn't as great (it's probably not). Business librarians still need to be alert to the presence of predatory publishing.
By Marydee Ojala
Hard Copy
Page 61
Recommended Reading on Library Discovery Systems, Voice-First Computing, and New Library Technologies
By Jennifer A. Bartlett
Online Spotlight
Page 64
Would You Trust a Free Taxi?
Well, would you trust a free taxi if it routinely drove past restaurants owned by the same company that owned the taxi? It's the role of the information professional to warn people about impartiality and potential bias in free web searching.
By Mary Ellen Bates


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