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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 38, Number 4 - July/August 2014


Page 4
Adages, those short, pithy sentences that encapsulate an entire philosophy, home truth, or worldview, can be exceptionally enlightening. They can also be completely wrong and contradict each other.
By Marydee Ojala
Searcher's Voice
Page 33
If bq ruled the library world, she would make sure that the ALA Guide to Reference, which now connects to OCLC's Find in a Library feature, would also give users contact information from the American Library Directory, such as the email of the reference librarian from the institution whose item is being sought.
By Barbara Quint


Page 6
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
New Search Features, Developments, and Content
By Greg R. Notess
Page 63
Conference Corral
Charming AIIP and Hacking CIL


Page 10
Dealing News to Support Competitive Intelligence: Betting on the Library
Like blackjack dealers, DuPont librarians responsible for delivering news relevant to competitive intelligence are under pressure to deal the cards quickly and effectively. Unlike blackjack dealers, the librarians want all their customers to win. The library's cycle of harvesting, curating, delivering, and monitoring is paying off.
By Peter M. Murphy
Page 16
Rumble in the Search Jungle: The ELK Invasion
The ELK in this article are not members of the deer family. Instead, ELK is an acronym for the open source search and analytics stack offered by Elasticsearch, which includes Logstash and Kibana. In its stampede into the search jungle, Elasticsearch offers important features for information retrieval.
By Stephen E. Arnold
Page 22
Competitive Intelligence Research Tools: Origin Inconsequential
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Some competitive intelligence products were developed for and by CI practitioners, while others sprang from related professions, such as media monitoring for communications and public relations. Regardless of their origin, these tools provide important and useful features for competitive intelligence purposes.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 28
Error Determination: The Case of the Chemical Literature
In a perfect world, scientific literature would be self-correcting. We don't have a perfect world, and errors can occur in the chemical literature for a number of reasons, including both innocent oversight and outright fraud. A longtime chemical searcher delineates what's happening with error determination and correction.
By Robert E. Buntrock
Page 54
Why do some search strategies return zero hits? Two academic librarians analyzed more than 21,000 searches to see what students use as search strategies. They found several common mistakes students made when searching subscription databases that provide guidance for teaching students how to search more effectively.
By Mariann Løkse, Mona Magnussen
Page 56
Perils and Pleasures of Prediction: Searching for Business, News, and Social Trends
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Staying ahead of the curve, noticing and responding to trends, can be hampered by information abundance. Numerous tools that help researchers winnow out the important data points can keep searchers focused on reliable predictions and accurate trends.
By Jennifer A. Bartlett


Page 38
Mining for Gold: 21st-Century Search Arrives With Text Mining
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Text mining helps searchers better analyze trends and find new information. As she shows how text mining is aiding researchers awash in an overabundance of information sources, Nancy Herther also examines how the issue of copyright is impeding access to content and how access may finally be improving.
By Nancy K. Herther
Page 44
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Has the online era eroded the quality of reference sources? Denise Bennett identifies issues of authority and accuracy, especially in online versions of print pubs, noting some positive developments. She looks at if the future of reference sources might produce the right combination of human and machine-aided indexes.
By Denise Beaubien Bennett


The Dollar Sign
Page 71
Fact-Checking Business Stories and Business Databases
Researchers, dedicated to factuality, are suspicious by nature. They look for weasel words, distrust "facts" they can't verify, and rely on a number of different websites and resources to separate fact from opinion.
By Marydee Ojala
Online Spotlight
Page 80
Reclaim Graduate Education: Move From What to Why
A graduate degree in library/information science is, indeed, a ticket to the information future, but info pros need to see their services as transformational, something that helps clients move forward.
By Mary Ellen Bates
InfoLit Land
Page 68
Who Owns Information Literacy?
Likening the advance of information literacy in academic settings to an insurrection, Bill wonders if ownership of the movement should pass from librarians to professors, but ultimately rejects that idea.The
By William Badke
Page 74
Telling Your Library’s Story One Number at a Time
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Libraries have many wonderful stories to tell, not only about what's happening with programs and resources, but also about their statistics. Darlene and Jeff show how to turn numbers into stories that "pop."
By Darlene Fichter, Jeff Wisniewski
On the Net
Page 65
Computational, Numeric, and Data Searching
Greg looks at sites and techniques for searching numbers, statistics, and data, plus he gives an update on the semantic, computational, numeric, and data search engines. Linked data also impacts search.
By Greg R. Notess
Hard Copy
Page 77
Recommended Reading on Web Metrics, Digital Libraries, Web Design, and Corporate Librarianship
By Deborah Lynne Wiley
Internet Express
Page 35
Show, Don’t Tell: Data Visualization for Libraries
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Irene McDermott highlights sites to help designed-challenged and budget-strapped librarians use graphical elements to enhance their messages to those determining their budgets and to those whom they are serving - their patrons. And if you're color-challenged as well, you need not worry: There's a site for that too.
By Irene E. McDermott


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