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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 43, Number 4 - July/August 2019


Page 4
There's a difference between supporting OA and demanding that everything be free.
By Marydee Ojala
The Searcher's Viewpoint
Page 46
By David Weinberger


Page 6
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
By Greg R. Notess
Page 48
Conference Corral
Conferences Come in Many Forms: CIL, AIIP, and IOLUG


Page 10
Although fake news is not a new phenomenon, it has generated a lot of publicity recently. For information professionals to neutralize fake news, we need to understand its origins and the emotional components that underlie it. Researcher Amy Affelt spells out her ideas for a playbook to combat fake news.
By Amy Affelt
Page 18
To Be Or Not to Be Competitive Intelligence Tools
When is a CI tool not a CI tool? Barbie Keiser is skeptical of products that advertise themselves as CI tools but are really little more than social media monitoring tools. She is impressed with tools that actually help in the CI process without misrepresenting themselves.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 26
Digital Storytelling Reinvents the News: The Rise of Data Journalism and Its Impact on Libraries
The news is going digital—which makes data journalism increasingly important. New collaborative approaches to detailed, in-depth investigations promise to not only change our perception of the news, but can also lead to important new discoveries and comparisons. For libraries, researchers, and citizens alike, this enhanced form of information provides a level of detail and analysis.
By Nancy K. Herther
Page 34
Savvy SEC Searching for Public Company Insiders and Financial Advisors
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a comprehensive repository of public company information, since these companies are required by law to submit reports to the agency. However, as Roger Magnus points out, searching the SEC database for information on insiders and financial advisors can be tricky.
By Roger Magnus
Page 40
MIT librarian Katherine Dunn highlights recent developments in OA, using examples drawn from her experience with the scholarly publishing system. She discusses publisher agreements (and disagreements) and academy-owned publishing and concludes that how best to make OA happen is still unresolved.
By Katharine Dunn


Internet Express
Page 51
Happy 30th Birthday World Wide Web: My How You Have Grown!
Carly Lamphere takes a stroll down memory lane, looking at the ways the birth of the web has changed our daily lives—and not always for the better—since its debut in March of 1991. From fun memes and online communities to web design and online hoaxes, as Lamphere notes, it's been quite a ride so far.
By Carly Lamphere
InfoLit Land
Page 55
Open Access and the Developing Researcher
The rise of OA has implications for information literacy, Bill Badke reviews recent developments in OA and looks at the range of problems newer researchers, who are often unfamiliar with OA publishing, face. Education about finding information in scholarly journals versus searching Google will be increasingly necessary.
By William Badke
The Dollar Sign
Page 58
Business Trends, Fads, Rumors, and Influencers
Is it a trend or merely a fad or a rumor? How do thought leaders and influencers affect trend analysis? Marydee Ojala explores the idea of trend research, which isn't the same thing as trending on Twitter. Trend spotting, done well, leads to improved product development and pinpoints business activities to either expand or drop.
By Marydee Ojala
Hard Copy
Page 61
Recommended Reading on Artificial Intelligence, Metadata, Digital Literacy, and Low-Cost Business Research
By Jennifer A. Bartlett
Online Spotlight
Page 64
The New Value Equation
Changes in the information landscape present searchers with a Hobbesian choice: We can conduct deep searches in fee-based online services that don't cover non-traditional sources or start with a web search engine that won't give comprehensive results.
By Mary Ellen Bates


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