This month I look
at the Patriot Act, the evolution of newspapers,
free stuff on the Web, and technology lawa
little something for everyone.
Refuge of a Scoundrel:
The Patriot Act in Libraries
by Herbert N. Foerstel
ISBN: 1-59158-139-7
Published: 2004
Pages: 232 pp.; hardcover
Price: $35
Available from: Libraries
Unlimited, Greenwood Publishing Group,
88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881; 800/225-5800;
There is no piece of current legislation
more likely to cause a debate in the library
community than the U.S. Patriot Act. With a
gag order on libraries and booksellers that
have been contacted by officials in the execution
of provisions of this act, it is difficult
to know what the real effect is on the freedom
of Americans to read, browse, and utilize library
and bookstore resources. This book attempts
to document the current state of implementation
and actions resulting from this act, while
also putting the current actions into a historical
perspective of government surveillance.
The author, the former head of branch libraries
at the University of Maryland, College Park,
has a long history of monitoring and reporting
on government activities affecting intellectual
freedom in the library. He draws from some
of his other works for parts of this book,
particularly Chapter 1, which provides a history
of library surveillance. Chapter 2 gives a
brief description of this complex (342-page)
bill and how it was rushed through Congress.
Foerstel highlights the particular provisions
affecting libraries and booksellers. Chapter
3 attempts to document how the bill has impacted
libraries and the responses to the perceived
or actual threat. Chapter 4 discusses additional
related legislation, and the final chapter
talks about "fighting back" and the efforts
to modify certain provisions of the bill.
Each chapter is carefully researched and
extensively footnoted, but the author's bias
towards privacy rights and intellectual freedom
is obvious. This book is definitely aimed at
librarians and information professionals and
is a must read for those involved with public
  Digitizing the News: Innovation
in Online Newspapers
by Pablo J. Boczkowski
ISBN: 0-262-02559-0
Published: 2004
Pages: 255 pp.; hardcover
Price: $30
Available from: The
MIT Press,
5 Cambridge Center,
Cambridge, MA 02142-1493; 617/258-0676;
This highly academic bookthe author
is an assistant professor of organization studies
at the MIT Sloan School of Managementuses
three case studies to examine the evolution
of electronic publishing efforts by America's
traditional print newspapers. The initiatives
examined were the Houston Chronicle's "Virtual
Voyager," The New York Times' "CyberTimes" and
New Jersey Online's "Community Connection." Interestingly,
all three sites have since been closed or returned
to the mainstream efforts of the paper, but
that doesn't really affect the interest of
this book. It focuses on the processes within
an organization that evolve to create new products,
in this case, electronic versions of newspapers.
Digitizing the News begins
with a description of the historical efforts
of newspapers to explore electronic delivery
with such technologies as teletext, videotex,
fax, and telephone news services. The author's
point in including this information is to show
that the newspapers went through an evolutionary
rather than a revolutionary change by the time
all ended up on the Web.
The main focus of the book is an exploration
of the adoption of technology and how the backgrounds,
experiences, and attitudes of the people affect
the outcomes. The companies in the three case
studies all adopted the technology in different
ways, with different premises for what it could
do and what their users would want it to do.
The process involved long looks at what a "newspaper" really
is and what it could be in the future. While
many newspapers have become more comfortable
with the juxtaposition of print and electronic
information, many journal and other traditional
publishers are just struggling with this issue
It seems that many libraries, publishers,
and others in the information industry are
struggling with their roles now. Perhaps we
can learn from the efforts of others.
The Web Library: Building
a World Class Personal Library with Free
Web Resources
by Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo
ISBN: 0-910965-67-6
Published: 2004
Pages: 440 pp.; softcover
Price: $29.95
Available from: CyberAge
Information Today, Inc., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055; 609/654-6266;
I was pleasantly surprised by this book.
I was expecting another annotated list of Web
sites, providing more sites and less information
about them than I could ever use. Instead,
the author, a librarian at Central Connecticut
State College, has selected what he considers
the best and spends a good part of the book
describing the sites and providing background
information on the companies or persons who
developed them.
The book is divided into nine chapters, each
focusing on a different type of resource: magazine
and journal articles, news, ready reference
and ask an expert services, electronic texts
and e-books, images, and online exhibitions.
There is also a chapter devoted to software
to help you get all the plug-ins needed to
access the free information. The only type
of resource I really found missing were audio
files. Surely, there are free sites for these?
A list of all the resources cited is included
as an appendix, and the author also offers
an online Web site with the links from the
book and promises of updates. He also encourages
you to make your own portal by making your
own Web site and choosing the resources you
personally like.
A nice touch in this book is including short
interviews with key personnel behind the scenes
at selected resources. This helps you to not
only understand why the resource is available
for free to begin with, but provides more of
a feeling of legitimacy. We all know there
is no such thing as a free lunch, so how can
these high-quality resources be offered for
free? Usually the answer is marketing, although
in a few cases, such as with many electronic
texts, it is simply that copyright has expired
(or been waived) and a few idealistic people
believe that the information should be free.
In each chapter and with most resources,
the author takes the time to figure out a monetary
value for what the free resource is worth,
compared to an equivalent for-fee one. While
I think this is a bit ridiculous (and it reminds
me of those "priceless" MasterCard commercials),
if you believe his numbers, buying this book
can save you thousands of dollars. But do buy
it, as the selection of resources is good,
the commentary that goes with it is engaging,
and the combination is priceless.
  Technology Law: What Every
Business (And Business-Minded Person) Needs
to Know
by Mark Grossman
ISBN: 0-8108-4738-8
Published: 2004
Pages: 178 pp.; softcover
Price: $29.95
Available from: The
Scarecrow Press, Inc., Rowman & Littlefield
Publishing Group, Inc., 4501 Forbes Blvd.,
Suite 200, Lanham, MD 20706; 800/462-6420;
Like many people, I really wish for a world
without lawyers, or more correctly, a world
where lawyers are not necessary. Since that
Utopian state is unlikely, it is nice to find
a lawyer who can communicate in a humorous,
down-to-earth way. Grossman, a business law
attorney and head of the Technology Law Group
at the law firm of Beckert & Poliakof,
P.A., takes subjects that most of us would
like to ignore and makes us aware of the risks
and issues involved in a way that we can understand.
No small task.
This book is based on previously published
articles and columns that have been edited
and organized into 10 major subject areas.
The coverage is all areas of technology, from
copyright to venture capital to employees'
rights to privacy. Only one chapter specifically
focuses on the Internet, but of course it sneaks
its way into many topics. The author's goal
is not necessarily to give legal advice, but
to make you aware that you need legal advice
in various aspects of technology deals. In
particular, I found the sections on negotiating
contracts and analyzing standard contracts
and terms of service extremely useful and enlightening.
The amount of detail is brief, but I found
with many sections I had a small "Aha" experience
as something caught my attention. Overall,
this is probably more useful than trying to
read more detailed legalese.
There is a lot of good advice in this book,
and it is fun to read. But be prepared to have
a long list of items to discuss with your tech
lawyer when you finish.
Deborah Lynne Wiley [] is principal of Next Wave Consulting, Inc. Comments? E-mail letters to the editor