Volume 42, Number 3 - May/June 2018
EDITORIALFrontLines Page 4 If librarians promise unbiased search results but depend upon databases or websites with systemic missing information, those results are not neutral. By Marydee Ojala The Searcher's Viewpoint Page 25 David Shumaker calls out the disconnect of librarians being both the champions of information and the destroyers of it when that information pertains to their patrons. There is, he proposes, a better option. By David Shumaker DEPARTMENTSPage 8 Search Engine Update By Greg R. Notess Page 54 Conference Corral Visions of Libraries: Present and Future FEATURESPage 10  Looking for science information doesn't doom you to spending a lot of money. As Jeffrey Meyer points out, you can find at least a dozen free science resources on the web. He spells out which ones he recommends for general science, health and medicine, the natural world, and a few more, discussing what they contain. By Jeffrey Meyer Page 16 Persistence of Predatory Publishing Received an invitation to publish in what looks like a prestigious journal? Be careful, as "prestigious" may actually be "predatory." Marydee Ojala traces some of the history of predatory journals and Jeffrey Beall's attempts to combat its nefarious effects on scholarly literature. By Marydee Ojala Page 20 Cabells Scholarly Analytics: A Go-To Authority on Journal Quality With the demise of Beall's List, Cabells has stepped up by creating a Whitelist and a Blacklist to offer scholars two selective lists of vetted journals along with resources to identify publishing scams. Paul Blobaum reviews these two lists available from Cabells, evaluating both their good points and where they fall a bit short. By Paul Blobaum Page 31 George Plosker shares the details and ideas presented at a continuing education program offering from the Special Libraries Association. The program he attended focused on incorporating artificial intelligence applications into library research tools. By George Plosker Page 36 Attention-getting and doom-and-gloom headlines from this past February seemed to proclaim that the end of social media as we know it may be quickly approaching. George Pike digs deeper than the headlines and explains how one shared photo has made linking to copyrighted texts and images a lot more complex—but not impossible. By George H. Pike Page 40 Competitive Intelligence Portals for the 21st Century  Barbie Keiser continues her exploration of competitive intelligence portals, noting that some tools facilitate comprehensive intelligence gathering efforts while others help organizations make sense of what's going on. Human insights, in addition to artificial intelligence, are a determining factor in choosing a portal. By Barbie E. Keiser Page 50 Smartphone Research: Lessons Learned Do research while on public transportation? In a coffee shop? "Sure, why not?" says Sophia Guevara, who takes us on her journey about learning how to effectively conduct serious research using just a smartphone. Her research project had a very short time to completion, which was one reason to test out the phone approach. By Sophia Guevara COLUMNSInternet Express Page 27 Outdoor and Active Tech: New Gadgets for a Unique Summer Vacation  Gone are the days when outdoor summer activities meant leaving all your mobile devices at home. Carly Lamphere highlights some of the newest ways to keep connected whether you are relaxing by the pool, working out in the gym, or hiking on a trail. By Carly Lamphere InfoLit Land Page 57 Information Literacy in a Teaching Hospital Information literacy doesn't stop at the library door. Bill Badke gained insights about infolit even while in the hospital. Observing and talking with nurses, he came away with the thought that people learn a subject by becoming practitioners of that subject. By William Badke The Dollar Sign Page 60 Past as Prologue: Company Histories Although most business research concerns recent information, when you're asked to go back in time for company information, you need sources of company histories, both from the company itself and from external sources. By Marydee Ojala Control-Shift Page 63 As a result of a planned 5-year renovation at his library, Jeff Wisniewski's been thinking a lot about the future, including how to design spaces and services for future use and where technology fits in. He developed a toolkit as a result. By Jeff Wisniewski The Open Road Page 66 Crowdsourced Open Database to Help Monitor Political Advertising Does a crowdsourced open database have a role to play in monitoring political advertising? Eric Hinsdale looks at the Political Ad Collector project from ProPublica and the implications of its Facebook connection. By Eric Hinsdale Hard Copy Page 69 Recommended Reading on Information Management, Print on Demand, Listening, and Electronic Resources By Deborah Lynne Wiley Online Spotlight Page 72 Back to the Future With Hypertext The emergence of text and data mining (TDM) changes the questions we can ask and what our answers look like. It's no longer the information contained in full text, it's the relationship between pieces of information. By Mary Ellen Bates