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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 37, Number 3 - May/June 2013


Page 4
At what point do fair use, intellectual property rights, and freedom of access to information collide?
By Marydee Ojala
Searcher's Voice
Page 33
Sometimes, as Barbara Quint notes, there's just no explaining business moves. In the pair of cases she discusses in "What Were You Thinking?!?" two different actions by ProQuest earn both applause and raspberries from bq. She explains why as only she can.
By Barbara Quint


Page 6
Industry News
Academics fear that Elsevier will stifle the open culture of Mendeley and put in paywalls, but Mendeley staff look forward to cleaning up some of the crowdsourced data now that they have access to Scopus and ScienceDirect.
Page 8
Search Engine Update
New Search Features, Developments, and Content
By Greg R. Notess
Page 60
Conference Corral
NFAIS and Intelligent Content
Page 10
Letters to the Editors
Concentrating on "the vast majority of people who come to us because they want a book" is the classic mistake of serving your past customers rather than planning for your future ones.


Page 12
Freedom of expression, when it comes to blog posts, can become a legal nightmare by giving you a SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation).
By George H. Pike
Page 41
Have ebooks become a necessary component of the corporate content portfolio? James M. Matarazzo and Toby Pearlstein have researched this issue through a series of interviews conducted with special and corporate librarians as well as a survey emailed to 150-plus individuals. This article shares what they found out about the importance of ebooks in the library workplace.
By James Matarazzo, Toby Pearlstein
Page 16
U.S. Government Contract Databases
Two business librarians explore how to find money from the federal government and what sequestration is likely to mean for funding sources.
By Amy Affelt, Eric C. Schwarz
Page 21
ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States: Familiar and better!
ProQuest "rescued" the Statistical Abstract after the Census Bureau abandoned it. How does the new version stack up?
By Patricia Berens
Page 24
SIIA CODiE Finalists
Learn what this year's CODiE winners (and finalists) have to offer to the serious researcher.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 31
News URLs Tell Their own Stories
It's increasingly feasible to assess the relative value of an online news item from characteristics of its URL.
By Gary Stock
Page 52
Promises Of Walled Gardens and Foss
Open source software is taking on some of the attributes of commercial software, breaking down walls between the two philosophies.
By Stephen E. Arnold
Page 58
Translators without borders
Translators Without Borders, which works to translate 80 medical articles into 80 languages, believes more people die from lack of information than lack of medication.
By Marydee Ojala
Page 38
Lost in the Cloud
Thinking about transferring your musical cache from an iPod to the cloud? You might want to read about Terry Ballard's experiences with some well-known cloud services before you attempt to send your collection to a "server in the sky."
By Anne Caputo


The Dollar Sign
Page 71
Alert the Troops: Incoming Business News!
The idea of alerts for current awareness is hardly new, but technologies and availability are changing.
By Marydee Ojala
Online Spotlight
Page 80
Of Hashtags and Descriptors
The self-indexing trend of Twitter hashtags reveals that even noninfo pros will add metadata to their tweets.
By Mary Ellen Bates
InfoLit Land
Page 68
Teaching Research Processes for the Long Haul
There's no point in sending students out to do research if we haven't instilled the process of doing research into them.
By William Badke
Page 74
Getting Better Results From Usability Testing
Usability testing is crucial when creating or revamping library websites. Here are some tips.
By Darlene Fichter
On the Net
Page 62
Sighting Cites and Citing Sites
With multiple citation formats in existence, how do library databases help students choose the best format and find relevant citations?
By Greg R. Notess
EBook Buzz
Page 65
Digital First Sale Gets a Shot in the Arm
Applying the first sale doctrine to ebooks turns out to be very different from how it is applied to print titles.
By Joseph Sanchez
Hard Copy
Page 77
Recommended Reading on Content, Copyright, Enterprise Search, and Cybercrime
By Deborah Lynne Wiley
Internet Express
Page 35
Lifelong Learning on the Web: Continuing Education for Independent Students
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.There has never been a question as to whether continuing education can benefit everyone. However, in days gone by, not everyone had the time or the money to go back to school. Now, attending class is as simple as sitting in front of a computer—although doing the coursework can be much more complicated! Irene E. McDermott shares the pluses—and even some minuses—of online education along with a few of the options available for those who believe one is never too old to learn.
By Irene E. McDermott


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