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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 37, Number 6 - November/December 2013


Page 4
What, is the role of information professionals when the rigors of peer review, the credibility of open access journals, and the integrity of the system is called into question?
By Marydee Ojala
Searcher's Voice
Page 33
bq uses the example of a favorite literary detective "living," so to speak, in a time when the electronic retrieval of information seemed more a work of science fiction to ponder this question: How will online remain the desired mode of operation for news gathering if the sources from the gilded age of print are no longer viable?
By Barbara Quint


Page 6
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
New Search Features, Developments, and Content
By Greg R. Notess
Page 60
Conference Corral
Future Libraries With Infinite Possibilities: IFLA's World Library and Information Congress


Page 10
Collecting, Organizing, and Communicating Medical Information
Information professionals excel at researching medical issues, but when it's personal and you need to organize and share data, experiences, and observations with medical professionals as well as family, tools such as CareZone and CaringBridge will help you out.
By Laura McBride Felter
Page 16
Semisocial Information Discovery
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Curation, publication, and reaggregation tools present new avenues for finding and sharing information. These semisocial tools create vehicles for information discovered via social media to be disseminated within organizations and to the wider world.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 24
What’s in Your Future? Oxford Economics’ Global Data and Analytics Workstation
The new workstation from Oxford Economics provides economic analysis and forecasting for 190 countries, 100 industries, and 2,600 cities or regions. This review finds the countries, industries, cities, and regions databanks to be valuable information sources that are well-designed.
By Ruth A. Pagell
Page 30
Nuclear information, particularly about energy supply, safety, and security, is increasingly democratized as part of our knowledge-based economy. Democratization changes information creation, access, and use, as the activities of the International Nuclear Information System demonstrate.
By Dobrica Savić
Page 52
Tenaciously Tackling Copyright and Licensing
As a small publisher, Berkshire Publishing Group found, to its surprise, cases where Berkshire content was published online by major companies that hold print, but not electronic, rights.
By Karen Christensen
Page 56
Open Source Content Management Systems: Can Your Pligg Jojo Alfresco?
Content management systems make it easy, quick, and economical to input content and then output an OPAC, an index, a newsletter, or a website. Open source software Drupal and Joomla contain many of the elements needed for library products and services.
By Stephen E. Arnold


Page 38
Nontraditional and Legal Research: Appellate Briefs
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Click here for supplemental contentCarol Ebbinghouse, intrepid law librarian, shares her secret for finding and following the latest appellate briefs and judicial opinions throughout the country, as well as law firm newsletters and "blawgs," all reasonably priced or even free: current awareness services. SUPPLEMENTAL CONTENT - Free and Fee-Based Appellate Court Briefs Online
By Carol Ebbinghouse
Page 43
Click here for supplemental contentNot too long ago, when a person died and left a will, his or her personal property was bequeathed as directed and that was that. As Sharp's article points out, however, in the case of the online realm, where so much is stored electronically, just because there is a will doesn't mean there will be a way for loved ones to find or access digital "remains." SUPPLEMENTAL CONTENT - Tools for Managing Your Digital Afterlife
By Crystal Sharp


Internet Express
Page 35
Local and Ephemeral: Tracking Pop-Up Events With the Internet
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article."Pop-ups" are the latest temporary "events" now trackable on the internet. Irene McDermott shares some of the more popular types of pop-ups, from mobile food options to retail offerings that have a seasonal expiration date, focusing on the role social media is playing in the pop-up phenomenon. She also visits the lighter side of flash mobs (have you seen "Do Re Mi" at the Antwerp train station?), and looks at one pair of entrepreneurs who started a flash mob business.
By Irene E. McDermott
On the Net
Page 62
What’s ‘Appening’ With Search and Apps
The app universe provides great opportunities to build new tools, experiment with new interfaces, and offer unique, branded content.
By Greg R. Notess
InfoLit Land
Page 65
Pushing a Big Rock Up a Hill All Day: Promoting Information Literacy Skills
Teaching information literacy skills can be frustrating, particularly since technology has blurred some of the traditional distinctions among formats.
By William Badke
The Dollar Sign
Page 68
Business Videos
As a source for researchers, a catalyst for changes in education, and a creative outlet for library instruction, videos hold great promise for the business researcher.
By Marydee Ojala
EBook Buzz
Page 71
Big Data, Little Numbers: Sources for Ebook Statistics
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.This list of sources of data on the ebook and ereader market will prove a boon for librarians looking for specific statistics and data to make their ebook case.
By Sue Polanka
Page 74
Writing for the Library Web: A Checkup
Writing great content for online readers (or non-online readers, for that matter) is anything but simple. These tips will make the task easier.
By Darlene Fichter, Jeff Wisniewski
Hard Copy
Page 77
Recommended Reading on Law Librarianship, Mobile Applications, and Emotional Intelligence
By Deborah Lynne Wiley
Online Spotlight
Page 80
Current State of Advanced Search: Progressing or Receding?
Web search engines are either burying or hiding the advanced search feature, yet with creative search strategies, advanced search is possible.
By Mary Ellen Bates


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