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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 40, Number 3 - May/June 2016


Page 4
Ready reference is now an app rather than a professional job skill.
By Marydee Ojala
Searcher's Voice
Page 25
Info pros no longer hold the keys to the trove of resources available online. As bq ponders what new tasks need doing, at the top of her list are information audits—not of institutional activities, but of individual people's needs.
By Barbara Quint


Page 6
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
By Greg R. Notess
Page 51
Conference Corral
Research, Innovation, and Imagination at Computers in Libraries


Page 10
Decisions, Decisions: Questions to Consider When Selecting Video Databases
Lights! Camera! Action! If only adding video databases to your library's collection were as simple as those three words. As Mary Wahl points out, you need to consider licensing, usage data, accessibility, discovery, and "cool" features. Video vendors differ significantly, so it's good to be prepared.
By Mary Wahl
Page 14
The Rowdy Crowd: Disruptive Technologies in the Legal Industry
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.The longtime stalwarts of legal research are being challenged by the disruptive technologies of newcomers. Legal research expert Constance Ard explains how visualization, analytics, and mobile information delivery from newer companies are changing the nature of legal research.
By Constance Ard
Page 20
Conveying the Meaning Behind the Data
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Conducting online searches is only part of information professionals' job skills. Understanding the data retrieved, correlating it with existing information, and reporting it to the requestor is both an art and a science. Barbie Keiser reviews a plethora of tools to help you convey the meaning behind the data.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 30
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.This well-known pair team up to delve into a question that is as pertinent today as it was more than 20 years ago: "What is to become of the traditional delivery methods of information services within an organization?" While what defines "traditional" has changed in the last 2-plus decades, addressing this issue is more crucial than ever.
By James Matarazzo, Toby Pearlstein
Page 36
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Deciphering top-level domains (TLDs) is not as easy as it used to be. Wallace Koehler looks at the growth of TLDs, as well as the increase of the corresponding character sets, and explains why their proliferation is not exactly cause for celebration within the searcher community.
By Wallace Koehler
Page 42
Blogging: An Old Format, Still Going Strong
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Remember blogs? They're been around for more than a decade but have evolved considerably. Veteran blogger Tara Calishain, who started her first blog in 1995, explains blogging platforms and search engines. Even if you aren't a blogger, you can find valuable information in blogs.
By Tara Calishain
Page 46
The increasing availability of information in digital formats created the need to create new, different, and better methodologies to manage and share all those references attached to scholarly articles. Both established publishers and startup companies have jumped on the bandwagon to provide reference management and sharing tools.
By Cynthia Shamel


Internet Express
Page 27
Archives of the Americas, (Mostly) Free Online
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Irene McDermott sings the praises (as well as lines from her new obsession, Hamilton the Musical) of online resources that share the annuals of the Americas. From the New York Public Library's Digital Collections, Harvard University's Colonial North American Project, and Digital State Archives, to favorites such as the Library of Congress and Internet Archives, info pros have a variety of go-to options when seeking historical documents.
By Irene E. McDermott
On the Net
Page 54
Advanced Search Techniques: Geolocation and Structured Data Search
Google's advanced search features and capabilities are disappearing rather quickly. Greg Notess shares some techniques regarding geolocation, browser-based local searching, and field searching that help replace some "disappeared" features.
By Greg R. Notess
The Dollar Sign
Page 57
Banking on Financial Services Information
As an industry under increasing scrutiny, financial services is in the news because of changing definitions, practices, and regulatory requirements. Marydee Ojala looks at websites and subscription databases to include in researching banks and other financial institutions.
By Marydee Ojala
InfoLit Land
Page 60
Playing With Search Platforms
Librarians know that some search platforms are better than others. But what constitutes "better"? Information literacy plays a role in keeping big search engines from creating more problems than they solve.
By William Badke
The Open Road
Page 63
The Evolution of Repository Services
Repositories, once viewed as a stumbling block on the road to open access, are now an established element, with content and infrastructure in place. Looking ahead, how can institutions increase repositories' visibility, curate content, and work with publishers?
By Abby Clobridge
Page 66
It's time for webmasters to consider how to deal with IPv6, the longer IP address that is becoming the new standard; with https, the more secure web protocol; and with AMP, the accelerated mobile pages initiative.
By Jeff Wisniewski
Hard Copy
Page 69
Recommended Reading on Digital Photo Editing, Metaliteracy, Government Information, and Data Visualization
By Deborah Lynne Wiley
Online Spotlight
Page 72
Information by the Liter?
Information as commodity isn't an ideal situation for information professionals. Mary Ellen Bates reports her survey results of special librarians and information professionals on their biggest concerns in purchasing digital content.
By Mary Ellen Bates


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