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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 39, Number 3 - May/June 2015


Page 4
Roles and responsibilities for information professionals abound when it comes to technology.
By Marydee Ojala
Searcher's Voice
Page 33
At first thought, you might wonder if cat herding really has anything to do with the road that information professionals find themselves traveling these days. However, per the norm, while bq might pussyfoot around bit, she does finally make a suggestion that info pros will want to pounce on.
By Barbara Quint


Page 6
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
By Greg R. Notess
Page 60
Conference Corral
NFAIS and ACRL: Anticipating Demand and Creating Sustainability


Page 10
Digitizing Medical Officer of Health reports for the greater London area, putting them freely available online, and reconciling data anoma­lies for searchability was the challenge facing the Wellcome Library. The resulting website is a boon to social and medical historians.
By Lalita Kaplish
Page 16
VIVO: An Overview and Its Implementation atBrown University
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Brown University implemented VIVO, an ontology-driven web application that enables the discovery of research and research activi­ties across institutions or research groups, to replace an existing researcher profile system. Other institutions have used VIVO for interest­ing Linked Data projects.
By Ted Lawless
Page 21
Looking for Books in All the Right Places
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.A core activity for librarians is acquiring and recommending books. As formats for books expand from print to electronic, and devices on which people read books evolve, websites where advice on what to read is given and books are discussed have also proliferated.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 27
Library Support for Text and Data Mining
The newest iteration on the information re­search front is text and data mining (TDM). However, before anything can be mined, proper licensing agreements must be in place. Academic librarian Darby Orcutt has paved the way for others in his negotiations for a TDM-friendly license for Gale databases.
By Darby Orcutt
Page 38
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.In this article, a perfect companion piece to the topic of malware, Edward Vawter takes an in-depth look at how to protect your computer, smartphone, and other devices from being compromised to begin with. Basically, he says, it's all about your passwords: how you pick them and how you store them.
By Edward Vawter
Page 44
Advanced Citation Searching
As Nancy Herther notes, in the last 50 years, cited references have become a field of study that highlights scientific advancements as well as key researchers, institutions, and ideas. She concludes her article with a wish list of features to enhance citation searching.
By Nancy K. Herther
Page 49
Recent changes in top management at several professional associations for librarians and information professionals set longtime association supporter Michael Gruenberg wondering about the future viability of these associations and their value to current and prospective members.
By Michael Gruenberg
Page 54
An API of APIs: A Content Silo Mashup for Library Websites
Beware the content silos of library websites. With so much information to manage, and with it classified in different ways, the Johns Hopkins University library found the answer with Rapier, an API of APIs, which it developed as a Ruby as a Rack application.
By Sean Hannan


Internet Express
Page 35
Ransomeware: Tales From the CryptoLocker
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Irene McDermott tackles a scary and increasingly serious problem plaguing PCs and Macs to Android phones and iOS devices: ransomeware. She looks at all three levels of ransomeware—scareware, lock-screen viruses, and encrypting malware—providing ways to "repossess" your devices and, hopefully, your files, or, better yet, avoid the situation altogether.
By Irene E. McDermott
On the Net
Page 62
Google’s Fascinating Facets
Greg Notess continues his exploration of advanced search capabilities, this time concentrating on Google facets and limits, both in its U.S. incarnation and in other countries. Mastering the intricacies of advanced search enhances information professionals' skill sets.
By Greg R. Notess
The Dollar Sign
Page 65
Determining Political Risk
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.There are many risks in the business world, but political risk is gaining in importance. As multinational companies worry about terrorism, insurgency, pandemics, regime change, and currency alterations, information professionals can offer data to assist with planning and risk assessment.
By Marydee Ojala
The Open Road
Page 68
Libraries, Meet Open Textbooks
The affordability of textbooks is a hot-button item for students, faculty, and parents. Can open textbooks alleviate the pain? What are libraries doing in regards to etextbooks? Abby Clobridge investigates.
By Abby Clobridge
InfoLit Land
Page 71
Ten Things We Really Should Teach About Searching
The casual searcher regards searching as an easy process. From an information literacy perspective, Bill Badke begs to differ, explaining the 10 things he thinks should be taught about the subtleties of online research. Hint: It's not just Boolean operators.
By William Badke
Page 74
Where Good Ideas Come From
When we set out to solve a problem, how do we know it's a problem that our users care about? From a lean startup viewpoint, it's a good idea to develop an initial experimental product to test the hypothesis that it's a needed improvement.
By Darlene Fichter, Jeff Wisniewski
Hard Copy
Page 77
Recommended Reading on Info Pros, Big Data, Social Media, and Needs Analysis
By Deborah Lynne Wiley


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